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WP 6 Communication Objectives

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1 WP 6 Communication Objectives
Develop and improve the internal communication within the SiS network Enhance the visibility and strategic external communication to the Science with and for Society stakeholders.

2 Swafs Communication Team
Terje Tuisk Estonia WP Leader Natalia Radovcic Croatia Task Leader 6.1 Promotion of network Maria Hagardt Sweden Task Leader 6.2 External Communication Adalheidur Jonsdottir, Iceland Task Support Website

3 Task 6.1 Promotion of network
Task leader: AMEUP, HR Task support: ETAG, EE Objective: Enhance the visibility of the SiS.net² project and the Science with and for Society programme.

4 Promotion Badges Folder Roll-up

5 General PowerPoint presentation

6 What have we done since Prague?
Swafs Brokerage event, 3 March, Brussels, Belgium swafs2016 Escite 9-11 June, Graz, Austria ESOF July, Manchester, UK RRI lobbying event, 15 November, Brussels, Belgium

7 at ESOF 2016

8 ESOF 2016 Session July 24: The application of RRI: societal impact of science policy and good practice from countries and regions Information activities in NCP network stand

9 The application of RRI: societal impact of science policy and good practice from countries and regions - 24 July 2016 Speakers: Reetta Kettunen, Committe for Public Information, Finland – ”Building Public Trust in Science & Open Science Initative” Antonia Khodzhaeva, Ecsite – ”Citizen Science initatives” Maria Hagardt, Vinnova – ”Challenge Driven Innovation Programme” Amr Radwan, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt – ”Research and innovation system in Egypt.” No of participants: 40

10 NCP Network collaboration
Common stand of 11 NCP networks; RICH, ETNA,, Net4Society, MarieCurie, C- Energy-net, Seren project, Bio- Horizon, Environment, Health and Cosmos. Plus the NCP Academy General information about Horizon 2020, respective programmes as well as cross cutting issues.


12 Major outreach activities 2017/2018
Swafs Brokerage event, 10 March, Brussels, Belgium okerage-events/ EUSEA May, Leuven, Belgium Escite June, Porto, Portugal ESOF 2018 Toulouse, France

13 Task 6.2 External Communication
Task leader: VINNOVA, SE Task support: RANNIS, IS Objective: Strategic communication – enhancing the use of digital media. Support to the network’s communication activities.

14 Website –
Contact: Alla Jonsdottir or Maria Hagardt

15 Tell the world we’re here! Social media @SisnetNCP #Swafs #RRI 262 followers (79 Dec 2015) 234 followers (167 Dec 2015)

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