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Chapter 8 : Lesson 2 Do now: what do you know or remember about the story of moses? Brainstorm!

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1 Chapter 8 : Lesson 2 Do now: what do you know or remember about the story of moses? Brainstorm!

2 Chapter 8 : Lesson 2 The pharaoh told the Hebrews to stop growing in numbers. They feared a revolt one day. The Hebrews followed God’s law instead and continued to multiply. The pharaoh gave a new command to throw all new born Hebrew boys into the river. One mother saved her son by placing him in a basket and sending him down river. The baby was found by the pharaoh’s daughter who named him Moses, and raised him as an Egyptian.

3 Chapter 8 : Lesson 2 Concept: Why did God choose Moses to lead His people? Exodus: Greek word for “departure” The Biblical word describing the Israelites’ departure from slavery to freedom Israelites: also called “Hebrews”

4 Chapter 8 : Lesson 2 Questions Why did Moses have to flee Egypt?
What happened at the burning bush? What name did God give to himself? What did God ask of Moses?

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