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For preschool and child care

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1 For preschool and child care
PROGRAM MODELS For preschool and child care

2 MATURATIONIST Schooled according to maturity Selected by tests
Example: Rousseau

3 BEHAVIORIST Motor development not important
Achieve academic competencies through language, reading, arithmetic Learning directed and rewarded by adults Structured environment Direct instruction (monitor responses and give feedback Example: Skinner

4 CONSTRUCTIVIST Children construct their own understanding through experience with different materials, self-direction Individual and small group learning Stimulate in all 4 developmental areas Learning process important not facts Example: Erickson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Reggio Emilia Integrated learning

5 Montessori 2 years training for a teacher
Children select their own activities Absorbed mind, prepared environment, auto education (logical pattern) Children copy reality type activities, they first learn through watching adults and older kids

6 HEAD START Support poor families from disadvantaged homes
Provides services: medical, dental etc.

7 HILL Study of children Play is learning
Creative approach to art and music Individual curriculum (emergent) Happy birthday to you NANE TO NAEYC

8 FROEBEL Play is the basis for learning Uses finger plays
Geared to the individual child Structured approach

9 PROJECT METHOD Children need directions to acquire skills
Teaching and learning are interactive Display finished work, resources convenient Topics determined by a web Has three phases DAP environment and evaluation and assessment included Parents encouraged to be involved


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