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Identifying and Effectively Utilizing a Mentor October 12, 2016

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1 Identifying and Effectively Utilizing a Mentor October 12, 2016
BOSTON COLLEGE WORLD-WIDE WEBINARS Identifying and Effectively Utilizing a Mentor October 12, 2016 Presentation Title: Social Security – The choice of a lifetime Promotional description: The Social Security decision is one of the most important decisions you will face about your retirement – a decision that could potentially result in accumulating hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional retirement income. Providing guidance for this important decision can set the stage for a broader discussion about their retirement income plans. This presentation breaks down and simplifies the many rules and filing options for Social Security, and demonstrates how you can make a suitable decision for your needs by analyzing and comparing different Social Security filing options. Presentation script begins below: Good [morning/afternoon/evening]. My name is [Wholesaler name] from Nationwide. Today’s presentation is focused on the Social Security opportunity. The choices about when and how to file for their Social Security benefits is one of the most important decisions you will make. It will have a direct effect on how your essential and discretionary expenses are met throughout retirement, and in most cases the decisions are permanent. Social Security planning is an opportunity to work with your financial advisor to lay a solid foundation for a comprehensive retirement income solution. Your financial advisor can help you in making the transition from accumulating assets for retirement to withdrawing those assets during retirement. Your advisor can also help you understand how to integrate Social Security decisions into a retirement income plan Donna Sullivan ’85

2 Mentoring How to effectively support your current and future career success

3 Today’s Hopes What is a mentor? How do I find them?
How do we maximize his/her value How do I become a mentor? Values, Time, Content Mentor Programs What works, what doesn’t

4 Strategy What is a Mentor?
A Person senior to you who can advise, consult & provide development options

5 Value of Mentors Been there…..done that Easier to network
Greater exposure to different cultures and information No threat advice for problem solving or difficult decision making

6 Why Do I Need One Balanced perspective
Not in the weeds of the moment Ability to help you develop a strategy instead of tactical job to job approach Strongest networking partner for you Gets you where you can’t by yourself

7 How Do I Find a Mentor Why are you looking?
Career support Community support Family/personal support More than one mentor is a blessing. There is no cap.

8 Career Mentors Any function/industry – doesn’t have to be yours
Needs to WANT to be Needs to KNOW they are! Often better when not in a formal program. Better if they are not your boss or HR representative Openness Performance appraisal ramifications

9 Community/ Personal Mentors
What is your passion? Religion Sports Community development Politics Family Alignment with desired development

10 How Do I Begin Know who you are and what your value is BEFORE reaching out Understand what the relationship is Develop a “Product” mentality and maintain a tactical and strategic plan Mutually understand how the interactions will take place Meetings Social media Group events

11 Managing Your Career Know your product Know your market
Stay up to date with current market trends! Mentors support – they can’t manage your career

12 Mentor Keys Do’s Don'ts Seek out development advice Ask for promotions
Ask for and provide functional/industry insight – Career Mgmt Seek to gossip Have an agenda Expect the other to carry the discussion Conclude every meeting with action items Waste valuable time – yours or theirs

13 Who gets Mentored Millennials ( 80’s and 90’s) Gen X ( 60’s and 70’s)
Represent more than ½ the current workforce Gen X ( 60’s and 70’s) Smallest % of current workforce Baby Boomers are retiring….


15 A Typical Millennial Exchange
Millennial : What’s one thing I can do to be more successful in my role? Mentor : Ask for more feedback for team mates …..some minutes later…… Mentor: You tend to leave things to last minute. Plan more. And this occurred using TWITTER

16 Mentor vs. Coach What’s the Difference
Mentor Coach Focus You! Performance Role Facilitator – no agenda Specific Agenda – 6 month targets Relationship Self Selected Assigned by organization Source of Influence Perceived Value for You Position Personal Return Affirmation/Growth/ Development Teamwork/Performance Scope of Work Life Situation - organization Matt M. Starcevich, Ph.D. CEO Center For Coaching & Mentoring, Inc.

17 Positions not posted yet
The Job Market Postings / Recruiters/ contract firms Formal Networking Positions not posted yet Created Positions Informal Where is Your Control?

18 The Power of Asking!! How do I Begin with My Mentor
What do I need to do? How am I doing? Will you consider me? How should we develop the relationship?

19 How Can I Be a Mentor Mentors exist at virtually all levels of an organization and/or community What can you offer that is value add to the constituency? Will you commit the time that is required? What’s my differentiation?

20 Where are My ‘Mentees’? They exist at every age
Relationship already exists if not a formal program Who is new in your organization? Who may be struggling but has potential Who has asked you? Corporate Mentor Program Development

21 Reverse Mentoring Younger helping “mature” Technology Software
Social Media

22 Conclusion Know who you are and what your value is BEFORE seeking a Mentor Create/Maintain an internal network – think circular, not linear. Mentor can help Mentor helps you see through the trees- and creates a strategy with you Maintain an updated resume Stay informed, seek out advice – Don’t wait for reviews or appraisals.

23 Resources Starting Strong: A Mentoring Fable Lois Zachary and Lory Fischler Jossey-Bass Common Sense Mentoring Larry Ambrose The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships Lois J. Zachary Mentoring 101 John C. Maxwell

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