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Wanna Tanunchaiwatana

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Presentation on theme: "Wanna Tanunchaiwatana"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wanna Tanunchaiwatana
UNFCCC Seminar on the Development and Transfer of Technologies for Adaptation to Climate Change Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago, June 2005 Wanna Tanunchaiwatana Manger, Technology Sustainable Development Programme UNFCCC Secretariat

2 Background and Context
Mandates Adaptation under the UNFCCC Possible synergy within and outside UNFCCC process Issues for reflection

3 Mandates SBSTA 20 requested the secretariat to organize in early 2005 a seminar on the development and transfer of ESTs for adaptation to climate change taking into consideration the TOR to be prepared by the EGTT

4 Mandates SBSTA 21 endorsed the programme of work of the EGTT for 2005 which included an activity for the EGTT to provide advice to the secretariat for the organization of the seminar on the development and transfer of ESTs for adaptation to climate change

5 Mandates At SBSTA 21, the EGTT Chair with the support from his government offered to host the seminar in June 2005 in Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago The secretariat is requested to prepare a report on the outcome of this seminar for consideration by SBSTA 23 (December 2005)

6 Mandates The EGTT will consider the outcome of this seminar and prepare recommendations on its findings and on practical further actions for consideration by SBSTA 23 (December 2005)

7 Mandates SBSTA 20 requested the secretariat to prepare a technical paper on this issue for consideration by SBSTA 24 (May 2006) The EGTT will prepare the TOR for this technical paper at its meeting in November 2005

8 Adaptation under the UNFCCC
Adaptation is a cross-cutting activity and being addressed under various agenda items Subsidiary Body for Implementation * Articles 4.8 and 4.9 * National Communications of AI and NAI Parties * Capacity building and Article 6

9 Adaptation under the UNFCCC
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice * Development and transfer of technologies * Methods * Scientific and technical and socio-economic aspects of the impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

10 Possible synergy within and outside UNFCCC process
Possible collaboration with the LEG and CGE COP 10 requested the SBSTA to develop a five-year structured programme of work of the SBSTA on scientific and technical and socio-economic aspects of the impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

11 Possible synergy within and outside UNFCCC process
The SBSTA five-year structured programme of work (PWA) Emerging thematic areas in PWA: * Methodologies, data and modeling * Vulnerability assessments * Adaptation planning, measures and actions * Integration into sustainable development

12 Issues for Reflection What would be practical next steps to promote the development and transfer of ESTs for adaptation to climate change? What possible contributions this seminar could make for the development of the PWA ?

13 Issues for Reflection How this PWA could support the work of the EGTT?
What should be our key messages to the SBSTA?

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