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ARMAZEG Project Meeting

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1 ARMAZEG Project Meeting
TSU ARMAZEG Project Meeting , ASPU, Yerevan Ramaz Botchorishvli, Tinatin Davitashvili

2 10 pilot courses E-contest - Science Cup E-olympiad - Mathematics Mathematics – 3 courses Geology Biology Chemistry Physics Moodle

3 E-contest - Science Cup
Season – 90 teams, approx. Season – 125 teams, approx. Key features Geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, electronics Team = 5 students Phases = announcements, registration, training, distance tours, supervised tours TSU, on line, supervosed

4 E-olympiad - Mathematics
Season – 90 teams, approx. Season – 125 teams, approx. Key features Olympiads “overcrowded”, difficulties Team = 3 students Phases = announcements, registration, training, distance tours, supervised tours TSU, on line, supervosed

5 Numerical Analysis, Ramaz Botchorishvili, Tinatin Davitashvili
Dashboard Announcements, collection of links, communication Repository Lecture notes Problem books Solved examples Assignments Using in practice grading related problems, development related problems

6 Numerical Analysis Syllabus of the course Lecture Notes
Syllabus of the course Lecture Notes Practical problems Each lecture is accompanied by quizzes and theoretical tasks Lecture and Laboratory work records - coming soon

7 Course content Syllabus of the course and References Glossary
Lectures, presentations, laboratory work (topics, textbook) Laboratory works are accompanied by safety rules, relevant theoretical materials and tasks Each lecture is accompanied by a test / questionnaire in which 5 different types of tasks / questions are united Video Records about Students Activity

8 Syllabus and references;
Course content Syllabus and references; Extra materials about history of functional analysis; Lectures; Each Lecture has different test with; multiple choice and numerical questions; Practice problems; Assignments; Consultations via chat; We are planning to make glossary and video sessions about some challenge problems.

9 Some Elements of Mathematics in the Nature and in Arts
Assoc. Prof. Doc. Ilia Tavkhelidze Zk+1 = Zk2 + c Some Elements of Mathematics in the Nature and in Arts The format of this course provides more opportunities for the listener to independently study, comprehend and self-evaluate the material that has been received; Each lecture (theme) contains a presentation and a task book. There is a full or partial video version recorded with the help of the Lecture Capture system (Galicaster); The task bank is sorted by subject and on the basis of this bank are the tests and tasks for the periodic assessment and self-reflection; The listener has the opportunity to present his presentation in the format of the homework; Listeners participate in the creation of Glossary ; Exist syllabus and a list of used literature C2 = A2 + B2

10 Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences
Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences ARMAZEG project მინერალოგია 1 Mineralogy 1 RESOURCES ACTIVITIES A page can display text, images, sound, video, web links knowledge clip

11 მინერალოგია 1 Mineralogy 1 topic 3 Here comes your footer  Page 11

12 Physiology of cardio-vascular system
Lecturer: Magda Alania, Associate Professor Course is taught on Medicine program (Medical Doctor diploma study program) of Medicine faculty. Course materials on electronic portal Presentations Question bank Legacy course fififiles /index.php?contextid=117104

13 The main components of the course are:
MOODLE – ასწავლე და ისწავლე ელექტრონულად MOODLE – Teach and Learn Online! By Nino Tkeshelashvily The main goal of the course is to study and use the main concepts of MOODLE The main components of the course are: Video instructions for all activity/resource, which is used by the creators of other courses Samples for every activity or resource Glossary with definitions and translations Knowledge clips for frequently asked questions Different solutions of one and the same topic Each activity is considered individually for both creators and users of the course Students are also involved in the course creation for e-learning popularization

14 კურსის სტატუსი: სამაგისტრო მოდულის სავალდებულო საგანი
Modern Semiconductor Physics სამაგისტრო პროგრამა: გამოყენებითი ფიზიკა, Applied Physics სამაგისტრო მოდული: მასალათმცოდნეობა, მიკრო-და ნანოელექტრონიკა, Materials Science, Micro- and Nano-Electronics კურსის სტატუსი: სამაგისტრო მოდულის სავალდებულო საგანი კურსი მიზნად ისახავს თანამედროვე ნახევარგამტარული მასალათმცოდნეობის ძირითადი საკითხების შესწავლას. მნიშვნელოვანი ყურადღება ეთმობა დაბალგანზომილებიანი კვანტური სტრუქტურების (ნანოსტრუქტურების) ფუნდამენტურ და გამოყენებით ასპექტებს. სასწავლო მასალები განთავსებულია

15 Thank you for your attention

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