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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in H2020 June 2017

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1 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in H2020 June 2017
RISE Implementation Modalities

2 "Nothing in life is to be feared
"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood" is our approach to supporting you in your important role in the proposal evaluation process for RISE 2017.

3 new skills knowledge innovation
What are the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions? Research projects aiming to ensure the optimum development and dynamic use of Europe’s intellectual capital to generate: new skills knowledge innovation MSCA have supported 100,000 researchers so far and have set standards in terms of working conditions for researchers in Europe Budget : € billion


5 Categories of organisations participating in MSCA actions
Academic sector public /private higher education establishments awarding academic degrees public /private non-profit research organisations whose primary mission is to pursue research international European interest organisations (e.g. CERN, EMBL) Non-academic sector any entity not included in the academic sector: e.g. large companies, SMEs, NGOs, museums, hospitals international organisations (e.g. UN, WHO) 'Academic sector' means public or private higher education establishments awarding academic degrees, public or private non-profit research institutes whose primary mission is to pursue research, international organisations and international European interest organisations24. 'Non-academic sector' means any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector and fulfilling the requirements of the Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation. This includes all fields of future workplaces of researchers, from industry to business, government, civil society organisations, cultural institutions, etc. Standardised legal validation of entities is applied to determine the category of each beneficiary

6 ITN – Innovative training Networks
International, multidisciplinary networks of organisations Any scientific domain* Recruiting of only Early-Stage Researchers who must establish a Career Development Plan for their Training together with their Supervisors Duration up to 48 months * except areas of research covered by the EURATOM Treaty

7 European Training Networks European Joint Doctorates
ITN- implementation modes ETN EID EJD European Training Networks European Industrial Doctorates European Joint Doctorates Participants implement a joint research training programme Doctoral training with the non-academic sector Universities cooperate to deliver joint degrees 370 M€ 28 M€ 32 M€ Min. 2 beneficiaries from 2 different MS/AC: 1 academic + 1 non-academic sector Min. 3 beneficiaries from any sector from 3 different MS/AC Min. 3 beneficiaries from academic sector, awarding PhD from 3 different MS/AC

8 ITN- Researchers 1. Only Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs):
≤ 4 years of research experience no PhD yet (at the recruitment time) 2. Mandatory trans-national mobility at the time of recruitment. 3. Any nationality Contract of employment: 3 to 36 months after the project starts Researcher-months: requested in proposals Training responds to well identified needs in defined research areas, with appropriate references to inter- and multidisciplinary fields and follows the EU Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training. It should be primarily focused on scientific and technological knowledge through research on individual, personalised projects. Research Excellence Attractive Institutional Environment Interdisciplinary Research Options Exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors International networking Transferable skills training Quality Assurance The principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers2 (Charter and Code) promoting open recruitment and attractive working and employment conditions are recommended to be endorsed and applied by all the funded participants. Principles of research integrity - as set out, for instance, in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity – will apply throughout all Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions endorse the Horizon 2020 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) cross-cutting issue, engaging society, integrating the gender and ethical dimensions, ensuring the access to research outcomes and encouraging formal and informal science education.

9 ITN- Unit costs Example

10 Society & Enterprise Panel
IF- Individual fellowships Individual trans-national fellowships to the best and most promising experienced researchers Open to hosts from both academic and non-academic sectors Secondments to / from the non-academic sector: 3 – 6 months Career development with an inter-sectoral dimension Strengthening networking capabilities both for researchers and for organisations involved European Fellowships Reintegration Panel Career Restart Panel Society & Enterprise Panel Global Fellowships

11 European Fellowships Global Fellowships
IF 2017: Modes & Budget EF GF European Fellowships Global Fellowships held in EU Member States or Associated Countries based on a secondment to a third country 205M€ 33 M€ Partnerships take the form of collaborative European Training Networks (ETN), European Industrial Doctorates (EID) or European Joint Doctorates (EJD). ETN – largest share of the budget. 8 scientific panels: Chemistry (CHE), Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC), Economic Sciences (ECO), Information Science and Engineering (ENG), Environment and Geosciences (ENV), Life Sciences (LIF), Mathematics (MAT), Physics (PHY). EID – ranked in a separate panel with a dedicated budget – focus on involvement of non-academic sector in doctoral training. EJD – ranked in a separate panel with a dedicated budget – focus on creation of joint doctoral programmes leading to joint, double or multiple doctoral degrees Call Deadline: Sept. 2017 Evaluation: Oct. – Nov. 2017 Launch Grant preparation: Feb. 2018 Starting dates (estimation): 1 Mar 2018 – 1 Sept 2019

12 Mobility Rule European Fellowships: Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline For career restart, reintegration, Society & Enterprise - specific conditions (36 months in 5 years) Global Fellowships: Applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline

13 D CAR- Career reintegration
The researcher must have undertaken a career break in research i.e. must not have been active in research for at least 12 months immediately prior to the deadline for submission of proposals (15/09/16-14/09/17). Active in research: determined on the basis of : A. fellowships or B. employment contracts Professional status to be clearly explained in the proposal, both in part A and B: e.g. unemployment, parental/sick leave, no fellowship/employment contract in research

14 D Society & Enterprise Panel (SE) panel
The researcher may be of any nationality Mobility rule must be respected The beneficiary must be from the non-academic sector

15 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
Exemple IF An Italian researcher who has lived in Romania for 10 months Eligible for a fellowship in Romania Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship

16 IF –unit costs * Living allowance subject to country correction coefficient § Amount quoted is gross amount before deductions

17 The RISE scheme supports
Projects which promote staff exchanges between: MS/AC and TC (international) Intra European (MS/AC) inter-sectorial (academic and non-academic sectors)

18 What is a typical project in RISE?
Typical RISE partnership has 8-10 organisations, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Maximum 4 year duration Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

19 What does RISE fund? Eligible Secondments for staff member:
Minimum of 1 month and maximum 12 months Can be split into several stays over granting period Maximum 540 person months A RISE grant is provided for up to 4 years Grant covers eligible secondments of a staff member* Eligible Secondments: Minimum of 1 month and maximum 12 months Can be split into several stays over granting period Maximum 540 person months

20 Staff member Engaged/linked to research & innovation activities of sending organisation "Staff" for 6 months before the secondment Committed to return to complete knowledge transfer activities to sending organisation Now with some definitions: staff, sector and organisation type Who is eligible staff for secondment is defined as: Staff who are engaged/linked to research & innovation activities of sending organisation (e.g. can be by contract or any other condition of linkage according to the organisation and national rules) These individuals should be "staff" for 6 months before the secondment Also, it is assumed that as staff of the organisation they are committed to return to complete knowledge transfer activities to sending organisation Animation 1: With RISE you can consider early stage researchers, Experienced researchers, and other staff connected to the goals of the project who work in the managerial, administrative, or otherwise technical areas.

21 Staff Members Actively engaged in or linked to research/innovation activities for at least 6 months prior to first secondment at the home organisation Types of staff members: ESR (no PhD and < 4 years experience) ER (PhD or > 4 years experience) Managerial staff Administrative or Technical staff In-built return mechanism Staff members eligible for the secondments must be actively engaged in or linked to research and/or innovation activities at the sending institution for at least six months (full-time equivalent) prior to the first period of secondment. Staff members can be ESRs, ERs Managerial, Administrative or Technical staff. In all cases, the staff seconded must support directly the research and/or innovation activities of the project. ESRs and ERs defined as in FP7, so PhD candidates are typically considered as ESRs. Staff members are expected to be reintegrated in their seconding organisation after the end of the exchange period, to maximise the transfer of knowledge. Two situations usually raise questions by the applicants about being staff or not, so I will give clear instructions on those two: 1) Undergraduate or Master Students not connected to the institution by any other type of link are not considered as staff. 2) Consultants are also not considered as staff. As a general rule, links to the organisation should be something similar to an employment contract, a stipend, a fellowship, etc.

22 Participants in RISE Beneficiaries Partner Organisations - TC
Sign the Grant Agreement and claim costs Are responsible for the execution of the programme Are established in a MS/AC Partner Organisations - TC Do not sign the Grant Agreement and do not claim costs Must include a letter of commitment in the proposal Can receive funds for their own secondments except for the high income countries e.g. USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, India, Mexico, NZ, Russia, Brazil, Republic of Korea There are 2 types of participants: Beneficiaries and Partner organisations. Both types contribute to the implementation of the research project and to the training and hosting of seconded staff members. Partner organisations have to include a letter of commitment in the proposal and the evaluators will be instructed to disregard the contribution of any partner organisations for which no such evidence of commitment is submitted. Each beneficiary reports the secondments of its own staff seconded to other organisations plus the secondments of staff from TC partners to its organisation. Partnership agreements are not mandatory but are recommended if the consortium includes Partner Organisations.

23 + Consortium minimum eligibility conditions
MS/AC 1 MS/AC 2 TC + 3 participating organisations from 3 different countries Exchanges within Europe (MS/AC) must be Inter-sectoral!! Now you know about the staff, the organisations, and the definitions on the sectors, let us know tell you the minimal eligibility conditions for a RISE consortium It is quite straightforward: Animation 1: 3 participating organisations from 3 different countries (in this example Member State/Associated country 1 + MS/AC 2 + a Third Country (i.e. USA, Japan…) international dimension Animation 2: Secondments within Europe must be intersectoral (between an academic and a non-academic organisation)l!!! In the example here you see Member State/Associated country 1 (ACADEMIC) + MS/AC 2 (NON-ACADEMIC) + MS/AC (either academic/non academic) intersectoral dimension This is just for the eligibility of the organisations. Now let's look at eligibility in another sense, to do with secondments that are eligible for funding as part of the consortium's work plan.

24 Secondments eligible for funding
1. Eligible for EU Funding Academic Non-Academic TC MS/AC MS/AC 1 MS/AC 2 2. Eligible for EU Funding Firstly, only the secondments in line with the objectives of the consortium work plan AND eligible for funding are to be listed in the proposal and evaluated. These include these 3 types: Type 1 - Intersectoral Type 2 - International "sent to Third countries" Type 3 – international "sent from Third Countries" …but depends which TC and there are some exceptions we will discuss with you later. 3. To be included however eligibility for EU funding depends on the TC

25 VIVOIMAG Bone implants: a new contrast agent sensitive to enzymatic activity of metal-proteases, which will permit for the first time to follow the integration and cell differentiation activity in bone tissue bioreactors in vitro and in grafts in vivo using existing non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging techniques. UMONS 4 10 13 CSIC 8 6 5 13 DEMO BIOIMAG 4 15 4 7 BET 8 4 Total EC Contribution = 472,500 EUR / 48 months Total eligible researcher months = 105 8 BONUS

26 GREEN BUBBLES 643712 Total EC Contribution = 1,611,000 EUR / 48 months
Total eligible researcher months = 358 NHTV UNIVPM GAIA COE UBICA UBICA BURC DANEU to maximise the benefits associated with diving while minimising its negative impacts, thus achieving the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the system. This will be done by: 1) Carefully assessing and modelling the system itself; 2) Developing innovative products based on the issues and needs highlighted by assessment and modelling; 3) Promoting the uptake of such products by the system designing tailored business models and marketing plans. Direct engagement with selected stakeholders (divers, professionals, diving operators, certification agencies - CAs, MPAs, NGOs) will ensure relevant feedback throughout the project’s lifetime, as well as effective uptake of results at the end of the project. 6 DANSA NWU

27 COFUND aims at stimulating regional, national or international programmes foster excellence in researchers' training, mobility and career development spreading the best practices of Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career. Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

28 Participants in COFUND
One single Beneficiary legal entity established in an EU Member State or Associated Country Beneficiary funds or manages Doctoral Programmes or Fellowship Programmes for researchers Partner Organisations (optional) by implementing a Doctoral or Fellowship programme or by providing training and hosting to researchers during secondments. Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

29 Main futures –COFUND Doctoral
Programmes aim at the selection of early-stage researchers as doctoral candidates Selection of researchers must follow an open, transparent, merit-based, impartial and equitable procedure Vacancies must be internationally advertised and published Recruitment of researchers corresponding to typical time needed to complete a PhD in the corresponding country Candidates to the programmes should be given freedom to choose among research projects of their preference Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

30 Main futures –COFUND Fellowship
Programmes aim at the selection of experienced researchers Selection of researchers must follow an open, transparent, merit-based, impartial and equitable procedure Typical recruitment of researchers duration: from 12 to 36 months Candidates to the programmes should be able to submit their own research proposals Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

31 Ongoing call–COFUND 2017 Call closure: 28/09/2017
Budget: € 80 Million in 2017 Doctoral Programmes: 30 Million Euro Fellowship Programmes: 50 million Euro Maximum € 10 Million per single applicant per call Duration of projects: maximum 5 years (including the time taken to publish calls and recruit researchers) Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

32 Funding - COFUND EU contribution to living allowance:
Early stage researchers (ESR): € 1855/person-month Experienced researchers (ER): € 2625/person-month EU contribution to management costs: € 325/person-month Typical RISE partnership has 4-6 partners, but no upper limit Project is: Built on joint research and innovation activities Implemented through secondment of staff (i.e. NOT recruitment) Expected to be of high impact, however no minimum size and scope defined Maximum 4 year duration

33 Evaluation Panels: Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation Chemistry (CHE)
Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) Economic Sciences (ECO) Information Science and Engineering (ENG) Environment and Geosciences (ENV) Life Sciences (LIF) Mathematics (MAT) Physics (PHY) Evaluation Criteria: Award Criteria Selection Criteria Proposals will be allocated by the applicant to one of the eight evaluation panels. Research fields covered by each panel are described in a list available on the Participant Portal. Multidisciplinary project will be properly evaluated by experts covering the different panels. Evaluation criteria are divided in Award and Selection Criteria.

34 Award Criteria Proposals are evaluated on the basis of the 3 award criteria defined for the framework programme: Excellence, Impact and Implementation. Each proposal is assessed by independent experts. Evaluation scores are awarded for each of the criteria, not for their individual elements. Each criterion will be scored from 0 to 5 and the total score will be subject to a threshold of 70%. The guide for applicants gives clear instructions on how to address each criteria and its individual elements in part B of the proposal. Weightings for each criteria and priority in case of ex aequo are also indicated in the table. Note in particular that the involvement of all participants will be assessed under the excellence criterion.

35 Proposal Part A Section 1: General information (including abstract)
Section 2: Information on participants Section 3: Budget and Secondments tables Section 4: Ethics table Part A of the proposal is divided in 4 sections. Each section is filled directly in the relevant interface of the Participant Portal.

36 30 pages limit Proposal Part B
(including data for non-academic beneficiaries) 30 pages limit Part B of the proposal is a PDF document structured as indicated here. It is very important that applicants use the template provided. A limit of 30 pages applies to the total of sections 1 to 4. As regards the ethical aspects, if the proposal has ethical issues, the applicant must submit an ethics self-assessment, and address the ethical aspects in section 7 of Part B. Guidelines for the ethics self-assessment under Horizon 2020 will be available on the Participant Portal. Applicants must be aware that proposals from all scientific panels might raise ethical issues. Therefore, all applicants must check carefully the guidelines on ethics.




40 Where to find information?
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Website Horizon 2020 Participant Portal (applications)

41 Experts wanted!


43 Thank you for your attention !

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