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Module 2: Creating Data Types and Tables

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Presentation on theme: "Module 2: Creating Data Types and Tables"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 2: Creating Data Types and Tables

2 Overview Creating Data Types Creating Tables
Creating Partitioned Tables

3 Lesson 1: Creating Data Types
What Are System-Supplied Data Types? Using System-Supplied Data Types What Are Alias Data Types? Practice: Creating Data Types

4 What Are System-Supplied Data Types?
Category Data types Numeric Integer int, bigint, smallint, tinyint Exact decimal, numeric Approximate float, real Monetary money, smallmoney Date and time datetime, smalldatetime Character Non-Unicode char, varchar, varchar(max), text Unicode nchar, nvarchar, nvarchar(max), ntext Binary binary, varbinary, varbinary(max) Image image Global identifier uniqueidentifier XML xml Special bit, cursor, timestamp, sysname, table, sql_variant

5 Using System-Supplied Data Types
Exact and approximate numeric data types Exact – decimal, numeric Approximate – float, real Character data types Fixed – nchar Variable – nvarchar Date and time data Dates and times – datetime, smalldatetime Row version – timestamp Large data values Large object type – text, image max specifier – varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max)

6 What Are Alias Data Types?
Based on system-supplied types Used for common data elements with a specific format Created by using the CREATE TYPE statement CREATE TYPE dbo.StateCode FROM char(2) NULL

7 Practice: Creating Data Types
In this practice, you will: Create a data type by using SQL Server Management Studio Create a data type by using Transact-SQL

8 Lesson 2: Creating Tables
How SQL Server Organizes Data in Rows How SQL Server Organizes Large Data Values Considerations for Creating Tables Generating Transact-SQL Scripts Practice: Creating Tables

9 How SQL Server Organizes Data in Rows
Header Fixed Data NB VB Variable Data 4 Bytes Null Block Variable Block 2 Bytes 2 Bytes 2 Bytes Number of columns More column bits as required Number of variable-length columns Additional pointer per variable column Nullability bit per column (first 8 columns) Pointer to end of first variable column data

10 How SQL Server Organizes Large Data Values
Large value types out of row option ON Data row nvarchar(max) [ < 8K] nvarchar(max) [ > 8K] Large value types out of row option OFF nvarchar(max) [ < 8K] nvarchar(max) [ > 8K] Data row

11 Considerations for Creating Tables
Column collation Column nullability Special column types Computed columns Identity columns timestamp columns uniqueidentifier columns CREATE TABLE Sales.CustomerOrders (OrderID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, OrderDate datetime NOT NULL, CustomerID int NOT NULL, Notes nvarchar(200) NULL)

12 Generating Transact-SQL Scripts
Object Explorer Connect to a SQL Server Database Engine instance Expand Object Explorer and locate the object Right-click and then click Script <object type> as 1 2 3 Generate Scripts Wizard Right-click a database, point to Tasks, and then click Generate Scripts Follow the steps in the wizard 1 2

13 Practice: Creating Tables
In this practice, you will: Create a table by using SQL Server Management Studio Create a table by using Transact-SQL Generate a Transact-SQL script

14 Lesson 3: Creating Partitioned Tables
What Are Partitioned Tables? What Are Partition Functions? What Is a Partition Scheme? Demonstration: Creating a Partitioned Table What Operations Can Be Performed on Partitioned Data?

15 What Are Partitioned Tables?
Data is partitioned horizontally by range < 2003 > 2005 Sales.Orders

16 What Are Partition Functions?
Partition functions define partition boundaries Boundary values can be assigned to LEFT or RIGHT < 2003 > 2005 CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION pf_OrderDate (datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('01/01/2003', '01/01/2004', 01/01/2005')

17 What Is a Partition Scheme?
A partition scheme assigns partitions to filegroups The “next” filegroup can also be defined < 2003 > 2005 CREATE PARTITION SCHEME ps_OrderDate AS PARTITION pf_OrderDate TO (fg1, fg2, fg3, fg4, fg5)

18 Demonstration: Creating a Partitioned Table
In this demonstration, you will see how to: Create a partition function Create a partition scheme Create a partitioned table View partitioned table behavior

19 What Operations Can Be Performed on Partitioned Data?
SWITCH: Swap a populated table or partition with an empty table or partition MERGE: Combine two adjacent partitions into a single partition SPLIT: Insert a boundary in an existing partition to create a new partition SWITCH SPLIT < 2003 > 2006 MERGE

20 Lab: Creating Data Types and Tables
Exercise 1: Creating Data Types Exercise 2: Creating Tables Exercise 3: Creating Partitioned Tables

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