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Session 8: Private Sector Engagement Towards Enhanced Engagement of EO Private Sector in Africa Erick Khamala Managing Director LocateIT Ltd, Nairobi,

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Presentation on theme: "Session 8: Private Sector Engagement Towards Enhanced Engagement of EO Private Sector in Africa Erick Khamala Managing Director LocateIT Ltd, Nairobi,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 8: Private Sector Engagement Towards Enhanced Engagement of EO Private Sector in Africa Erick Khamala Managing Director LocateIT Ltd, Nairobi, Kenya

2 Who we are

3 What we offer: Earth Observation products & services
GIS products & services Positioning and navigation products & services Integrated Geo-ICT solutions Environmental and developmental modeling services (Climate change, REDD+, Land degradation, Suitability modelling for socio-economic planning & development, LULC change mapping & prediction, Early warning systems for food security & disasters, Monitoring & Evaluation services, etc)

4 The 3is FrameworkTM Information Initiatives Impacts
The 3is Framework is a Trade Mark of LocateIT Limited 4 of 20

5 Our Valuable Partners And we are still reaching out for
more strategic partnerships

6 Some key global statistics ........




10 Revenue Trend 2001 2014 60.5% 28.7% 7.8% 2.9%

11 Status, Capacities, Opportunities and
Challenges of EO Private Sector in Africa

12 Status Capacities Opportunities Challenges
Awareness of importance of EO growing albeit very slowly Fewer EO companies than GIS companies in Africa EO companies growing in number in Africa Increasing RS courses in African academic and professional training institutions Increasing subsidiaries of established western / eastern EO companies in Africa Horizon of EO and GI products & services expanding to new frontiers / non-traditional users Capacities Existence of national & regional EO institutions Existence of key EO installations (receiving stations, etc) Fairly good capacities in sale of satellite imagery and software More services in high resolution than low resolution satellite imagery More services in optical than SAR imagery More services in multi-spectral than hyperspectral imagery Opportunities African space policy and national space policies Growing awareness on EO by Govts, etc Increasing number of free imagery Availability of open source RS software Increasingly affordable hardware (computers, antennas) Increasing pool of EO graduates and practitioners Enabling technologies (access to Internet, enhanced bandwidth, cloud computing, IoT) Increased interest by EO companies outside Africa Onset of enabling policies for engagement of EO private sector (e.g GMES & Africa) Increasing funding mechanisms for EO private sector (innovation competitions, etc) Presence of capacity building programs / projects (SERVIR, MESA / GMES & Africa) Broadened applications scope & frontiers and client base (mobile devices, UAVs & UUVs, etc) The Galileo Open Service that targets mass market in motor vehicle navigation and location-based mobile telephone services SDGs, international conventions, etc that can leverage on EO Challenges Lack of relevant policies and attendant strategies in many African countries (ICT, GI, Space, data sharing, etc) Inadequate awareness on the importance of EO in planning and development Lack of adequate budgeting for EO by governments and other users Non-engagement of African players in global EO initiatives (global land cover maps, etc) Lack of ancillary courses for EO in academic & professional training institutions (business development, etc) Lack of national and regional strategies for comprehensive use of EO to address local priorities Lack of a strong network of African EO companies Lack of dedicated regular awareness creation programs for policy/decision makers and traditional & non-traditional EO users Lack of a good communication strategy for EO to policy/decision makers and end-users

13 Way Forward for EO Private Sector
in Africa

14 Need for formation of a strong network of African EO companies:
A group of African EO companies led by LocateIT and GeoSAS are forming the African Association of Remote Sensing Companies (AARSC) Full members must be EO companies registered in an African country Associate members will be other EO players in Africa AARSC Secretariat will be based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia AARSC shall: Be the umbrella non-profit entity for African EO companies that will promote EO entrepreneurship foster growth of EO private sector and entrepreneurship in Africa foster Public Private Partnerships (PPP); intra and inter continental partnerships; and cross-sectoral business-to-business partnerships engage with AfriGEOSS/GEO, EARSC, among other such entities promoting EO private sector etc

15 What we must do with EO in pursuit of the Africa we want
CONCLUSION: What we must do with EO in pursuit of the Africa we want

16 (and national space policies and strategies)
Determine the most strategic, well-prioritized, sustainable pathways for successful actualization of the African Space Policy and Strategy (and national space policies and strategies) Introduce EO at lower levels of our education system (EO clubs, EO competitions e.g essays & posters, EO curricula, etc) Come up with a comprehensive short, medium and long term EO communications strategy targeting traditional and non-traditional users that adequately demonstrates tangible societal benefits of EO Support creation of networks of excellence (global, intra-African, south-south, north-south, inter-sectoral, etc) (e.g AARSC) Grow the African EO private sector (especially SMEs) that will: create wealth and employment spur innovation and entrepreneurship work with African governments (generally governments tend to trust local players more) become local partners for international EO companies keen to build partnerships including Public Private Partnerships.


18 1. Engage with Eutelsat / DSTv to promote EO to young students
(14 – 19 year olds) in Africa 2. Establishing networks of excellence: Develop a framework that will guide engagement of local players in global EO and EO related initiatives / programs (eg global Land Cover mapping programs) Develop a framework that will guarantee translation of EO services to desired impacts (at policy/decision-making and other end-user levels) Develop a framework that will guide engagement of EO private sector players in Africa and other regions with similar challenges

19 Thank you

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