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Foundation for the future
Strategic Plan Foundation for the future 27th August 2015 What is PHF about? • Whole life support for people with complex learning difficulties • Support child and adults and their families • Cradle to grave concept What is our vision? • To grow from directly reaching out to young people across the North East (impact a lot more but this is about core services) Why us, why are we different? • Only one of our kind in North East • Well respected teaching and care provider What are out biggest challenges? • We are full to capacity in most of our services • Services provided in buildings that are run down and no longer fit for purpose, as will have seen Where are we now? • We have started our journey, Phase 1 is underway and will be complete by October • This is the first step in a plan that will take us at least 5 years to achieve • With the support of the SJP as an investor we can deliver this big change sooner (modelling 18 months – 2 years sooner)
Why do we need a new plan ? We have seen significant growth over the last 5 years and are a much bigger organisation – almost 1000 staff and £25m budget We have been working to develop a clear vision for services and for the Foundation – so we want to share it There are new opportunities to grow and do things differently There are new challenges to meet – Local Authorities wanting more for less, Living Wage We want to continue our journey of offering more services to more service users and their families
Strategic planning process
Vision mission values Leadership team values workshop Strategic objectives Exec team work to define objectives Business Plans Service Teams and workshops Accommodation 13 meetings internal and with partners, feasibility studies Leadership Review of senior leadership team , directorates. define objectives and priorities Governance Review and development of structures / sub groups etc Finance Modelling, 5yr financial forecasting Strategic plan Supporting strategies IT, H&S, HR (Central Services) January 2016 December 2016
Moving forward
Key drivers One Foundation – a shared clear and united vision for the Foundation and services Shared values – to ensure we put service users at the heart of everything we do Business Success – continued growth to offer services to more people and their families Delivering high quality services – with a focus on excellence and achievement Strong partnerships – working together with staff and supporters to achieve great things
To continue our success
We need to protect our core services ensuring we retain our reputation for quality provision. We need to have a strategy for growth to increase income and deliver our ambition to expand our service provision across the North East.
Service growth
To continue our success
A Foundation wide transformation plan is needed to ensure we focus on quality, deliver against the strategy, reduce costs and maximise income given cost pressures facing services and the funding needed to improve the estate. Our transformation plan needs to include the introduction of core systems, processes and Foundation wide policies.
To continue our success
We need a communications strategy and to communicate a clear strategic and service vision to all stakeholders, reinforcing the ‘One Foundation’ vision. A detailed accommodation strategy which gives a clear plan and timetable to improve our estate is critical to the delivery of the strategy. Given the capital funding required delivery will involve securing grants and partnering with housing providers.
Our Accommodation Strategy
Percy Hedley Foundation Our Accommodation Strategy Our Accommodation Strategy comprises a number of phases over a 5 yr period Phase 1 A new 26 bed Children’s Home for residential and short breaks £2.8m A new state of the art Hydrotherapy Pool £1.2m Phase 2 A single site campus for Hedleys Percy Hedley School A new lower school annex and building works will provide additional places for up to 200 disabled children £3.5m Phase 3 Hedleys Leybourne An 8-bed residential home for young adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities £600k Phase 4 ChipChase House re-provision. A new 48 bed adult residential development will provide modern facilities for current residents and an opportunity to offer additional places. To deliver this we will be partnering with a housing provider. £0 We will also be exploring opportunities through housing provider partnerships of expanding our residential care offer across the North East.
Accommodation Strategy Phase 5 /6+
Single site Hedleys College Re–provision of College residential.8 bed residential unit and an 8 bed short break unit. Re-development to support the expansion of teaching facilities at Hedleys Northern Counties School to allow an increase in pupil numbers from 85 to up to 120 pupils. Sensory centre re-location or new build for our specialist sensory offer currently delivered from Linskill community centre Social Enterprise Offer accommodation
Our Service Business Plans
Education Transformation
Phase 1 and 2 complete and PHS school on one site Jan 2017 One site PHC Station Road, one site NCS Jesmond - phased over 2-5 years Increase pupil numbers PHS to grow from c165 to NCS to grow from 85 to 100 (120) PHC to retain 100 student placements Outstanding Ofsted judgements retained or worked towards Develop Children's community support service Development of family liaison and school for parents Opportunity to expand nursery/early years provision To explore a broader college curriculum offer including closer links with and transition to Able 2, employers and employability services Fee and staffing structure review to ensure this matches commissioner contracts Teaching School delivering national conference external CPD offers per term school to school support programmes Involvement in initial teacher training Research and Development programmes
Adult Services Transformation
Able 2 – develop 4 specialist services / provision (sensory, enterprise and employability, learning and development, autistic) New specialist sensory building New media centre Sports Outreach – secure grant funding and develop outreach service Conductive Education - secure grant funding and develop outreach service Community Support – maintain and develop CQC rating, targeted growth over next 12 months, develop Children's community support service Adult Residential – all services have at least good CQC rating Relocate Chipchase House Complete Leybourne refurbishment / full occupancy within 12 months Review Wansbeck House in line with College 1 site offer
Foundation-wide Transformation
Plan and communicate the vision Transformation plans developed Accommodation is fit for purpose Clear strategies for central support services Plans for central services to support service growth and development Quality framework and assurance in place and embedded into services Standardised policies and procedures Organisational Development – values embedded, leadership/board development, staff engagement Communication strategy to increase our profile locally, regionally and nationally Review the fundraising strategy/opportunities
By 2021 Business Success Helping more people and families across the North East Turnover of £30m and employing over 1000 staff Service contribution level targets at 15-20% to support our 5 year vision and ensure we are financial viable. Development of new Strategic Plan Phase 6+ accommodation strategy delivered Quality and Impact Quality , Quality assurance and risk systems working well and full Ofsted and QCQ compliance Working Together Staff survey indicates staff are engaged and that PHF is an Employer of choice Values embedded at all levels of the organisation
How are we going to Finance this?
Financial Pressures Rising cost of National Living Wage Reduction of LA / CCG budgets Ways forward Service growth and development Financially sustainable services – average 11% contribution so we can reinvest in services and deliver our strategy Different ways of doing things Additional fundraising income Bank loan Partnership working (registered social landlords)
Central services – changes to provide more support to front line services
CEO Executive Headteacher Director of Adult & Residential Services
Exec Assistant Media/Comms Officer Head of Organisational Development Executive Headteacher Director of Adult & Residential Services Director of Support Services & Business Transformation Director of Finance Head of School PHS Head of School NCS Head of College PHC Employability Project Manager Head of Therapy Lead Nurse Head of Adult Day Services Head of Adult Residential Head of Children’s Residential. Support services Cleaning Catering Transport IT HR H&S Estates & maintenance Quality and internal audit Transformation project management Finance Business support Planning and performance Fundraising Marketing
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