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Out and About Literacy Numeracy Geography Science Art Music WOW Days

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Presentation on theme: "Out and About Literacy Numeracy Geography Science Art Music WOW Days"— Presentation transcript:

1 Out and About Literacy Numeracy Geography Science Art Music WOW Days
To explore different sorts of fiction around the environment Traditional stories Non-fiction reports linked to the topic Recounts Poems about the environment Numeracy Discrete work using White Rose Hub Links with topic made where possible Geography Exploring features of the local environment Naming physical and human features Exploring how to improve an environment Exploring contrasting environments Science Exploring growing plants Why do we grow plants - farming What do plants need in order to grow? Observing changes in the seasons, Spring, Summer Exploring different varieties of living things Out and About Art Explore the work of famous artists Monet and Van Gogh To explore the different painting techniques they use. To develop painting techniques To produce work in the same style as Monet or Van Gogh DT Exploring different playground equipment and how they move To design a piece of playground equipment To make a piece of play ground equipment using joining and fixing skills and exploring structure To evaluate the finished model Music Weather symphony Composing music WOW Days Whole school cross curricular outdoor activities Life Education bus Forest school activities Trip to Victoria park Computing E-safety Developing programming skills Presentation skills Handling data RE KS1 How should we live our lives? KS2 How do we make moral choices? P.E Spatial awareness work Games Outdoor and Adventurous activities

2 Out and About Topic Drivers As learners interested in Art we will:-
Explore the work of famous artists Claude Monet and Van Gogh To explore the different painting techniques they use. To develop painting techniques To produce work in the same style as Monet or Van Gogh As learners interested in RE we will:- FS & KS1 How does what I do affect other people? What rules and codes of behaviour help me know what to do? What values are important to me and how can I show them in how I live? KS2 What are moral questions? What are the consequences of the moral choices we make? What people and organisations help in making moral choices? How do we decide what’s right and wrong? As learners interested in Science we will:- Explore different kinds of plants in the local environment and those that grow in different environments To name parts of a plant To explore what plants need in order to grow To explore different varieties of life in the local environment

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