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The Russian Way of War TEFOR G-27

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1 The Russian Way of War TEFOR G-27
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War “ Open or covert proxy warfare is a growing reality,….it has become part of the struggle in the Ukraine”. The following slides will depict a possible near future combination threat. (Conventional, Special Forces, Surrogates) to describe “How Russia Will Fight”. 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

2 Early Anti-Access Area Denial Shaping Ops
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War Early Anti-Access Area Denial Shaping Ops Space/Counter Space Information Warfare ISR – Counter ISR CYBER Effects – Hacktivists, CYBER Units CONUS Environmental damage Social cost of war DoD represents interest of the 1% Social inequities NATO Ineffective Too dependent on US support Baltics Ukraine EU Policies increased social inequalities Europe EU = Failed economic policy Exploitation Russia Red Formations In-transit CYBER Attack Cycle Blue Formations 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

3 The Russian Way of War Military National Level TEFOR G-27
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War Early Shaping To set conditions for conflict Form coalitions and alliances w/ sympathetic Nations Unconventional Forces conduct strat recon and ID key targets: personnel, comm nodes, mil and industrial facilities, transportation hubs Military Apply diplomatic and Economic Pressure to opposition Initiates offensive Cyber IO to influence global opinion/build domestic support and create opposition groups within targeted area Criminal enterprise recruited to challenge governance, create instability and legitimize opposition to the existing order Covert operatives create proxy military, para-mil forces, and establish local political structure National Level 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

4 Late Stage Shaping (Prior to Armed Conflict)
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War Late Stage Shaping (Prior to Armed Conflict) Begin strategic deployments Positioning conventional Forces to contested areas “Little Green Men” and advisors (SOF) Train Irregular Forces Precision Fires Comms Intel Delivering arms and equip to opposition forces Military Increase diplomatic and Economic Pressure to gain support and deter opposition Proxy forces escalate to Force-on-Force fight Russian provides Cyber/access to Space-based ISR/Comms EFFECTIVE INFORMATION WARFARE IS CRITICAL FOR “RWOW” Persistent IO to win support from global, domestic and local populace National Level Goal for Proxy forces Isolate the battlespace Control key facilities Fix BCTs to support Maneuver 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

5 Escalation to Combat Operations
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War Escalation to Combat Operations Ground maneuver to find/fix or force enemy to maneuver in response to pressure Once exposed, enemy formations are vulnerable to concentrations of fires and effects. (e.g. Rockets, missiles, etc.) Integrate proxy forces with conventional formations Equipped with modern but dated armor/IFVs Mission: to integrate into Russian Bn Task Groups Artillery is returning to its role as the decisive arm of Russian Military Ops 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

6 The Russian Way of War * Speakers Note TEFOR G-27
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War CYBER – Long Range Precision Fires – Missiles – Rockets - Artillery Operational & Tactical UAVs Space and High Altitude Long Endurance UAV’s (HALE) Information Warfare – CYBER – ISR - NAVWAR Aviation – Fixed and Rotary Wing Recon – Cross Cueing – Targeting – BDA – Suppression – Radar Hunter Killer – Decoys – Jamming – Spoofing – Swarm strikes (Expand the definitions) (Attack, Recon, Deception Ops) (Comms and Recce) * Artillery is the big killer once a Blue formation is slowed or halted. * Speakers Note 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

UNCLASS/FOUO DISRUPTION ZONE TEFOR G-27 RED SPACE ISR NAVWAR HALE UAVs HUMINT SOF/Scouts AREOSTATS CONUS – EUROPE – Target Regional Countries + State Actors INFORMATION WARFARE Task Groups “Little Green Men” Surrogate Forces Counter UAS Grey Eagle Anti-Helo Gas Mines Mines BORDER Counter-Mobility - Bridges Artillery Rockets TBMs LZs LS Strategic Effects are applied right into the Kinetic Battle Space. The Operational Environment (OE) of the “Disruption Zone”. Counter-Mobility X BLUE 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

8 UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

9 The Russian Way of War TEFOR G-27
UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War Part of a unit of Little Green Men Secures an S-300 Air Defense Launcher 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

10 UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

11 UNCLASS/FOUO TEFOR G-27 The Russian Way of War 11/19/2015 UNCLASS/FOUO

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