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Aromatic Compounds 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds.

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1 Aromatic Compounds 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds

2 Benzene, C6H6, a Puzzling “Alkene”
15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds

3 Benzene is inert to typical reactions of ordinary alkenes
Halogen addition Hydroboration Hydration Ozonolysis

4 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds

5 Structure of Benzene 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds

6 Comparison of Structures
15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds

7 Each carbon in benzene is trigonal planar and sp2 hybridized
The Benzene p System Each carbon in benzene is trigonal planar and sp2 hybridized Hence, all of the p orbitals in benzene are parallel and readily overlap 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds


9 Stability of Benzene Benzene: DH°f = 82.93 kJ/mol
13.8 kJ/mol per CH group COT: DH°f = kJ/mol 37.3 kJ/mol per CH group Therefore, benzene is 23.5 kJ/mol ( ) more stable than COT per every CH group Empirical resonance energy of benzene (23.5 kJ/mol) x 6 CH groups = 141 kJ/mol Estimate of energy by which benzene is stabilized by resonance

10 Criteria for Aromaticity
Four structural criteria must be satisfied for a compound to be aromatic A molecule must be cylic Each p orbital must be connected with p orbitals on adjacent atoms Not Aromatic Aromatic Benzene 1,3,5-hexatriene 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds

11 A molecule must be planar
All adjacent p orbitals must be aligned so that the π electron density can be delocalized Benzene Cyclooctatetraene

12 The molecule must be completely conjugated
There must be a p orbital at every atom No p orbitals Completely conjugated ring A p orbital at every atom in the ring Aromatic 1,3-cyclohexadiene Not completely conjugated Not aromatic

13 A molecule must satisfy Hückel’s Rule
Hückel’s Rule: in order to be aromatic, a molecule must contain 4n + 2 π electrons n = 0, 1, 2 etc. Molecules containing 4n π electrons are antiaromatic Often quite unstable 6 π electrons 4(1) + 2 = 6 Aromatic 4 π electrons 4(1) = 4 Aromatic

14 Hückel’s Rule Anti-aromatic Aromatic n 4n 4n + 2 2 1 4 6 8 10 3 12 14 16 18 Note that Hückel’s Rule refers to the number of π electrons, not the number of atoms in the ring

15 Summary Aromatic: cyclic, planar, completely conjugated compound with 4n + 2 π electrons Anti-aromatic: cyclic, planar, completely conjugated compound with 4n π electrons Non-aromatic: a compound that lacks one or more of the following requirements: being cyclic, planar, or completely conjugated.

16 Aromatic Heterocycles
Vinylic electrons Electrons on doubly bonded atoms Not included in π electron count Allylic electrons Electrons on atom next to a doubly bonded atom Included in π electron count

17 Aromatic Ions



20 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
The Hückel 4n+2 rule applies to single ring compounds however, many fused bicyclic and polycyclic compounds are also aromatic 15.7 Introduction to Aromatic Compounds


22 Problems Classify the following molecules as aromatic, anti-aromatic, or non-aromatic


24 Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds
Infrared Spectroscopy Aromatic ring C–H stretching at 3030 cm1 Two peaks at and cm1 Ordinary Alkene C-H absorbance at cm-1 C=C at cm-1



27 Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Intense peak near 200 nm and then less intense peaks closely after

28 NMR 1H NMR: Aromatic H’s strongly deshielded by ring and absorb between  6.5 and  8.0

29 Aromatic ring oriented perpendicular to a strong magnetic field
Delocalized  electrons producing a small local magnetic field Opposes applied field in middle of ring Reinforces applied field outside of ring Aromatic H’s experience greater effective mag field Deshielded

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