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Published byCarmel Berry Modified over 6 years ago
Safeway Northern California Luncheon Meat Promotional Best Practices
Nielsen Perishables Group December 2015
Table of Contents Objectives and Approach 3
Understanding Promotional Recommendations 4 Parameters Safeway NorCal Luncheon Meat Overview 6 Key Findings: Promotional Best Practices 12 Promotional Best Practices: Products 13 Promotional Best Practices: Pricing and Placement 21 Appendix Source: Nielsen Perishables Group
Objectives and Approach
The overall objective of this project is to analyze past luncheon meat promotional activity at Safeway Northern California, evaluate the results and provide Columbus with a toolkit of recommendations for future promotional strategies. Specific objectives include identifying the optimum price discount and item mix for achieving maximum category volume movement and dollar sales lift. Performance data was compiled by item for the luncheon meat category. This includes weekly item volume and dollars, and promotional activity. Ad data was pulled utilizing MarketTrack data, then matched to Nielsen Perishables Group performance data to examine the effects of various types of promotion activities on volume and dollar sales. In the Nielsen Perishables Group data, a week is flagged as a promotion if it meets one of the qualifying criteria: Discount of $0.09 or greater (primary algorithm flag) Discount of 5% or greater (secondary algorithm flag) Discount not sustained longer than eight weeks (if discount is sustained for more than eight observed weeks, it is considered a permanent price change) Baseline is a rolling (moving) average (forward and backward); it's not a simple average of N weeks METHODOLOGY NPG PROMO DATA Source: Nielsen Perishables Group
Understanding Pricing Recommendations
A promotional recommendation is based on past promotional activity that demonstrates superior sales results. The goal of a promotional recommendation is to provide a guide, or a set of parameters, based on sales data from previous activities, which can be applied to increase the sales of luncheon meat at Safeway Northern California. A combination of performance measures are used to define a promotional recommendation - primarily category and item volume and dollar sales impact. The recommendations and summary sections will provide an overview of the promotional recommendations based on how the promotions applied to the retailer in this study. The promotional details of this analysis provide an in-depth view of the impact that each promotion had on volume and dollar sales. This impact includes the luncheon meat category and individual luncheon meat items in the promotion as applicable. HOW TO READ Source: Nielsen Perishables Group
Albertsons, Safeway (Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose) Latest 104 weeks ending 07/18/15 NUMBER OF PROMOTIONS ANALYZED 88 unique ad placements/ISPRs were analyzed 375 category item promotions CATEGORY NUMBER OF WEEKS PROMOTED Luncheon Meats- including Peg, Well, 4X8/Wallet Packs, Deli Tubs and Specialty Luncheon Meat was on promotion 88 weeks out of 104 Promotions ran 85% of the weeks Source: Nielsen Perishables Group
Total Luncheon Meats Sales in Safeway NorCal: $58M
Luncheon meat increased in price at Safeway NorCal which led to dollar increases and volume declines Deli tubs is the largest sub-category, but specialty and 4x6/wallet packs grew the fastest in dollars and volume Total Luncheon Meat: Total Luncheon Meats Sales in Safeway NorCal: $58M Source: Nielsen Perishables Group Fresh Facts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
Turkey had the highest share while salami and pepperoni sales grew the most
Price increases were highest for turkey and chicken Most of turkey is from deli tubs (71%), then wallet packs, then well and peg – growing in dollars per $MM ACV in all except Well – declining in volume for all except deli tubs – price is up across all – especially deli tubs Source: Nielsen Perishables Group Fresh Facts® 52 Weeks Ending 8/29/15
Oscar Mayer had the highest dollar sales in both Safeway NorCal and its ROM
Private Label dollars per $MM ACV declined in Safeway NorCal, but increased significantly in its ROM Top Ten Luncheon Meat Brands Dollars per $MM ACV Sales by Brand and Change +10.0% +5.3% True Story Foods has 0.2% dollar share of luncheon meat in Safeway NorCal and is not available in its ROM +3.3% +4.0% True story is new this year, so growth numbers are not available – it is all turkey products – split pretty evenly across its 3 items – mostly oven roasted turkey Applegate share is not available in luncheon meat at Safeway norcal -2.9% +16.8.% -4.2% +2.1% +6.5% +0.3% +23.2% +17.1% -6.3% -26.3% -23.5% -1.9% -8.0% -19.5% +7.9% -44.9% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group Fresh Facts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
A large number of promotions took place in early summer
There were also spikes in late October and early December AD COUNT % of Volume Sold on Promotion Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
Setting the Stage: Luncheon Meat Promotions
Overall health luncheon meat was discounted at a greater rate, but impacts on the category were higher for conventional Average Category Dollar Impact Average Discount 9.2% -0.6% 9.0% 9.2% -23.7% Health* Conventional Average Category Volume Impact Health* Conventional Health* Conventional 17.2% -25.7% -23.5% 16.0% 17.3% Health as defined by Columbus coding Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
Key Findings and Insights
PRODUCTS Promote one item per week to see the largest impact for that item, but keep in mind that multi-item promotions are more impactful on the category – balance these concepts depending on the situation and desired outcome Include a a variety of brands and sub-categories in promotions – especially valuable are promotions including Oscar Mayer and/or 4x6/wallet packs Be sure to include better for you and health claims in promotions to obtain the maximum impact on the luncheon meat category Maintain discounts around the average (24%) and below 41% to have the best impact for both individual items and the category Run joint ISPR and feature promotions when possible to get the largest impact for the category Suggest more buy one get one promotions and inside page/run of press ads to build more data to see if these types of ads and placements are the best for the category RECOMMENDATIONS Overall, the more items on promotion the better for the total luncheon meat category, but individual items had larger impacts when fewer products were on promotion Promotions featuring multiple brands and sub-categories were most impactful When promoted together, health claims and conventional luncheon meat had the highest impacts, but conventional items benefited more from being promoted on their own PRICING & PLACEMENT Category impacts were similar between 20 and 40% discounts, with an average discount of 24% Dollar impact on the luncheon meat category started to level off when discounts were higher than 40% Overall item impacts were highest on ISPR-only weeks, and category impacts were highest on weeks that combined ISPR and Feature promotions - particularly weeks where family ads and loyalty card ads were included in the feature Some promotions / feature placements were very impactful, but had low sample size – including buy one get one promotions and inside page/ run of press ad features
When one item was on promo, the impact was highest
The more items on promotion, the bigger the impact to the total luncheon meat category However, individual items are impacted most when only one item is on promotion When one item was on promo, the impact was highest Number of Items Promotional Performance -27% -18% -21% -29% -27% -32% AVERAGE DISCOUNT Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ads Counts: 1 (3)*, 2-10 (34), (29), (11), (8)*, 42+ (3)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Promotions featuring multiple brands were most impactful
Oscar Mayer drove dollar impact when promoted alone and with other brands Top 5 Volume Impact Brand Combinations, with more than one instance Brand Count Promotional Performance Brand Combinations $ Impact Vol Impact Carl Buddig, Oscar Mayer 9% 13% Carl Buddig, Hillshire Farm, Oscar Mayer 7% 10% Galileo, Hillshire Farm, Oscar Mayer 5% Oscar Mayer 4% Foster Farms, Hormel, Oscar Mayer 6% Land O’Frost, Bar-S Food, Carving Board, and Gallo are top ten brands in processed lunch meat, but weren’t in any top promotions. Oscar Mayer promoted alone experienced the highest item impacts (87% dollars, 153% volume). While the combinations Carl Buddig, Hillshire Farms, Oscar Mayer (56% Dollars, 85% volume) and Carl Buddig, Oscar Mayer (54% dollars, 85% volume) experienced the second highest item impacts * AVERAGE DISCOUNT Oscar Mayer accounts for 36% of dollar sales within total luncheon meat -19% -17% -20% -21% -25% -28% -25% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ads Counts (brands): 1 (16), 2 (11), 3 (16), 4 (14), 5 (13), 6 (10), 7+ (8)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Promotions featuring multiple sub-categories were most impactful
Promotions including 4x6/Wallet Packs with other sub-categories had the highest category impacts Sub-Category Count Promotional Performance Top Volume Impact Sub-Category Combinations, with more than five instances Sub-Category Combinations $ Impact Vol Impact Peg, 4x6 / Wallet Pack, Deli Tubs, Specialty 13% 26% Well, 4x6 / Wallet Pack Deli Tubs Specialty 12% 21% 4x6 / Wallet Pack, Deli Tubs 8% 11% 4x6 / Wallet Pack, Deli Tubs, Specialty 6% 4x6 / Wallet Pack, Specialty 5% Deli Tubs 4% Specialty 0% 1% Deli Tubs, when promoted by itself, had the highest dollar/volume item impacts (122% dollars, 212% volume). Promotions with deli tubs/4x6 Wallet packs had higher item impacts * AVERAGE DISCOUNT -18% -19% -23% -26% -33% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ads Counts (sub-categories): 1 (20), 2 (22), 3 (23), 4 (19), 5 (4)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Promoting multiple proteins at a larger discount drove larger impacts across the category
Chicken breast, ham and turkey were the most frequently promoted protein combinations Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ads Counts (proteins): 1 (7)*, 2 (11), 3 (13), 4 (7)*, 5 (14), 6 (13), 7 (11), 8 (5)*, 9 (6)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Average item impacts were higher on conventional-only weeks
Category impacts were highest when conventional and natural were promoted during the same week There was only one instance in the data when organic luncheon meat was on promotion across a large percentage of stores Conventional, Natural, Organic Promotional Performance Average item impacts were higher on conventional-only weeks Category doing better – because more items being promoted – s item impact – conventional includes fewer items vs. conventional and natural – conventional higher on it’s own because not sharing Avg item impact greater with fewer items - so for overall category growth, combine, for individual growth – keep them separate AVERAGE DISCOUNT -22% -22% -13%* Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15 Ads Counts: Conventional (54), Conventional and Natural (33), Organic (1)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Category impact was highest when low sodium, reduced fat and no claim products were on promotion
Item impacts were higher when low sodium products were included in the promotion with reduced fat and no claim products Reduce Fat and Sodium Claim Promotional Performance Average item impacts were highest for no claim, but infrequent with only 8 ads AVERAGE DISCOUNT -22% -23% -21% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15 Ads Counts: Reduced Fat and No Claim (55), Low Sodium, Reduced Fat and No Claim (22), No Claim (8), Low Sodium, Reduced Fat, No Trans Fat and No Claim (2), Reduced Fat (1) *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Similar to other BFY claims, promotions with both healthy and conventional were best for the category Average item impacts were higher when just conventional was on promotion across the health claims Conventional and No Nitrates/ Nitrites Added Promotional Performance Conventional and Health Promotional Performance AVERAGE DISCOUNT -22% -24% Conventional and No Artificial Ingredients/ Flavors Promotional Performance AVERAGE DISCOUNT -21% -24% AVERAGE DISCOUNT -21% -24% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ads Counts: Conventional (60), Health*(defined by Columbus) (28); Conventional (60), Health*(defined by Columbus) (28); Conventional (62), Conventional and No Artificial Ingredients/Flavors (26) *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Average Luncheon Meat Discount
Steep discounts are not always necessary – category impacts were similar between 21-40% discounts Item dollar impact started to decline after 40% discount, while volume increased Discount Range Promotional Performance Average Luncheon Meat Discount 24% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Discount Range: 1-10% (3)*, 11-20% (50), 21-30% (17), 31-40% (13), 41-50% (5)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Weeks with ISPR, family ads and loyalty card promotions had larger impacts than ISPR-only weeks
While rare, weeks that included buy one get one promotions had the largest impact on category Promotion Type Promotional Performance Within all other, ads with buy and get promotions and coupons (e-coupons and in-store) drove impacts AVERAGE DISCOUNT -20% -23% -19% -29% -20% -31% -14% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Promotion Type: ISPR (49), ISPR, Family Ad, Loyalty Card (18), All Other Combination (11), ISPR, E-Coupon, In-Store Coupon, Family Ad, Loyalty Card (3)*, ISPR, Buy/Get, Family Ad, Retailer Point, Mix/Match, Loyalty Card (3)*, ISPR, BOGO, Family Ad, Loyalty Card (2)*, ISPR, Family Ad (2)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Must Buy 3 promotions had the highest category dollar and volume impacts, with lower discounts than Must Buy 2 AVERAGE DISCOUNT -17% -19% -20% -47% -38% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Promotion: $5 Fridays (10), 5x Gas rewards/Purchase 4 (24), Mix/match (12), Must Buy 2 (4), Must Buy 3 (16) *Promotions may have run overlapping in weeks
Feature and ISPR promotions had higher category impacts, but ISPR-only weeks had the highest item impacts Feature-only promotions’ performance fell in the middle, but occurred on only 1 week Ad Method Promotional Performance -24% -13% -20% AVERAGE DISCOUNT Luncheon Meat Impact Item Impact Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ad Method: Feature + ISPR (39), Feature Only (1)*, ISPR Only (48) *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Similar to what we saw in in products, more ads types increased category impacts, but not item impacts Discounts were higher when more ads types were run Number of Ads Types Run Per Week Promotional Performance -20% -24% -27% AVERAGE DISCOUNT Luncheon Meat Impact Item Impact The majority of promotions were run as an ISPR, or an ISPR with a sub-feature ad. When the sub-feature was run, the items had higher impacts, but ISPRs alone had the highest impact on the category. Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Number of Ad Ran: One (49), Two (36), Three (3)* Ad Types – Feature, Sub-Feature, Liner or ISPR *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
ISPR had higher item impacts than the most common ad location – inside page - but category impacts were lower Overall, inside page and run of press ads had the highest impacts on both items and the category, but they only occurred once Ad Location Promotional Performance Inside page vs. ISPR and then talk about the small sample size ones ‘few times they were there it did well’ ROP (Run of Press): ads that appear in newspapers and are printed as part of the newspaper itself. AVERAGE DISCOUNT -17% -19% -18% -26% -24% -20% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ad Location: Back Page (2)*, Back and Interior Page (3)*, Front Page (2)*, Inside Page (32), Inside Page and ROP (1)*, ISPR (48) ROP= Run of Press *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Parameters and Definitions
Promotion Types Included in the Analysis Print ads, Online Ads, ROP, ISPR Retailer circulars, weekly food page ads and newspaper ads NPG counts one print ad per week per item. PG does not double-count if multiple print ads run at the same time for the same item. Measure Definitions Discount level: the percentage difference between the actual promotion price (promotional price) of the individual item and the non-promotion price (non-promoted price) of the item Baseline volume and dollars: the per-store-per-week volume and dollar sales generated by an item during weeks when the item was not on promotion during the period analyzed Advertised volume and dollars: the per-store-per-week sales generated by an item during a promotion Impact: the difference between the baseline (what is normally generated during a week when no promotional activity occurs) and promotion volume and dollars (what is generated during a week in which a promotion occurs) Negative impact: the volume and dollars generated by the category during a promotion week that is lower than the normal baseline volume and dollars generated by the category
Parameters and Definitions
Promotion Type ROP (Run of Press): ads that appear in newspapers and are printed as part of the newspaper itself. Circular: ad that is available in stores, or delivered as a flier with the newspaper Online/Digital: the online/digital version of the advertising supplement made available via a retailer’s website ISPR (In-Store Price Reduction): products that were promoted at the store for a lower price, but no ad was ran Price: promotions that shows a price with the product, but no other promotions Combination Ads: ads ran with one or more promotions present in the ad BOGO: Buy One Get One Free Lifestyle: Health claim and notation in the ad Image Only: Ad with just a picture, but no price or notation Mix and Match: ad featuring multiple products for the same price, or items grouped together Reduced Price: ad notating “Reduced” in reference to the price Logo: ads including brand, grower or origin logo associated with product Loyalty Card: ad the note discounts are linked to a loyalty card, or additional discount will occur with loyalty card use BOGO; Family Ad; Loyalty Card Required Loyalty Card Required; Mix/Match Price Listed Lifestyle/ Family Ad Family Ad
Safeway packaged meat hierarchy: Luncheon meat
Source: Nielsen Perishables Group
Columbus Better for You Claims Luncheon Meat Promotional Performance
Category impacts were larger when two better for you claims were on promotion than conventional only Although impacts were large, there are not enough instances to know if 1 better for you claim at a time is a best practice Columbus Better for You Claims Luncheon Meat Promotional Performance AVERAGE DISCOUNT -21.6% -30.1%* -24.1% Ads Counts: Conventional (60), 1 BFY Claim(2*), No 2 BFY Claims (26) Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
Overall, claims of any combination had larger impacts on the total category dollars than conventional Discounts were also higher when better for you claim products were on promotion *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
Conventional and Natural Luncheon Meat Promotional Performance
Promoting 100% natural and conventional items together drove larger impacts for the category There were no ads where only 100% natural items were promoted Conventional and Natural Luncheon Meat Promotional Performance AVERAGE DISCOUNT -21.6% -25.1% -22.0% Ads Counts: Conventional (78), 100% Natural & Conventional (10), 100% Natural (0) Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15; Source: MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/15
The more items on promotion the bigger the impact to the total luncheon meat category
Individual item impacts were greater when one item was promoted Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ads Counts: 1 (3)*, 2-10 (34), (29), (11), (8)*, 42+ (3)* *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
Little difference existed in impact of ISPRs paired with a feature and those paired with a sub-feature Most promotions ran as in-store price reductions or a sub-feature and in-store price reduction Ad Type Promotional Performance AVERAGE DISCOUNT -18% -31% -13% -31% -24% -20% Source: Nielsen Perishables Group FreshFacts® 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015, MarketTrack Ad Data 52 Weeks Ending 7/18/2015 Ad Size: A,B, ISPR (1)*, A, ISPR (1)*, B (1)*, B, C, ISPR (2)*, B, ISPR (35), ISPR (48) A=Feature Ad, B= Sub-Feature Ad, C=Liner, ISPR= In-Store Price Reduction *Ad Counts of <10 have lower significance due to sample size
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