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Russ Schultz and Larry Smith

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1 Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades, Sixth Edition Unit 2: Dimensioning Systems
Russ Schultz and Larry Smith PowerPoint presentation created by LaVonne Vichlach

2 Dimensioning Systems Four different systems of dimensioning used in U.S. and Canada Fractional inch Decimal inch Dual dimensioning SI Metric

3 Dimensioning Systems

4 Dimensioning Systems

5 Dimensioning Systems

6 Dimensioning Systems

7 Dimensioning Systems

8 Fractional type steel rules divided into units of:
1/16 1/32 1/64 Major graduation accentuated by longer lines Some have small numbers printed adjacent to lines

9 Fractional Dimensioning
Always reduce a fraction to its lowest terms If numerator is even number-it can be reduced Begin your count from a major graduation close to the reading

10 Fractional Dimensioning

11 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 1 3/4

12 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 2 1 5/8

13 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 3 2 7/16

14 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 4 3 3/16

15 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 5 3 15/16

16 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 6 13/16

17 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 7 1 ¾

18 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 8 2 11/16

19 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 9 3 17/32

20 Scale Reading Quiz 1 Record the scale length identified by 10 3 31/32

21 Decimal Scales Subdivided into units of 1/10, 1/20, 1/50, or 1/100 in.
1/50 is sufficient for most applications With 50 increments to an inch each increment =.02 in. Reading between increments-capable of determining closest .01 inch measurement

22 Decimal Scales Closer measurements require using micrometer, vernier or dial calipers Major graduations are accented by longer lines-usually every 1/10 in. Popular scales graduation style has .04 and .06 increments slightly longer than .02 and .08 Reads faster, more recognizable

23 Decimal Scales

24 Decimal Scales

25 Decimal Scales

26 Decimal Scales

27 Scale Reading Quiz 2 Record the scale length identified by... 1 .80

28 Scale Reading Quiz 2 Record the scale length identified by… 2 1.60

29 Scale Reading Quiz 2 Record the scale length identified by… 3 2.50

30 Scale Reading Quiz 2 Record the scale length identified by… 4 3.32

31 Scale Reading Quiz 2 Record the scale length identified by… 5 3.86

32 Decimal Dimensioning Drawing may be dimensioned using two- or three-place decimals Amount of tolerance is determined by number of decimal places

33 Decimal Dimensioning .50 may have tolerance of ± .01

34 Decimal Dimensioning Converting fractions to decimals-results in too many decimal places Need to round off those numbers to desired places

35 Decimal Dimensioning Rule #1-When the figure following the last digit to be retained is greater than 5---increase the last number by one .016 becomes .02 .047 becomes .05 .078 becomes .08

36 Decimal Dimensioning Rule #2-When the figure following the last digit to be retained is less than 5---retain the last number .031 becomes .03 .062 becomes .06 .093 becomes .09

37 Decimal Dimensioning Rule #3-When the figure following the last digit to be retained is exactly 5 and the figure to be retained is odd---increase the last number by one .375 becomes .38 .875 becomes .88

38 Decimal Dimensioning Rule #4-When the figure following the last digit to be retained is exactly 5 and the figure to be retained is even---retain the last number .125 becomes .12 .625 becomes .62

39 Decimal Dimensioning Rule #3 and #4 are different
Established to even numbers as often as possible Even numbers are preferred Decimal numbers divided by two-e.g.-diameter/2 = radius-----results will contain same number of decimal places

40 Decimal Dimensioning

41 Decimal Rounding Quiz .11 .12 .16 .23 .44 .55 .56 .109 = .125 = .156 =
.234 = .438 = .547 = .562 = .12 .16 .23 .44 .55 .56

42 Decimal Rounding Quiz .64 .641 = .797 = .875 = 1.056 = 1.672 = 2.205 =
2.454 = .80 .88 1.06 1.67 2.20 2.45

43 Decimal Rounding Quiz 3.335 = 3.34 3.767 = 5.555 = 3.77 6.665 =
7.045 = 8.885 = 3.34 3.77 5.56 6.66 7.04 8.88

44 Metric Dimensioning Metric increment of measure is millimeter
Will be noted if different Dual dimensioning system-SI Metric-used in U.S. and Canada Convert a metric dimension to inches by multiplying it by

45 Metric Dimensioning Conversion charts are available to provide converted dimensions Metric scales are available and can be used-eliminating need for conversion

46 Metric Dimensioning Metric scales
Have graduations every millimeter of half-millimeter Designated “mm” or “1/2 mm” Every fifth millimeter is accentuated by a longer line Every tenth millimeter is identified by a number

47 Metric Dimensioning

48 Scale Reading Quiz 3 Record the scale length identified by 1 20 mm

49 Scale Reading Quiz 3 Record the scale length identified by 2 35 mm

50 Scale Reading Quiz 3 Record the scale length identified by 3 51 mm

51 Scale Reading Quiz 3 77.5 mm Record the scale length identified by 4

52 Scale Reading Quiz 3 93.5 mm Record the scale length identified by 5

53 Blueprints Blueprinting-Term can be interpreted as
Drawing Picture Contains information Required sizes Tolerances Essential requirements Notes and instructions

54 From the information on this drawing, could you make this part?

55 Could you make this one?

56 Engineering Drawings Original drawing made by drafter or engineer
Prints are referred to as engineering drawings Also referred to as blueprints (more common term)

57 Engineering Drawings Standardized drawings “A” size is 8 ½ x 11 inches
“B” size is 11 x 17 inches “C” size is 17 x 22 inches “D” size is 22 x 34 inches “E” size is 34 x 44 inches

58 Engineering Drawings

59 Engineering Drawings What are the basic dimensions of the A-size drawing? 8 ½ X 11 2. If C-size is twice as large as B-size, how much larger is it than A-size? 4X

60 Engineering Drawings Will an E-size print fold to fit in the same envelope with an A-size print? YES 4. What metric size is twice as large as the A3 size? A2

61 Engineering Drawings Are the A4 metric size and the A inch size exactly the same? (Use 1in = 25.4 mm or 1mm = in. to compare) NO

62 Title Blocks Each drawing contains a Title Block
Drawing number is most prominent lettering in title block Lettered larger to stand out Scale determines the size of the object drafted

63 Title Blocks Mechanical drawings may be reduced to Half size
Quarter size One eighth size

64 Title Blocks Mechanical drawings may be enlarged Double Four times
Ten times

65 Title Blocks Half scale---1/2, 1:2, or ½”=1”
Twice scale-2/1, 2:1, 2-1, 2”=1” or 2X Arrangement of numerals indicates relationship

66 Title Blocks Refer to scale as the “Do Scale”
“D” stands for the drawing “O” stands for the object Sale of 1:2 means The drawing is 1 inch Object is 2 inches A “Do Scale” of 2:1 means The drawing is 2 inches The object is one inch or one half the drawing size

67 Title Blocks

68 Title Blocks

69 Title Blocks

70 Title Blocks

71 Drawing Notes Local notes-apply to specific item or area
Use leaders Direct notes to point of application General notes apply to whole drawing or product Machining Heat treat Material Tolerances

72 Drawing Notes Abbreviations are used in notes Keep them brief

73 Drawing Notes-General

74 Drawing Notes-Local 5 HOLES EQL SP ON 6.000BC
.344 DR, .500 CBORE, .30 DP .281 DR, 82° CSK, .53 DIA

75 Drawing Notes Quiz What type of note applies to an entire drawing?

76 Drawing Notes Quiz What type of line is used with local notes? Leader

77 Drawing Notes Quiz Where do general notes appear on a drawing?
Above the title block

78 Drawing Notes Quiz Symmetrical and centerline
Interpret the abbreviations SYM and CL used in the third general note. Symmetrical and centerline

79 Drawing Notes Quiz Drill and countersink
Interpret the abbreviations DR and CSK used in the third local note. Drill and countersink

80 Single-View Drawings Sometimes adequate to describe object
Material thickness is listed

81 Detail Drawings “Production drawings” and “working drawings” are general terms Includes all types of engineering drawings

82 Detail Drawings Detail drawings include Sufficient number of views
Dimensions Notes Other pertinent information

83 Centerlines

84 Centerlines Intersecting centerlines drawn through each hole
Used for location-centerlines are extended outside view and dimensions are added Radii are the same-often share a common axis-common design practice


86 Diameters and Radii

87 Diameters and Radii Internationally recognized symbol for diameter 
Use in place of the abbreviation DIA Number of holes indicated

88 Diameters and Radii Overall dimensions can be calculated
Remaining material around hole can be calculated

89 Diameters and Radii Remaining material around hole can be calculated

90 Answer the questions

91 Thermostat Gasket 1. What is the part number? 11A001

92 Thermostat Gasket 2. What is the name of the part? Thermostat gasket

93 Thermostat Gasket 3. What is the drawing size? (A, B, or C) A

94 Thermostat Gasket 4. What scale is the drawing? 1:1

95 Thermostat Gasket 5. Use words to explain the answer to question 4.
Actual size

96 Thermostat Gasket 6. How thick is the part? .06

97 Thermostat Gasket 7. Is the part symmetrical? Yes

98 Thermostat Gasket 8. Which system of dimensioning was used? (Refer to page 21.) Decimal

99 Thermostat Gasket 9. What is the fractional equivalent of the center hole size? (Refer to the equivalency chart, page 25.) 2 3/16

100 Thermostat Gasket What is the fractional equivalent of the mounting hole spacing? (Refer to the equivalency chart, page 25.) 3 5/8

101 Thermostat Gasket 11. Calculate the longest overall dimension of the part. 4.24

102 Thermostat Gasket 12. Calculate the overall dimension of the part (height.) 2.88

103 Thermostat Gasket 13. Calculate the material remaining between the large hole and the nearest outside edge. .345

104 Thermostat Gasket 14. Calculate the material remaining between the small hole and the nearest outside edge. .155

105 Thermostat Gasket 15. Calculate the material remaining between the large hole and the nearest small hole. .56

106 Break Lines Permits removal of a portion of view Paper size is smaller
Drawing scale can get smaller Portion removed must be uniform in shape

107 Break Lines Drawing is full size and does not require a “B” size drawing

108 Break Lines

109 Break Lines

110 Break Lines

111 Break Lines

112 Typical Dimensions Entered after a dimension
Means all other similar dimensions are same as one marked “TYP” Eliminates repetition of dimensions Saves on drawing space

113 Symmetry Indicated by note
Indicated by view’s centerline carrying abbreviation

114 Exercise Enter dimensions for the letters provided.

115 Bottom Plate A 1.50

116 Bottom Plate B 3.60

117 Bottom Plate C .30

118 Bottom Plate D 1.47

119 Bottom Plate E 6.10

120 Bottom Plate F 2.00

121 Bottom Plate G .19

122 Bottom Plate H .57

123 Bottom Plate I .86

124 Bottom Plate J .68

125 Bottom Plate K .10

126 Bottom Plate L .46

127 Bottom Plate 1. What type of line was drawn to indicate symmetry?

128 Bottom Plate 2. What word is abbreviated TYP? Typical

129 Bottom Plate 3. What is the thickness of the plate? .25

130 Bottom Plate 4. How many round holes does the plate contain? 10

131 Bottom Plate 5. What is the fractional equivalent of the small hole diameter? 9/32

132 Bottom Plate 6. How much material remains between a .62 Dia. hole and the nearest outside edge? .25

133 Bottom Plate 7. How much material remains between a .28 Dia. hole and the nearest outside edge? .16

134 Bottom Plate 8. Calculate the longest overall dimension of the plate.

135 Tolerances Tolerances are assigned to every dimension
Assign maximum acceptable deviation-tolerance Shown with dimension Shown in the title block as a general tolerance

136 Tolerances General tolerances commonly assigned using decimals
Decimal dimension and tolerance have same number of places Most commonly expressed bilaterally-not always equal in both directions

137 Tolerances

138 Tolerance Quiz 1. What is the two place decimal tolerance in Example A?  .03

139 Tolerance Quiz 2. What is the tolerance for drilled holes in Example A? + .010 -.002

140 Tolerance Quiz 3. What is the three-place decimal tolerance in Example B?  .004

141 Tolerance Quiz 4. What is the fractional tolerance in Example C?
 1/64

142 Tolerance Quiz 5. What is the total tolerance for the two-place decimal inch in Example A?  .03

143 Tolerance Quiz What is the angular tolerance in Example C?  030’

144 Tolerance Quiz What is the total tolerance for the three-place decimal inch in Example B?  .004

145 Tolerance Quiz What is the total tolerance for drilled holes in Example A? + .010 -.002

146 Bolt Circles Three or more holes are positioned around a common center
Located angularly on a circular centerline

147 Bolt Circles Dimension of bolt circle appears
Inside of diagonal dimension line With abbreviation BC after hole data Holes may be equally spaced Abbreviation EQL SP follows quantity in local note Divide 360 by number of holes One of the holes is on vertical or horizontal centerline

148 Bolt Circles Inside of diagonal dimension line

149 Bolt Circles Inside of diagonal dimension line

150 Bolt Circles With abbreviation BC after hole data-Holes may be equally spaced Abbreviation EQL SP follows quantity in local note

151 Bolt Circles Holes may be located coordinately
Use only vertical or horizontal dimensions

152 Shim How thick is the shim? .020

153 Shim Is the shim symmetrical? No

154 Shim Are the bolt circles concentric? Yes

155 Shim How many holes are in the shim? 8

156 Shim What is the tolerance on the .250 Dia. holes? .005

157 Shim What is the tolerance on the .500 Dia. holes? .008

158 Shim What is the tolerance on the Dia. hole? .010

159 Shim What is the tolerance on the bolt circles? .010

160 Shim What is the tolerance on the radii? .02

161 Shim How much material is between the 5/8” hole and the nearest outside edge? .1875

162 Shim How far apart angularly are the three .500 Dia. holes? 120°

163 Shim How far apart angularly are a .250 Dia. hole and the nearest .500 Dia. hole? 60°

164 Shim How far apart angularly are a .250 Dia. hole and the farthest .500 Dia. hole? 180°

165 Shim How far apart angularly is the 5/8” hole from the nearest ½” hole? 30°

166 Shim What is the angular tolerance for the hole locations? ±0°30’

167 Shim What is the dimension for A? 1.15

168 Shim What is the dimension for B? 1.125

169 Shim What is the dimension for C? .625

170 Shim What is the dimension for D? .525

171 Shim What is the dimension for E? .275

172 Maximum & Least Material Condition
MMC Feature of size contains the maximum material within assigned tolerances

173 Maximum & Least Material Condition
For a shaft At MMC when tolerance is added to its size dimension (.760) At LMC when tolerance is subtracted from it size dimension (.740)

174 Maximum & Least Material Condition
Internal feature-hole-is at MMC when it is at its smallest size Sizes are exaggerated. NTS-Not To Scale

175 Maximum & Least Material Condition
Internal feature-hole-is at LMC when it is at its largest size Sizes are exaggerated. NTS-Not To Scale

176 Maximum & Least Material Condition
On any part All surfaces are features (they are not measurable-size) For LMC and MMC, the feature must have a size dimension Must be associated with tow opposing elements or two opposed parallel surfaces Must be measurable


178 B MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY 1.005 .995

179 C MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY 3.005 2.995

180 D MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY 1.30 1.32

181 E MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY .349 .339





186 J MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY .905 .895

187 K MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY 1.91 1.89


189 M MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY .258 .248

190 N MMC LMC DOES NOT APPLY .370 .380

191 Allowance Minimum clearance between mating parts
Maximum interference between mating parts Calculate by subtracting MMC of shaft from MMC of hole

192 Allowance When shaft’s MMC is smaller than hole’s MMC-positive allowance-clearance When shaft’s MMC is larger than hole’s MMC-negative allowance-interference

193 Allowance Positive or negative-allowance is always the tightest possible fit between mating parts

194 Allowance Use the formula for calculating allowance:
MMC Hole - MMC Shaft = Allowance

195 Allowance MMC Hole =.999 -MMC Shaft A =.998 Allowance =.001 (positive)

196 Allowance MMC Hole =.999 -MMC Shaft B =1.004
Allowance =-.005 (negative)

197 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the MMC of hole “D?” .748

198 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the MMC of Shaft “C?” .745

199 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the allowance between “C” and “D?’ .003

200 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is the allowance positive or negative? Positive

201 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is it a clearance or interference fit? Clearance

202 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the MMC of hole “F?” .743

203 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the MMC of shaft “E?” .747

204 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the allowance between “E” and “F?” -.004

205 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is the allowance positive or negative? Negative

206 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is it a clearance or interference fit? Interference

207 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the LMC of hole “D?” .752

208 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the LMC of Shaft “C?” .735

209 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the allowance between “C” and “D?’ .017

210 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is the allowance positive or negative? Positive

211 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is it a clearance or interference fit? Clearance

212 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the LMC of hole “F?” .745

213 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the LMC of shaft “E?” .743

214 MMC/Allowance Quiz What is the allowance between “E” and “F?” .002

215 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is the allowance positive or negative? Positive

216 MMC/Allowance Quiz Is it a clearance or interference fit? Clearance

217 Arcs And Circles When an arc is less than a complete circle-dimension it by radius May have a definite center-e.g R & 4.50R in Dwg. 11A004 May float-run tangent with other arcs or lines-e.g. .75R same print

218 Arcs And Circles Radial dimension not used for circles or diameters
Radial dimension doubles permit greater variation

219 Arcs And Circles E.g DIA with .01 yields dimension between .99 and 1.01 DIA .50R with .01 would permit diametric dimensions between .98 and 1.02 DIA

220 Arcs And Circles

221 Arcs And Circles Is the print drawn to (a) half-size or (b) twice-size? (a) half-size

222 Arcs And Circles What is the thickness of the spacer? .500

223 Arcs And Circles Interpret the abbreviation CRS used in the title block? Cold-Rolled Steel

224 Arcs And Circles How many holes does the spacer contain? 10

225 Arcs And Circles Is the spacer symmetrical about the vertical and horizontal centerline? Vertical

226 Arcs And Circles What is the angular dimension between each small hole? 60

227 Arcs And Circles What is the angular dimension between each large hole? 120

228 Arcs And Circles What tolerance is assigned to the angular spacing of the drilled holes?  030’

229 Arcs And Circles What is the tolerance on the bolt circles?  .01

230 Arcs And Circles What is the tolerance on the center hole diameter?
 .005

231 Arcs And Circles What is the MMC of the center hole? 4.995

232 Arcs And Circles What is the tolerance on the drilled holes? +.010

233 Arcs And Circles What is the MMC of the .688 holes? .686

234 Arcs And Circles What is the overall dimension along the horizontal CL? 9.00

235 Arcs And Circles What is the overall dimension along the vertical CL?

236 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “A.” .50

237 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “B.” .531

238 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “C.” 1.00

239 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “D.” .656

240 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “E.” .687

241 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “A.” .81

242 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “B.” 2.32

243 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “C.” .15

244 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “D.” 3.28

245 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “E.” 7.26

246 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “F.” 1.72

247 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “G.” 1.58

248 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “H.” .42

249 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “I.” 30°

250 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “J.” 3.98

251 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “K.” .01

252 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “L.” .20

253 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “M.” .19

254 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “N.” .12

255 Arcs And Circles Enter the dimension for the letter “0.” .30

256 Arcs And Circles How much material remains between a .250 hole and the outside edge? .225

257 Arcs And Circles How much material remains between a .220 hole and the outside edge? .19

258 Arcs And Circles Are the .200 holes located in the exact center between ID and OD? (Calculate this.) No

259 Arcs And Circles What is the MMC of the center hole? 2.555

260 Arcs And Circles What is the MMC of the .250 holes? .248

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