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October 16, th Sunday of Ordinary Time

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Presentation on theme: "October 16, th Sunday of Ordinary Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 16, 2016 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
of-ordinary-time-mass 6th period 10/25 made cookies, did not start

2 Cover Can your identify any of the people on the cover?
British Paralympic athletes Famous children book Thomas Edison J.K. Rowling Harriet Tubman Mahatma Gandhi How did the tenacity, persistence and faith of the people on this cover pay off? What do they all have in common?

3 Gospel: Luke 18:1-8 4 parts: Narrator, Jesus, Widow, and Judge 4th period finished read 10/25 Discuss TALK questions 4th period done 10/26 Theme: For what do I keep asking? Write your definition of a mediator. Mediator is someone in the middle who helps people come together, a go-between. Jesu is a mediator between God and humankind

4 Moses Serves as a Persistent Mediator p. 5
Homework: Read p. 5 of the Visions for 10/16/16 and answer the questions on the handout. This homework will be grades as a quiz grade.

5 Where does God speak to Moses from? What does God call Moses to do?
Who is Moses? Israel’s greatest leader Where does God speak to Moses from? Burning bush What does God call Moses to do? To lead the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt What does it mean to know God’s name? Is to have the power to call on God and ask for help What does Moses threaten Pharaoh with? Ten plague What happened that made the Pharaoh let the Israelites go? The tenth plague, the killing of the first born son. How does God finally save the Israelites from the Pharaoh? He parts the Red Sea for the Hebrew to escape, then the water return and the soldiers are downed What lesson did you learn from this passage? What happens when Moses is persistent in his prayers? The Jews are winning in the battle What did Moses need in order to stay persistent? The help of others in prayer

6 How Do I Seek What I Need? P 6-8 4th period done
Read together p. 6 Pair up with the person next to you and follow directions 1-3, each person MUST act out assertive, aggressive and passive After you and your partner have finished come up to sign up to act out one to the situation cards

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