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FINANCIAL UPDATE JUNE 2017 Council of Governors
Julia Pattison Director of Finance South Tyneside Foundation Trust & City Hospitals Sunderland Foundation Trust
2016/17 Financial Position – end of year 2017/18:
OVERVIEW 2016/17 Financial Position – end of year 2017/18: Governance approach to managing the finances Early Position statement Next Steps
Financial Headlines for the year
2016/17 Year End Financial Headlines for the year (pr Annual Accounts & Report – submitted end May 2017) Sustainability & Transformation Funds (STF)
Headlines Planned Position at start of year:
Planned deficit = ‘agreed’ starting deficit STF allocation = Sustainability & Transformation Funding provided in year if all conditions were met Control Total = Trust agreed to be no worse than £3,243k deficit by the end of the year 4
Headlines Actual Position by the end of the year:
Financial Position better than forecast by £1.8m STF allocation – achieved all conditions: 70% linked to achievement of financial position 30% linked to achievement of performance targets – A&E, cancer & RTT Ended the year with a £1.45m deficit However……….. 5
Headlines - STF In quarter 4, Trusts were informed that if they achieved their control total they had access to: STF ‘incentive’ payment – for every £1 better than control total an additional ‘incentive’ would be paid of the same amount STF ‘bonus’ payment – if a Trust hit their control total there was a potential bonus available (value tbc) Overall impact: Better than control total = STF ‘incentive’ fund of £1.8m Achievement of control total = ‘bonus’ of £0.9m Total extra STF funds of £2.7m Core STF of £4.9m + extra of £2.7m = £7.6m 6
Operational Position Summary Position for the year: 7
Net Financial Position
* Note – technical adjustments as a result of revaluing the estate of the Trust 8
Why £1.8m ahead? Key reasons for the £1.8m improvement in the position: CIPs - by the end of the year we achieved £10.7million against a plan of £11.7 million, so shortfall of £1m 9
Summary 2016/17 Remained volatile through to the end….
A number of one-off benefits helped the position Good performance resulted in access to STF incentive & bonus payments of £2.7m which we wouldn’t have received otherwise Comparison – quarter 4 number just published many others have also performed well in patch including CHS Excellent position at the end of the year – thanks to all those who have supported this achievement 10
2017/18 Governance approach to managing the finances:
Scale of the challenge Approach in 2017/18 Early Position statement – Month 1 Opportunities & Next Steps 11
Scale of the Financial Challenge - Context
CIP targets: STFT £11.4m + CHS £13m Vacancy factor at STFT = £4m Unfunded pressures & income retractions at STFT £2.9m Total savings to identify = £31.4m (£18.4m STFT; £13m CHS) Impact of block v PbR contracts STF funding continues into 17/18 & 18/19 – with conditions £4.2m STFT; £9.2m CHS 70% financial position; 30% A&E target Cash major concern – continuing deficits can cause cash flow problems
Lessons Learnt – Committee feedback
Learning from the previous financial savings approach: Realistic plans Accountability for delivery Timeliness in reporting and responding to risks Honesty & Transparency – lets know the scale of the challenge and our options Intervention / escalation at the right point Importance of communication Learn from feedback – internal & external
Governance & Reporting Structure
Areas of Focus – STFT & CHS
2016/17 outstanding Group opportunities DGMs/DDs suggestions Local health Economy discussions Benchmarking data eg Carter; Refn Costs; GIRFT 2017/18 Financial Savings Plans Financial path to excellence Clinical Service Reviews 2017/18 bottom up plans Previous business cases CD suggestions 15
Programme Structure Division of Surgery Exec Sponsor Prog Lead
PMO Lead IFR Orthodontics Bariatrics CDDFT Vacancy factor Agency Avastin Track Patient Pathways Service specific Division of Medicine Biosimilars Endoscopy* Service Specific Heart Failure Interface Team ?Discovery Intermediate Diabetes Falls Chronic Fatigue Clinical Support/Family Care Vacancy Factor LOS Paeds Community Nurse Track patient pathways/NHSP Service specific: CFS Dietetics in retinal screening Child Health Screening Community Patient flow Vacancies Unfunded posts Service Specific: 0-19 service Acute Contract impacts Urgent Care Hub Pharmacy Prosthetics medicines Theatres Additional Sessions Skill mix STEP (STFT) Pain service Enablers: Productivity measures including capacity and demand & job planning; Benchmarking including GIRFT, PLICs data; Capacity eg PMO, KPO, IT, data analysis, information services, financial management & operational.
Programme Structure Patient Pathways Exec Sponsor Prog Lead PMO Lead
Right Care Demand Management Changes & cessation Vanguard/ED Corporate Services/ Back Office Internal Efficiencies NHS Professionals Agency E-Roster EMIS/GDE Clinical Service Review Group Service Reviews including Carter and GIRFT Estates and Facilities Carter Catering/Facilities Rationalisation Companies Procurement Workplan efficiencies Prog 12 Income increases Agency Cap Reserves Enablers: Productivity measures including capacity and demand & job planning; Benchmarking including GIRFT, PLICs data; Capacity eg PMO, KPO, IT, data analysis, information services, financial management & operational.
Risks and Mitigation Risks Mitigation Scale of the challenge
Month 1 position and onwards Time critical to introduce and embed process New approach at STFT – ? resistance Same approach at CHS - ? Resistance Is it clinically transformational? Buy-in from stakeholders Resources to deliver Mitigation Cash – eg loans System wide working Capitalise on what works well Pace – from month 1 Engagement & accountability Scrutiny and oversight Full financial tracking Use of wider organisational resources – not just PMO KPO alignment to programmes Minimised overhead to support the process
2017/18 Efficiency Target STFT - Efficiency target of +10.2% of turnover Heavy non recurrent savings in prior years i.e. one off things helped the position Income retraction/loss of ‘contributing’ services
High level Plans Closure of CIP gap is essential to deliver 17/18 control total and gain access to STF funding Concerns around the scale of the financial challenge & realistic opportunities to close the gap
Risks – Month 1 Gap in savings plans Risk around current savings plans
Impact to STF funding and cash Regulatory action - call with NHSI to discuss progress & actions STFT Month 1 position: Plan = £580k deficit; actual = £1.44m deficit; gap of £859k This includes assumed ‘loss’ of STF funds of £210k Why? Numerous, but high level reasons: CIP shortfall of £427k (plan £572k; actual £145k) Agency – increasing pressure £132k S.Tyneside CCG QIPP gap £80k Block contracts /18 block contracts will help but CCG QIPP challenges are looking high risk Must deliver safety and quality
Opportunities and next steps
Review of all opportunities – joint work between both Trusts and with CCGs (Local Health Economy) Targeting areas of overspend eg agency, overtime, medical staffing pressures Patient pathway work: Areas of service overlap by different providers/commissioners Streamlining of service Can we afford to continue delivering all the services we currently do? Can we afford to achieve all the other ‘asks’ required of us? How do we make those choices? Discussions at Programme Management Group, Executive Committee, Finance & Performance Committee & Board (between 22nd - 28th June) – difficult decisions will be required
Summary 2017/18 Enormous financial efficiency challenge is faced by both Trusts STFT is already behind plan at month 1, and control total is at risk for 2017/18. No STF = cash problems. Grown up conversations about the reality of challenge we all face – across 2 Trusts and 2 CCGs The only way this can deliver is system wide actions – silo is not feasible for any of us We need to ensure focus on the right things i.e. where does the system save money? If one of us fails, we all fail
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