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The Executive Branch The President.

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Presentation on theme: "The Executive Branch The President."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Executive Branch The President

2 Roles of the President Chief of State Chief Executive
Ceremonial head of the people A “symbol/mascot” for the nation Like the Queen of England Chief Executive Constitutional Powers To enforce the laws of the nation

3 Roles of the President Chief Administrative Officer Chief Diplomat
Head of the bureaucracy Huge labor force to carry out the work of the government Chief Diplomat Spokesperson of America to the world Creator of US foreign policy

4 Roles of the President Commander in Chief Chief Legislator
Head of the US Armed Forces Chief Legislator Sets the over-all shape of public agenda Works with Congress to. get policies enacted into law

5 Roles of the President Chief of the Party Chief Citizen
Not in the Constitution An automatic position The “Top Dog” in the party Chief Citizen Represents the people Against big government Against big business What we would want to do in times of greatness or pain

6 Succession to the Presidency
What if the President dies, resigns , gets removed or is disabled and can’t do the job? Vice President assumes office Then … Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore of Senate Cabinet members

7 The Race for the Presidency
Nomination Get noticed Media Fundraising Primaries and Caucuses Choosing the PARTY candidate Open – can vote in either party Closed – can only vote for the party you’re registered in

8 The Race for the Presidency
Primaries and Caucuses Candidates vie for party title to run for office Sports analogy Semi-finals Elimination rounds Early primaries are most important

9 The Race for the Presidency
National Conventions Party Pep Rallies Formally announce Presidential Nominee Vice Presidential Nominee Party platform Debates General Election – the final contest for president

10 The Race for the Presidency
The Electoral College Need 270 electoral votes Most states are “winner-take-all” Can lead to a “minority president” A president who wins the electoral vote But lost the popular vote

11 The President’s Growing Power
Presidential focus Interpret laws to own feelings Delay or push action on certain laws Executive Orders Weight of law Policy needed by bureaucracy to function Executive Privilege Confidentiality Advisors need to be able to be open without constant public scrutiny

12 The President’s Growing Power
Growing Bureaucracy President oversees the bureaucratic process Expanded Programs New Deal Legislation Social Security Act Federal Housing Administration Obama-Care

13 Text Book Readings 364 – 368 377 – 385 400 – 404 410 – 411
Complete worksheet 377 – 385 400 – 404 410 – 411 Answer “Thinking Critically” questions 1 & 2 from p. 411

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