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DATIM: Systems Jumpstart
2017 PEPFAR Data and Systems Applied Learning Summit DATIM: Systems Jumpstart Notes Introduce the title of the course and give a brief, 1-2 sentence summary of what you will be covering. September 12, 2017
Introduction to DATIM Basics
Speaker Notes Provide detailed notes on the topic you will cover and how it fits in to the overall structure of the course. When writing speaker notes, please consider the following: What would someone need to know about this content if they are teaching it for the first time? What concepts are most important for the audience to understand on each slide? Where might the learners have some confusion about the content, and can you anticipate what that would be and how to remedy it? Are there any case studies, personal examples, or stories you’ve heard of certain experiences with the topic? If there is an exercise associated with this topic, how can you set it up so the learners know what to expect (i.e. “You will have the opportunity to practice [skill y] in an activity we will do later in the session.”) Where can learners go for further information about the topic? This will be expanded upon at the end of the deck, but feel free to mention resources throughout the session as reminders. Remember: repetition is not a bad thing!
What is DATIM? Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact (DATIM) is the data collection system used for MER data for PEPFAR. DATIM is a customized version of DHIS2 Software. DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
DATIM core training topics
By the end of this course, users should be familiar with the following aspects of DATIM: System login and Navigation Data Entry and Data Validation Data Verification Use of DATIM data analytics tools: Pivot tables Data visualizer Dashboards DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Training Overview Demonstration Hands-on Exercise DATIM Resources Q&A
Walkthrough of DATIM features Hands-on Exercise Step by step exercises for participants to do to show DATIM understanding DATIM Resources Handouts for key exercises Q&A DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Introduction to Demoland
The preferred DATIM training environment DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
What is Demoland Demoland is a fictional country used for DATIM training purposes Contains a subset of data elements modeled after PEPFAR data A place for participants to practice entering and reviewing data NOT based on any real country or data DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Structure of Demoland There are 2 Regions 8 Districts 120 Sites DATIM
Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
User Counts for Demoland
Each participants will receive credentials for 3 accounts IP Level data entry account (data entry) Agency (data acceptance and analysis) Inter agency (Interagency analysis and deduplication) Accounts will be linked to a common IM and site name i.e. Parrot IP / Parrot site During data Entry when working on your exercise please use a “future period” e.g. Oct – Dec 2017 quarter DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
User account example Parrot is a site in Bird district under animal region in Demoland
What Browser should I use
Best option: Google chrome Other Options: Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10 or above, etc. NOTE : Avoid using Internet Explorer browser older than IE 10 DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Having problems? Clear web browser cache
Select your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE) Follow instruction to clear cookies , cached images and other files Currently targeted for MER, EA, and SIMS Quarterly reporting for some data (importantly those harmonized with MoH) Distinction between FACTS Info (USG only, national level and above) and DATIM (partners plus USG – national level and below). Indicators only (FI has lots more). Hopefully partners will use a a monthly collection tool (like MoH does). DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Discussion, QA and Demo DATIM
Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Login and Navigation in DATIM
Training Overview Understand how to log in to DATIM
Walkthrough DATIM login criteria Get a valid login for DATIM use during the training Understand the different DATIM logins needed for the training Understand how to navigate to Apps in DATIM Learn how to find different applications in DATIM Understand how to navigate the org unit hierarchy and find a site Understand how to change your password DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
What I need to Access DATIM
A computer Reliable internet Valid username and password A good browser DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Who gets access to DATIM
PEPFAR Implementing Partners USG Authorized Staff HQ Staff Implementing Agency Staff MoH Authorized Staff DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Procedure for getting Access to DATIM
Navigate to and submit a request for an account The account request will be routed to the appropriate User Administrator who will send you an invitation to create an account (MoH users are TBD) Two s will be sent to you with instructions to create your account DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Initial login screen A splash screen always displays when you access any DATIM instance Click “I Agree” to the terms and conditions of the system prior login DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Login Window Key in a valid username and password respectively
Then click on sign in DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Dashboard Usually the first page when you login is a dashboard, but this can be custom set to any other page
Access to Apps from the menu
1 1. Click on the “Apps” icon A list of applications will be displayed for you to select the “app” you would like to use Most of the functionality is organized in different Apps in the system. To access these click on the “Apps” symbol on the Top menu bar and a list of Apps that you have access to will appear. Click on any of the Apps to open them. DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Customize the Apps menu shortcuts
1 Nine apps will be shown at a time in the list. If you want to see more Apps you can click on the “More apps” link at the bottom of the list. That will take you to the full list of Apps. There you can also rearrange the order of the Apps to make sure your nine most useful apps appear in top and are easily accessible. To rearrange the Apps, drag and drop the App icons to the desired position. 1. Nine “Apps” are shown by default To see more “Apps” click on the more Apps tab Drag the “App” Icon to rearrange the app position DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Access an App by searching for its name
Click on the “App” search box and begin typing the name of the “App” to access i.e. “data entry” A list of all “Apps” beginning with the keyed in letters will be displayed
Locating a site in the organization unit hierarchy
Go to Data Entry App Then locate the Organizational hierarchy on the left pane Drill down to the Parrot Site or any other site of your choice 1 Go to Data Entry and show how to locate the Parrot Site in Demoland. Explain that all sites are organized in a hierarchy with the admin levels of their specific country. Demoland has the following administrative levels: Country,Region,District So to find “Parrot Site” expand the Animal Region, then expand Bird District and look for the Parrot Site as show in the screenshot here. Click on the site to select it. The selected site will change colour from black to orange. 2
Change your password 1 Click on the “profile” icon at the top right corner of the system Then click the ‘”Account ” application 2
Change your password 1. Type the old password 2. Type the new password
3. re-enter the new password 4. Click on Save 1 2 3 4
Discussion, QA and Demo DATIM
Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Data Entry
Training Overview Data entry module Attribute selection
Field validation Offline data Entry Dataset completion DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Data entry module Open the Apps menu Look for Data Entry App
Click on the Data Entry App DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Find and select your site (organisation unit)
1 3 2 1. Expand the Org tree hierarchy 2. Select the site of choice 3. The selected site is auto populated DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Note: A dataset is a collection of data elements and indicators
Dataset Selection Locate the Dataset drop down Click on the dataset name of choice, e.g. “MER Targets: Facility Based” Note: A dataset is a collection of data elements and indicators DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Select a Period for your data
1 2 1. Locate the period dimension 2. Go to the period drop down and select the period for which you want to enter data Note: Each dataset requires a period dimension DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Selecting Funding Mechanism
1 2 1. Locate the Funding Mechanism drop down 2. Select the Mechanism name A data entry screen will be automatically loaded for entry.
Dataset Navigation DATIM
Best option: Google chrome DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Dataset Navigation cont.
Data validation During data entry one cannot input text in a number field. If this happens a data violation failure dialogue box will appear
Data Validation Rules Validation rules govern how data is entered
If data points fall outside the data validations then we get a validation warning message Note that there are mandatory and non-mandatory validations
Offline Data Entry If entering data and there is internet connectivity loss, continue entering data When internet is restored upload the data stored offline
Offline Data Entry
Dataset completeness Locate the button “Complete” at the bottom of the page If you are done with data entry for that particular dataset then click the complete button. Currently targeted for MER, EA, and SIMS Quarterly reporting for some data (importantly those harmonized with MoH) Distinction between FACTS Info (USG only, national level and above) and DATIM (partners plus USG – national level and below). Indicators only (FI has lots more). Hopefully partners will use a a monthly collection tool (like MoH does). DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Discussion, QA and Demo DATIM
Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Pivot Tables
Learning Objectives By the end of the session participants should be able to: Generate a table with desired dimensions Use all the different DATIM Dimensions Change the layout and options of a table Save the tables as favourite Download a table in the different formats Share interpretations and comments on a saved table The Facilitator should give and deeper understandings of the subsequent topics to cover in this session. DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
WHAT Dimension Using Data elements - both totals and details
Using Indicators Using Reporting rates Datasets DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
WHEN Dimension Using Period for: Fixed Period Relative Periods DATIM
Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
WHERE Dimension Using Organisational Units and Selection mode:
By Orgunits By levels By Groups DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Sample Pivot Table using Groupsets
Creating a (TX_NEW and TX_CURR) Pivot Table Using Groupsets: Step 1 - Go to the pivot table App Step 2- Select the TX_NEW and TX_CURR technical Area groupset Step 3 - Select the Result from Result / Target Groupset Step 4 - Select the DSD and TA support types from the Support Type groupset Step 5 - Select the Ages from the Cascade age bands groupset Step 6 - Select the Male and Female from the Sex groupset Step 7 - Select the Financial year starting in October 2016 – September 2017 Step 8 – Organize you pivot display using the layout option Step 9 – Click on the Update button to dislay you pivot DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Dimensions (Group sets)
Period Dimensions (Group sets) Data Cascade Age bands
Pivot Layout Arrange pivot table layout:
Positioning dimensions in columns, rows or filters Setting any number of dimensions in any of the lists
Pivot Options Table options:
Show totals and sub-totals (Columns & Rows) Hides empty rows and columns Show hierarchy Font size Legend set DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Favorites Adding a New Favorite Loading an existing Pivot table
Renaming, overwriting and deleting existing Sharing DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Downloading Download the data in the current pivot table in different formats (MS Excel, CSV) Data can also be downloaded in JSON and XML format. 6.7. Downloading data You can download the data in the current pivot table by clicking on "Download" in the top menu. The data can be downloaded in MS Excel and CSV format. The data table will have one column per dimension and contain names of the dimension items. You can easily create a pivot table in Microsoft Excel from the downloaded Excel file by clicking on "pivot table" in the top panel, then clicking on "create pivot table", then marking the data range in the spreadsheet before clicking "OK". Data can also be downloaded in JSON and XML format. The data format is specified in the Web API chapter under the "Analytics" section. The data document will use identifiers of the dimension items and will be opened in a new browser window in order to reveal the URL of the request to the Web API in the address bar. This will be useful for developers of apps and other client modules based on the DHIS 2 Web API. DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Sharing Linking the relevant resources together with text expressing an insight about the data Writing an interpretation DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Pivot Table Constraints
At least one dimension must be selected on columns or rows. At least one period must be included in the pivot table. Data element group sets and reporting rates cannot appear in the same pivot table. A table cannot contain more than cells for performance reasons. 16.10. Constraints When selecting and arranging dimensions there are a few constraints that apply. All of these constraints are validated and the pivot table module will provide feedback if any constraint is violated. At least one dimension must be selected on columns or rows. At least one period must be included in the pivot table. Data element group sets and reporting rates cannot appear in the same pivot table. A table cannot contain more than cells for performance reasons. DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Discussion & Demo
Exercise Create a Pivot table showing Total number of people newly initiated on treatment (TX_New) data for Oct 2016 – February 2017 (Monthly) on all sites under Dog district, Using the Table Layout: Display the report by Reporting Period Display the report by district Save report by district as a favorite Add report by district to your dashboard Download the report by District as in excel DATIM Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact
Data Visualizer
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to: Analyse and Present their data using appropriate chart types and options Understand key concepts of Series, Categories, and Filters Save Visualisations as Favourites Share Visualisations to other users
Data Visualizer The data visualizer module allows users to easily generate; Dynamic data analysis visualizations using charts and graphs as analysis tools . Freely select contents (like indicators, periods and organisation units) for analysis Simple and Easy to use
Basic Steps Access the Visualizer Module through Apps >> Data Visualizer and follow the steps: Select an appropriate Chart Type e.g. Column, Pie, Bar, etc. Select the WHAT (indicators, data elements, and reporting rates) to plot Select the Relative or Fixed Periods [WHEN] Select the Organisation Unit(s) that you are interested in [WHERE] Select appropriate Organisation Unit and Data Element Group sets Update the Visualizer to Visualize the data Manipulate the Layout (Series, Categories, and Filter) Manipulate the Chart Options Save the Chart as Favorite, Download or Share Chart
Step 1. Selecting Chart Type
Eight different Chart Types exist within the DATIM Data Visualizer: Column, Bar, Stacked Column, Stacked Bar, Line, Area, Pie and Spider Select any of them from the icons on the top left bar titled Chart Type
The visualizer module can display indicators, data elements and reporting rates in a chart or graph Indicators Select Indicator Group e.g. HTS indicator group A list of all indicators in the group will be loaded. Select by double clicking on it or using a single arrow Data Elements Select Data element groups e.g PMTCT Select the Data elements Reporting Rates Select the appropriate Dataset to plot its reporting rate
Two types of periods exist: Fixed Periods: Select the Period Type, e.g. Yearly and list of fixed year periods appear (Select those of interest) Relative Periods: Select any of the available relative periods below the fixed period box, e.g. Last Financial Year, Last 4 Quarters, etc.
Using Organisational Units and Selection mode: Orgunits By levels By Groups Setting global user defined tables
STEP 8. CHART OPTIONS Determine the shape and look of your chart by Specifying the options below; Show values: Shows the values above the series in the chart. Hide empty category items: Hides category items with no data Show trend lines: Visualize how your data evolves over time Target line value/title: Display a horizontal line at the given domain value. Range axis max/min: Define the max and min value on both axis Range axis title: Displays a label next to the range axis (Y-Axis) Domain axis title: Displays a label below the domain axis (X axis). Hide chart legend: Hides the legend and leaves more room for the chart. Hide chart title: Hides the title of your chart.
Save charts as a Favorite for future use and sharing. Click on the favorites option Click Add New and Type the Name of your chart By default, the Chart Favorite is visible to only the owner Modify sharing settings, Rename, Overwrite, or delete Use the chart in your Dashboard
Download your Charts in two formats PNG Image file PDF Document Under downloads, select the format of interest and download.
SHARING Linking the relevant resource together with a text expressing an insight about the chart Writing interpretations
Discussion & Demo
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