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Community, Health and Social Care Directorate

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Presentation on theme: "Community, Health and Social Care Directorate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community, Health and Social Care Directorate
Integrated Commissioning Unit

2 Personalisation key Documents
Personalisation Commissioning Strategy. Sets out the overall strategy and some of the key changes in the way services will have to work. Prevention: Increasing individual and neighbourhood resilience. Partnership: Making sure there is a Salford “offer” from the City, Health Services and the Voluntary sector. Enablement: ensuring people receive focussed help designed maximise independence. Choice and Control: Increase the availability of a range of options for those people needing longer term support.

3 Personalisation next Developments
Market Position Statement: Refreshes the Commissioning Strategy and gives better information on needs and service offers in Salford. Personalisation Framework: Establishes a list of quality checked providers wanting to offer services in Salford.

4 The Personalisation Framework
Similar to the Family Poverty Strategy Framework but not so clearly a “call off” framework. Based on the Social Care and National Health and Public Health Outcomes. Making it Real (MIR) Personalisation outcomes “I” statements. Linked to the TLAP materials such as “Progress for Providers” series.

5 Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework
Improving health and well-being for all citizens of Salford Enhancing the quality of life for people with long term support needs caused by disabling conditions ,poor mental or physical health or episodes of poor health and social distress Ensuring people have a positive experience of care and support from the health economy and social care economy Safeguarding people made vulnerable by their healthcare care or support needs

6 The Framework Opportunities
Commissioners will go the framework to issue invitations to tender for personalisation services. “Social Workers” brokering for individuals or people wanting to share can go to framework. Framework a useful resource for Information/Advocacy services for Direct Payment Recipients or Self Funders

7 Developing the Framework
Forms key action from the Market Position Statement With CVS take learning from Family Poverty Strategy on how small and new organisations can be included. Work with procurement to ensure a proportionate application process. Intention to have in place by the end of this calendar year.

8 Self Directed Support As a care managed package “brokered” by the CHSC teams. As a Direct Payment A payment to another party (for instance a Trust) An Individual Service Fund managed through a provider. A fund managed by a “broker”.

9 Personalisation Single contact point for social care. High volume of contacts. Sign posting and alternatives. Internet pages updated and improved Provider of Information and Advice (CAB). Provider of Advocacy Service.(MIND/Salford Being Heard/Age UK) Carers Centre Disability Living Centre

10 Personalisation Web Pages

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