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The Executive Branch: President and Vice President

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1 The Executive Branch: President and Vice President
PICTURE: Who is he? When was he President? What was his Presidency the most well known for? What did he do before he was president?

2 I. Qualifications for President and Vice President:
LEFT: Many people wrongly believe that John F. Kennedy was the youngest President of the United States, but he was actually the youngest president ever elected at age 43. A. Must have been born in the U.S. B. Must be at least 35 years old C. Must have resided in the country for at least 14 years. RIGHT: Theodore Roosevelt, was the youngest President ever in office, at age 41. Roosevelt took over after William McKinley’s assassination.

3 II. Terms A. A presidential term lasts for 4 years.
B. May be in office for 10 years (26th Amendment). ***$400,000 per year ***Money for expenses and travel ***Gets to live in the White House ***Has a staff of more than 80 people to tend to the president’s family.

4 III. Responsibilities of the Vice President
A. Must preside over the Senate and vote in case of a tie. B. The VP becomes the president if the president dies or is unable to perform the presidential duties. ***Nine vice presidents have become president due to the death or resignation of a president.


6 IV. Presidential Succession:
A. 25th Amendment, 1967: If the president dies or leaves office, the vice president becomes the ` president. B. If a president is unable to do the job for a period of time, the vice president acts as president until the president is able to go back to work. C. This amendment has arguably been used during three separate Presidencies!

7 RIGHT: The 25th Amendment was definitely used in 1974, when Richard Nixon resigned to avoid impeachment and removal. He was replaced by Gerald R. Ford. LEFT: The 25th Amendment was used for two colonoscopy procedures that were needed by President George W. Bush. The procedures left the Presidency to Vice President Dick Cheney for a few hours. ABOVE: The 25th Amendment was used in 1981, when John Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. Reagan was incapacitated for a few hours, so surgery could be performed.

8 V. Presidential Roles A. Chief of State –is the leader of our country. B. Chief Executive- Executive orders, pardons, reprieves, amnesty. C. Chief Diplomat –Communicates and bargains with other countries. D. Commander in Chief – leader of the armed forces. E. Chief Legislator- can ask Congress to pass certain laws, can sign or veto bills.

9 VI. The Presidential Cabinet
A. The cabinet is a group of advisors that includes the heads of 15 different executive departments. B. Examples: Secretary of State, Attorney General, Surgeon General, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Treasury, Director of Homeland Security, Secretary of Education

10 VII. Presidential Powers
The President has the power to grant pardons. To pardon an official means to forgive or excuse them of their crime. B. The President has the power to grant reprieves. To reprieve an officials sentence, means to postpone it or delay it.

11 In January of each year, the President gives a big speech in front of a joint session of Congress that is called the State of the Union address. Electoral College: A. The Electoral College is the group of people that is responsible for electing the President. B. The number of a state’s electors are equal to its number of congressmen.

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