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Chess Solutions for Defense and Competition

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1 Chess Solutions for Defense and Competition
Edward Pogossian Academy of Sciences of Armenia Institute for Informatics and Automation problems Department of Computational and Cognitive Networks 2016

2 Aims of the research Many defense, management, dialog problems of combinatorial nature are today solved effectively only by advanced experts in the fields. Thus, we aim to advance in adequate modeling of experts in solving a type of those problems where spaces of solutions can be presented by Reproducible Game Trees as well as to advance in constructing RGT Solvers comparable with experts by their effectiveness and efficiency (EE)

3 The Plan of Presentation
Problems with Expert Depended Solutions RGT Problems Specifying RGT Solvers Advances in RGT Solutions Conclusions

4 Problems with Expert Depended Solutions

5 Unsolved combinatorial problems
կ Unsolved combinatorial problems Unsolved problems RGT Solving by Modeling Human Approaches Interpreting unsolved problems by solved ones Solved problems

6 2. RGT Problems

7 Game Tree 2. 1. 3. 4. 5. There are Interacting Actors
Actors may perform actions Action1 Action2 1. 3. There are specified types of situations Situation1 Situation2 Some situations are selected as Goals 4. Situation1 Situation2 Actors’ Actions transform Situations 5. Sit1 Sit2 Sit3 Action2 Action1

8 Stilman B., USA Linguistic Geometry, Abstract Board Games
Military decision aids, Intelligent control of unmanned vehicles, simulation based acquisition, cyberwar, robotic manufacturing, etc.

9 Intrusion Protection Actors: Attacker and system defender
Actions by attacker and counteractions by system defeneder Goal for attacker: bring the system to critical state Goal for defender: avoid critical states

10 Single Ownship Against Air Threats
Ownship and air threats as actors Situation with ownship and threads in certain distance range. Ownship goal: to defend, air threats goal: to make damage Actions of ownship : A. launch a long range surface-air missile (SAM), B. shoot the medium range gun C. shoot the short range gun. Actions for threats: an anti-ship missile .

11 3. Specifying RGT Solvers

12 Strongly specified RGT class of problems
1.1 RGT advances can be stated mathematically 2. 1.Advances in solving particular RGT problems are interpretable for RGT class Select a research comfortable RGT problem K advance in K => transmit advances to RGT class Construct unified Solvers 3-y sarqel 1.1., 1.2… 2-n el tanel heto

13 Anomalies detection in computations Defense of Military Units
RGT Intrusion Protection Problems of Testing Chess Kernel Management Anomalies detection in computations Defense of Military Units

14 RGT Solvers Controller Store of Abstracts, Goals, Plans Store of
T-Prints Graph of Abstracts Abstract Matcher GUI Abstracts Acquirer Matching Visualizer T-Prints Perceiver Problem Manager A1 A2 A3 A5 A41 A6 Abstracts Sub1 Sub2 Classifier Method, [0/1], Name List of Attributes T-Print PPIT CPMU GP RHP Acquirer Knowledge Revealer Actions by Moves

15 4. Advances in RGT Solutions

16 Chess ratings based scales of the quality of RGT Solvers strong measurement of the results of modifications of RGT Solvers

17 3. Knowledge-based Solvers can provide EE comparable with human experts
minimax Solvers provide the idea of max Effectivenes, but not acceptable joint EE minimax Solvers with parametric evaluation functions Knowledge Based Solvers Search by minimax, parametric evaluation function Solving by Modeling Human Approaches, Expert Systems Botvinnik, Pitrat, Wilkins: Parametric methods are not adequate for combinatorial problems

18 Categories of English Verbs
“Have, Be, Do” (HBD) knowledge presentation model Have, Possess, Own,… Do English Verbs Be, Exist,… Categories of english verbs Be, exist Have, possess, own Do

19 Interpreting HBD models in OOP
4. Is inherited from another abstract 1. Abstract Name 2. Has attributes 3. Does actions

20 Advantages of HBD Models
Property OOP Ont. Pr.S. HBD Represent different type of knowledge + - Opacity Reuse Polymorphism Inheritance Matching data to the entities (rules, classes etc.) Dynamically change class hierarchies Dynamically generate/integrate new entities

21 Confirming Adequacy of Models of RGT Knowledge and Matching Algorithms
It was confirmed for: Chess Marketing Intrusion Protection

22 Personalized Interactive Tutoring Environment Based on RGT Solver
RGT Knowledge models Adequate to Expert Strategy Search Algorithms Adequate to Expert Approach Adequate to Tutoring by RGT expert RGT Expert

23 RGT Solvers in Tutoring
Tutoring Environment Interfaces for Integration of RGT problems Feedback provision mechanisms to identify bad described RGT knowledge (for improvement purposes) Testing of RGT knowledge Tutoring Protocol RGT Solver Generation of Testing Situations Chess Tutoring Interface Tool for measuring the progress of students Explanations of Classifiers and Strategies Generation of Examples Future Steps Partially completed Completed

24 Tutoring for Classifiers
1. Different levels of explanations CheckMate King can’t escape King under check King has no defense Field under check Field under check of Knight Field under check of Knight1 King Field Figure King Type White or Black Not empty type X Y Figure Type Figure Color

25 Intrusion Protection :
RGT Knowledge-Based Solvers overcome RGT minimax Sovlers by EE. IGAF1 and IGAF2 RGT Solvers Based on Common Planning vs Minimax Solvers Diagram (in Intrusion Protection) Նշել օր գերազանցեգը 8-րդ կետում նշել օր հնարավորություն կուդա ներկայացնել բաղադրյալ գիտելիքներ Number of nodes searched by the IGAF2 algorithm compared with the IGAF1 algorithm and the minimax

26 Problems of RGT Class Defense of Military Units Intrusion Protection
References Defense of Military Units E. Pogossian, D. Dionne, A. Grigoryan, J. Couture, E. Shahbazian, Developing Goals Directed Search Models Empowering Strategies Against Single Ownship Air Threats, CSIT 2009, Yerevan, Armenia. NATO grants project with University of Montreal. Intrusion Protection E. Pogossian, A. Javadyan, E. Ivanyan, Effective Discovery of Intrusion Protection Strategies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, St. Petersburg, 2005 Management E. Pogossian, Business Measurements By On-The-Job Competition Scales, International Conference “Management of Small Business: Problems, Teaching, Future", Sevastopol, 2004 Chess E. Pogossian, V. Vahradyan, A. Grigoryan. On Competing Agents Consistent with Expert Knowledge, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, St. Petersburg, 2007 Tutoring and Testing Arakelova. E., Pogossian E., Tools for testing and correction of the completeness of knowledge acquisition by autistic children, Yerevan, Armenia, 2011.

27 Conclusions


29 Whether is it the brain we exist in… Mchael Alkire,

30 We have advanced in certain dimensions of constructing adequate models of mental behavior of humans in knowledge based searching of stategies

31 2. Based on our models we have constructed RGT Solvers comparable with experts by their effectiveness and efficiency (EE) in solving a variety expert depended defense, competition and dialog problems

32 Thank You!

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