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East Lindsey Local Football Network

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1 East Lindsey Local Football Network

2 Agenda Welcome Apologies Introduction to Local Football Networks (LFN)
What does football look like in the LFN? Membership Role of an LFN member Is it representative of football? Terms of Reference Amendments Officers of the LFN Football Development Plan What are the priorities for your area of football? What are the prioritise for the LFN? Any Other Business Date and time of next meeting.

3 Introductions to Local Football Networks.
Opportunity to restructure the football development department arose through the workforce review. Previous one size fits all County Plan Invest strategically across the county. Officers cover whole county Ensure local partners have the opportunity to influence our delivery Acknowledge different areas have different prioritise. Football looks very different across the county. Highlighted through local football data and local knowledge Provide a better service to our customers.

4 Football Development Structure – Pre Workforce Review
County Development Manager Football Development Officer Football Development Assistant (F/T) Football Development Assistant (P/T) Football Development Officer (W&G)

5 Football Development Structure – Post Workforce review
County Development Manager Football Development Officer Workforce Coordinator Football Development Assistant Football Development Officer (Inclusion) Referee Development Officer County Welfare Officer

6 How will this effect you?
Named Officer supporting affiliated football in the area you are based Linzi Hewitt – North Kesteven, South Kesteven, City of Lincoln, Boston Borough and South Holland Paul Hamnett – North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, West Lindsey and East Lindsey One contact point for all your enquiries. Working in partnership with key partners in the area. Local Football Network in your area

7 Local Football Networks - Aims
The Aim of the East Lindsey Local Football Network is to bring together and drive forward all football providers within North Lincolnshire in order to. Provide a voice for football in East Lindsey Act as a consultation platform for football in the area Raise participation levels in all areas of football Widen access to opportunities for football and pursue excellence Bring together and align partners existing prioritise and targets within one joined up local action plan. Share information and best practice

8 What does football look like in the LFN?
2011 / 2012 Lincolnshire Local Football Network % of Football in Lincolnshire % of Football in the LFN No of mini-soccer teams 384 15 3.9% 16% No of youth male teams 565 39 6.9% 40% No of youth female teams 58 2 3.4% 2% No of adult male 11-a-side teams 570 38 6.7% No of adult female 11-a-side teams 29 1 1% No of male disability teams 18 5.5% No of female disability teams No of adult small sided teams 168 % of Youth and Mini soccer teams that have achieved FA CS 69% 67.9% % of Youth and open age played in a FA CS League 36% 41% 7.3

9 What Does Football Look like in the LFN
2011 / 2012 Lincolnshire Local Football Network % of Football in Lincolnshire % of Football in the LFN No of FA CS Community Clubs 11 0% % of youth teams with a qualified coach 61% N/A No of registered and active male referees (Level 1-8) 410 28 *going to work with leagues to find coverage No of registered and active female referees (Level 1-8) 12 1

10 Membership of the LFN Local Football Network Lincolnshire FA Local Authority Referees Association Leagues Education Professional Clubs Sport and Education Trusts Football Foundation Officers Is the group reflective of football in East Lindsey? Do we need to invite further membership to the group?

11 Terms of Reference Each LFN will have Terms of Reference
Chairperson – A Chairperson shall be elected from the member organisations and shall serve for a period of one year. LFN Secretary – The officer representing the Lincolnshire Football Association shall ensure minutes are taken and circulate them to LFN members. Membership should be reviewed on an annual basis to take into account any changes in key local issues and emerging organisations that have an interest in football development. Meetings – The group will meet at least 4 times per year. Sub groups – Where the group deems it necessary to form a subgroup of the LFN terms of reference should be agreed to outline the parameters of the group. The LFN shall make decisions by a simple majority vote.

12 Football Development Plan
Each LFN will have a football development plan that links to the County plan. Inline with county plan planning cycles July - June Highlight strategic prioritise Attract investment Reviewed quarterly Highlight ‘We Wills’ and align responsibility. Aim to have the Football Development plan signed off at second meeting Growth and Retention, Better Players, Raising Standards, Running the Game, Workforce, Facilities and Investment , What are the priorities for your area of football? What are the prioritise for the LFN?

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