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The Duel for north america:

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1 The Duel for north america: 1608-1763

2 France Finds a Foothold in Canada
The French are stifled early during exploration (1500s) like England was by…. War Religious Struggle Like England and Spain, France started to explore when it found Some religious unity/toleration (Edict of Nantes 1598) Unity under a popular monarch (Louis XIV: )

3 France Finds a Foothold in Canada
New World Beginnings 1608 permanent settlement established in Quebec by Samuel de Champlain “Father of New France” France had good relations w/ Indians (Huron Tribe) Iroquois hamper French moving too far into the Ohio River Valley (IMPORTANT) and often allied with the British b/c Huron are their enemies. Remember Iroquois = most powerful tribe

4 French Explorers Robert Cavelier de La Salle Antoine Cadillac
Explored the entire length of the Mississippi Named this region Louisiana Antoine Cadillac A soldier/fur trader who expanded French trade Founded Fort Detroit in 1701 Their actions are important b/c they solidified the claims of France to these areas of N. America

5 France Finds a Foothold in Canada
New France becomes a Royal Colony after commercial companies failed. RESULT: French colonists do not enjoy the same political freedoms that the British colonists did (autocratic gov in settlements) Slow Growth (population much smaller then British)

6 New France Fans Out Reasons France Expands into Frontier:
Economic Resource: Beaver (A lot in Canada) Jesuit Missionaries Very concerned about rescuing souls of Indians (sought souls for empire) Empire Seekers Many wanted empire for France and to stop other European nations. Antonine Cadillac founded Detroit to protect Ohio River Valley from English ORV=KEY TO THE WEST Louisiana founded by Robert de La Salle to stop Spanish from getting to Gulf of Mexico French controlled mouth of Mississippi (port/trade)

7 The Clash of Empires (War for Empire): French v. English
Queen Anne’s War ( ) Purpose: For Power around the world! British vs. French (Both recruit Indians): Spain will join French b/c they want S.C. War starts in Europe In 1711 British fail to take Quebec (They have many failures so far this war) Both France and Britain don’t think colonies are worth sending large detachment of regulars for = guerrilla warfare. KEY: British seize Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia) a key stronghold for the French Result: Treaty of Utrecht (1713) 30yr contract for Britain to supply an unlimited number of slaves to Spanish colonies as well as goods. British win but neglect colonies afterward = seeds of independence forming

8 The Clash of Empires (War for Empire): French v. English
War of Jenkins Ear ( ) British v Spain Purpose: Power around the world, Spanish not holding up Treaty of Utrecht deal. Robert Jenkins (Captain of British merchant ship) was captured and tortured by Spanish. They cut his ear off and he takes it and shows it to Parliament. Where: fought mainly in Georgia (colony beside Florida): French attach colonies in the North (They allied with Spain) English mount expedition on Louisburg (impenetrable fort in Canada) Purpose= so they (colonists) could move west Result: British defeat French in North and Spain in South Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) English and French trade back territories Colonists furious b/c they fought not British soldiers and it once again restricted westward expansion = French still a threat and colonists still need English protection.



11 George Washington Inaugurates War with France
The Ohio Valley is now a source of rivalry between French and English = gateway to West! Colonists want to go west; French want to stop them and link Canada with South (New Orleans). In 1749 the Ohio Company (wealthy Virginians) are given permission to expand west. 1754 George Washington is sent to make sure expansion (west) is happening. Builds Fort Necessity as a stronghold French attack Fort Necessity on July 3, 1754 and Washington surrenders on July 4, 1754.

12 Global War and Colonial Disunity
There is no real colonial Unity yet! French and Indian War (Seven Years War) First of the wars starting on American soil (Washington’s battle at Fort Necessity) Luckily the French focused so much of their strength on European front they didn’t have enough left to throw adequate forces in New World struggle.

13 Global War and Colonial Disunity
Albany Congress (1754): The British summon the inter- colonial congress to Albany, NY Purpose: Immediate Purpose- keep Iroquois happy and on the British side (Peace w/ Indians) Long-term- Achieve greater colonial unity (early obstacle in war) Ben Franklin- leading voice of congress. He launched a brilliant but still premature scheme for colonial home rule. British would not accept and believed they still needed to be involved. Colonies wanted more control. CONGRESS = FAILURE!!!

14 Braddock’s Blundering and its Aftermath
Edward Braddock- Master General sent by British to lead attacks during French and Indian War (1755). Reason: British suffered many losses at the beginning of war, need a boost. He brought British regulars (redcoats) with him = slap in the face to colonists. (didn’t think they were capable) Marched on Fort Duquesne They walk into an ambush by French/Indians Braddock is killed. British suffer severe losses Washington and provincial history British launch a full scale attack all over north America= Old Military minds. Had they focused attacks the other forts would have fallen easily.

15 Pitts Palms of Victory William Pitt- “Great Commander” sent by British in the hour of crisis. He drew his strength from the people (In this case the colonists). He believes in his cause, country and himself. Why is Pitt Successful He changes the British military focus to Canada Brought forces together = stronger Picked young, energetic leaders (reflected the colonies)

16 Pitts Palms of Victory In 1758 the British take Louisbourg again = 1st significant victory for British This Gives Them HOPE! Battle of Quebec (1759) Key stronghold of the French sets off a domino effect towards French surrender in the war. Battle takes place on the Plains of Abraham Montreal Falls (1790) This victory signifies the French flag sailing over the continent for the last time.

17 Pitts Palms of Victory RESULTS: Treaty of Paris (1763)
French cedes Canada to Great Britain French gives Louisiana to Spain for their losses in the war. Spain gives Florida to Great Britain Great Britain dominant power in North America and leading naval power = world power.

18 Restless Colonists Effects of the French and Indian War:
Colonists gain confidence in their military experience Shattered the myth of British invincibility Many of the militia fought better then redcoats Friction developed between British officers and colonial militia Colonists refused to support wholeheartedly War brought unity to colonists

19 Aftermath of War Before the War the colonists had to stay close (loyal) to the British for protection against the French and Spain. NOW THEY DID NOT! Leads to Spirit of Independence French thought if they could lose their colonies so could British Indians substantially reduced (less conflict) Indians could now only negotiate with British and not pit European nations against one another. Pontiac’s Uprising (1763)- Ottawa Chief, Pontiac, led siege on Detroit. British retaliate (Smallpox blankets) British realize they need to stabilize their relations with Indians = British troops on frontier border to minimize classes between Indians and colonists.

20 Aftermath of War Westward expansion now possible for colonists
British control Ohio River Valley PROBLEM: Proclamation of prohibited settlement beyond Appalachian Mountains KEY: This angers the colonist’s b/c they earned that right with their blood during the French and Indian War.

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