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Sparkle a functional theorem prover

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1 Sparkle a functional theorem prover
Maarten de Mol, Marko van Eekelen, Rinus Plasmeijer September 2001 University of Nijmegen

2 Overview Design goals: make it possible to formally reason about programs written in Clean Introduction to Sparkle: implementation characterization: specification language, logic, tactical language, user interface Towards the realization of design goals: feasibility of specification language proving styles (hint mechanism) Preliminary results and conclusions

3 Overview (1) Design goals: make it possible to formally reason about programs written in Clean Introduction to Sparkle: implementation characterization: specification language, logic, tactical language, user interface Towards the realization of design goals: feasibility of specification language proving styles (hint mechanism) Preliminary results and conclusions

4 Design goals (1) Make it possible to formally prove properties of programs written in Clean should be easier than with existing provers should be possible for both smaller programs (certificates) and larger programs (partial correctness) Make it possible for programmers to formally reason about Clean-programs: focus on proofs of small programs should be possible to do in short time should require little expertise

5 Design goals (2) IDE Integrate Sparkle in the Clean system:
code generator editor compiler IDE theorem prover linker profilers

6 Overview (2) Design goals: make it possible to formally reason about programs written in Clean Introduction to Sparkle: implementation characterization: specification language, logic, tactical language, user interface Towards the realization of design goals: feasibility of specification language proving styles (hint mechanism) Preliminary results and conclusions

7 Implementation of Sparkle
Programming language: Clean 1.3 (will be upgraded to 2.0) ‘Libraries’ used: Object I/O Library Clean 2.0 Compiler (frontend only) Size (counted in lines of source code): theorem prover:  compiler frontend:  Object I/O:  total: 

8 Specification of programs (1)
Specification language: Core-Clean subset of Clean 2.0 (and Haskell) basic functional programming language lazy evaluation, strictness, sharing, basic values … no syntactical sugar (functions; case; let) translation of Clean to Core-Clean is possible overloading is translated to dictionaries ZF/dotdot-expressions are translated to functions pattern matching is translated to case distinction local functions are translated to global functions ….

9 Specification of programs (2)
Reasoning takes place in Core-Clean richness of Clean makes it difficult to reason Translation of Clean to Core-Clean is performed by the compiler frontend of Clean 2.0 Compiler programming language (Clean) reasoning language (Core-Clean)

10 Specification of properties
Specification language: Core-Logic equalities on expressions logical connectives: not (), and (), or (), implies (), iff () logical quantors: universal () over propositions over arbitrary expressions existential ()

11 Semantics of Core-Logic
Semantics for = (operational, bisimilar): [| E = F |] = E  E’F  F’[E’  F’]  F  F’E  E’[F’  E’] Rules for  : (C x1…xn) is only smaller-equal than something of the form (C y1…yn) where x1  y1  …  xn  yn a basic value is only smaller-equal than itself _|_ is only smaller-equal than itself any other E is smaller-equal than anything else Semantics for other constructs: standard

12 Tactical language Tactics: Composition of tactics:
currently a total of 42 different tactics logic tactics: Introduce, Split, Witness, …. programming tactics: Induction, Reduce, SplitCase, …. similar to well-known theorem provers Composition of tactics: repeat compose (;)

13 User interface: proving styles
Three different ways of applying tactics: select from displayed list of tactics and manually choose arguments in the tactic dialog use the command prompt (keyboard only) select from suggestion list (hint mechanism) suggestions are based on the current goal suggestions are sorted by a probability score (hard-coded in Sparkle and based on personal experience with proving properties of functional programs) suggestions can be applied with a hot-key suggestions with a high enough probability score can be applied automatically

14 Overview (3) Design goals: make it possible to formally reason about programs written in Clean Introduction to Sparkle: implementation characterization: specification language, logic, tactical language, user interface Towards the realization of design goals: feasibility of specification language proving styles (hint mechanism) Preliminary results and conclusions

15 Realization of design goals
Similar programming and reasoning language: same semantics (and syntax) translation preserves program structure Specialized tactics Three different proving styles: hint mechanism: fast, no expertise needed prompt: powerful tactic dialogs: in between Sophisticated user interface

16 Overview (4) Design goals: make it possible to formally reason about programs written in Clean Introduction to Sparkle: implementation characterization: specification language, logic, tactical language, user interface Towards the realization of design goals: feasibility of specification language proving styles (hint mechanism) Preliminary results and conclusions

17 Preliminary results No final results available yet:
not tested on bigger examples yet Tested on 49 basic theorems: basic theorems on lists many inspired by ‘Introduction to Functional Programming’ (Bird) Proving effort: (biased) little expertise needed (except for basic values) little time needed (several hours for an expert) many can be proved automatically

18 Conclusions A working implementation is available.
Not tested enough for definite conclusions. Proving properties of smaller programs seems very easy using Sparkle: Usable by programmers: probably. Better than existing systems: yes. Proving properties of larger programs: to be done.

19 Examples of proved theorems
1. map f (xs++ys) = map f xs ++ map f ys 2. foldr (+) 0 = sum 3. ~(n = _|_) -> take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs 4. (map f) o reverse = reverse o (map f) 5. length (reverse xs) = length xs 6. infinite xs = False -> reverse (xs++ys) = reverse ys ++ reverse xs 7. n >= 0 -> m >= 0 -> (take m) o (drop n) = (drop n) o (take (m+n))

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