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Laos Education & Research Network

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1 Laos Education & Research Network
in present NREN: LERNET Country: Lao People Democratic Republic (Laos) Presenter: Phonekeo CHANTHAMALY The 2nd Project Meeting/ August Dalian International Finance Conference Center

2 About Laos Population (2016) 7.02 Million 30 p/Km2
GDP (by International Monetary Fund) 1600 US$ Higher Edu. University 5 Colleges 99 ICT Investment/Awareness for Education Low ICT Business in General Sectors Normal (5 ISPs) Internet Penetration 20 % Internet in Higher Edu. Student Group 100% (Via Smart Phone) About Laos 2000 2006 2010 2016 6000 (0.1%) 25,000 (0.4%) 527,400 (7.5%) 1,400,000 (19.9%) Laos is poor in Development But Rich in Eating

3 Organization NREN : Laos Education and Research Network (LERNET)
((( Not Yet Official Established ))) Number of member institutions(connected to in REN) : It has not been an official REN (NUOL is as an Initiate LERNET Representative) However, the number of higher education institutions - 5 Universities - 99 Colleges - If it is connected, Universities and Colleges in Vientiane Cap. City will be the first group


5 (Lao National Internet Committee) (Vientiane ⇔ Nongkhai)
Backbone and Network Backbone : In present, Only The Physical Link Between NUOL to UniNet (Thailand) UniNet/ThaiREN (Thailand) LANIC (Lao National Internet Committee) NUOL (National U. Laos) Border (Mekong River) (Vientiane ⇔ Nongkhai) Network Update : National Connection, Not yet International Connection: Only the Physical Link Between NUOL to UniNet (Thailand)

6 Activity update Plan Continue process in LERNET Establishment
Dissemination Workshop for TEIN / AsiaConnect / LERNET Roles and Its Utility (Regional and International Case), estimated: The end of 2017. Long plan Convince Government for ICT Investment for Development, Including of both Infrastructure and its Utilization (It would be Mega-Project for Laos) Convince Ministry and Higher Education Institutions in Laos, aware with Network based Educational / Research Collaboration. Disseminate Lecturers and Researchers to Utilize Network based RE acitivities Notice: Due to the Budget Plan is always the Plan in paper work It is hard to be taken in Action, Especially Laos case.

7 Conclusion Present Status
Since the Stage of less Development of Laos, Education and Research have low Readiness to Use Network, then Low Investment in ICT based RE; Up to present, NREN (LERNET) has been not official Establishment, It was just physical Linked from NUOL (a Largest Laos University) through ThaiREN/Uninet to TEIN, but not in Practical used; LERNET is a kind of Organization, It needs Budget for Development and Operation, So It is deeply needed Consideration, Otherwise Fail in its Investment ! ; Future NUOL will be acted as LERNET, but It is needed Nomination for approval Activities; LERNET Network Must be Developed (But it needs Budget ?); It Would be Started Some Higher Education Institutions in Vientiane Capital City, then Expand to Provincial area,.. ; ….

8 Thank you !! Mutual Understanding from Country by Country Background,
We can effectively work together, Lao PDR is Less-Develop Country, Please be Considered as Special Case Laos would go Step by Step, Therefore, Laos is Lao PDR Thank you !!

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