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Financial Modeling Data Collection & Integration Graph Rates of Return

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Modeling Data Collection & Integration Graph Rates of Return"— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Modeling Data Collection & Integration Graph Rates of Return
Efficient Portfolio Frontier Regression CAPM Vitex.xls

2 Graph

3 Candlestick Candlestick Lines from low to high
Solid bar from open to close down Open bar from open to close up high open close open close low

4 Candlestick Candlestick You can also use green = up red = down high
open close open close low

5 Data

6 Prepare Spreadsheet If we chart directly from raw data we get
50:1 split January 21, 2010

7 Prepare Spreadsheet Therefore
Open, High, Low , Close, & Volume numbers need to be adjusted for splits. NEVER mess with the raw data; relay it to where you can make adjustments. Rule #1: Never enter the same information more than once.

8 Prepare Spreadsheet New worksheet Label it Candlestick Data

9 Relay Data Relay titles B1 = Data!B1 B2 = Data!B2 Rule #1:
Never enter the same information more than once. Relay Data Relay titles B1 = Data!B1 B2 = Data!B2

10 The closing price of $3,353.00 represents 50 shares, not 1
Split Adjust Open and High need to be divided by 50 Low and Close need to be divided by 1 The closing price of $3, represents 50 shares, not 1

11 $ locks the address to column I
Relay Data Date: B3 = Data!B3 Open: C3 = Data!C3/ Data! $I3 High: D3 = Data!D3/ Data! $I3 Low: E3 = Data!E3/ Data! $I2 Close: F3 = Data!F3/ Data! $I2 Split factor Split factor Post split factor $ locks the address to column I

12 Split Adjust Verify that adjusted data makes sense split month

13 original data is finance blue
Rule #3: Always color code Relay Data original data is finance blue adjusted data is black Data Candlestick

14 Chart Titlebar In H1 =$C$1 & " " &TEXT($B$3,"mmmm yyyy") &" - " & TEXT($B$39,"mmmm yyyy") This will provide the title for the graph Alt Enter © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

15 Graphing

16 Candlestick The candlestick is a standard chart in Excel
Data must be in the form Date Open High Low Close Data must be split adjusted

17 Candlestick Highlight the date, open, high, low, close data (including the subtitles)

18 Graph Alt + N K to Insert Chart

19 Graph The Excel default chart looks terrible.

20 Dynamic Chart Title Click inside the Chart Title
In the formula bar type = and click in H1 OP fx =Candlestick!$H$1 © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

21 Dynamic Chart Title The chart title is now dynamically linked to cell H1 The Alt+Enter we put in cell H1 forces the linefeed It can be formatted from the Home ribbon © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

22 Format Chart Select chart Chart Tools [Design][Format]
Under [Format] each component of the chart is included in the dropdown list Note series are properly named because you included the subtitles when you created the graph

23 Format Chart Format Chart Area

24 Format Panel The Format Panel
Note the little arrow To construct a border expand Border The Format Panel reconfigures itself depending on your selection

25 Format Panel Format Chart Area Border

26 … and the Format Panel reconfigures itself
Click inside the Chart … and the Format Panel reconfigures itself

27 … or click on the6to list the components in the chart
Format Panel … or click on the6to list the components in the chart

28 Format Axis Stock Charts are Line charts Format horizontal axis to
Base units of months when data is monthly (Excel assumes days)

29 Format Axis Same graph but with the base units in days rather than months. Excel forces the bar width to June 1, 2007 instead of June 2007. © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

30 Format Data Series Adjust the gap between bars for any of the series
Gap at 50% Gap at 150%

31 Format Up/Down Bars Format Up and Down bars to your selected colors
© Oltheten & Waspi 2012

32 Format Axis The vertical axis should be given a color.
Why Microsoft defaults to a white line on white is beyond most of us)

33 Labels are set to major unit
Format Axis Reset to auto The vertical axis can be left on automatic so that it adjusts to new data or fixed to optimize the current chart. Labels are set to major unit no decimal places

34 Format © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

35 Placed for easy viewing, under the Titlebar so that it prints properly
Best Practice Rule #16: Place Charts properly in the model. Place charts under a Titlebar. Placed for easy viewing, under the Titlebar so that it prints properly

36 This looks unprofessional
Best Practice Rule #17: Format charts to fit the model. Use the same font and font size as the model This looks unprofessional

37 Best Practice Always submit a model
Rule #15: Always Professional Save Always submit a model open to the top sheet focus in A1 in each sheet View size at 100% Use Professional Save in the Finance Ribbon Professional Save

38 Graph

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