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You are where you Using data to estimate International Migration Rates

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Presentation on theme: "You are where you Using data to estimate International Migration Rates"— Presentation transcript:

1 You are where you Email : Using Email data to estimate International Migration Rates

2 Abstract Age and gender specific migration data extracted from a large sample of Yahoo messages Used geo-located data from IP addresses of the people who sent s Overcome selection Bias Findings suggest that data complements the migration data

3 Related Work Estimation of International Migration Flow Tables in Europe When men and women migrate : Comparing gendered migration in USA Discovering Spatiotemporal Mobility Profiles of cell phone users

4 Geographic scale of work is global
Previous researches focussed on mobility within the country or city .This research has managed to keep a track of cross border movements for fairly long period of time (2 years)

5 Challenges People may not register at all
Lag between time of residency and registration May not register for economic incentives Registration systems are not well setup May be registered at two places at a time Lag between collection of data and publishing

6 Data Geographic information
Self reported demographic information of Yahoo! Users Migration rates for 11 European countries collected fro National statistical agency International statistics on Internet penetration rate

7 Methods Estimation of Emigration Profile by Gender and age
* define migration * To infer on population develop a model * Validate profile of age specific rates

8 2. Selection Bias Correction

9 Emigration results


11 Mobility rates over time

12 Observations: International Mobility has increased globally in both trimesters since 2009 There are few countries where it decreased after first trimester Some observed very little mobility International mobility has been higher for females US and Mexico age group

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