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Empirically Based Strategies for Studying and Test Taking

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Presentation on theme: "Empirically Based Strategies for Studying and Test Taking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Empirically Based Strategies for Studying and Test Taking
Julie Hamilton Health and Wellness

2 What Does and Does NOT Work?

3 What Does Work? RESILIENCY BOOSTERS and being PROACTIVE help prevent study and test FATIGUE

4 Resiliency Boosters Basics: exercise, eat, sleep
Neutral, flexible attitude Pleasurable, relaxing activities Spending more time in present moment, less time in our heads….builds concentration.

5 Study Skills - Resiliency
Get outside: fresh air, sunlight. Get active: run steps, push-ups, yoga poses, stretches. Make exercise, sleep, and meals a priority. Text, call someone…then turn it off. Limit caffeine, alcohol intake

6 Study Skills - Resiliency
Join FitClub, a run/walk group, fitness/yoga class. Don’t study right up to bedtime. Take time to relax, have fun.

7 Preparing to Study Stay hydrated..... Eat lots of veggies (hydration)
Limit junk foods (simple carbs) Take a power nap

8 Preparing to Study Mindfully…
Take a few deep breaths. Notice thoughts, i.e., “I have to study….”, “I must study.” “I’m CHOOSING to study.” “Studying this subject is in the service of…..”

9 Study Skills - Retention
Pick a time when you’re alert, i.e., AM vs. PM Limit distractions: TV, music, phones, etc. Instrumental, non-lyrical music

10 Study Skills - Retention
Break 60/90 minutes into 3x min. Take 5 minute breaks-get out of study space Avoid mindless snacking-too often a short term soother

11 Study Skills - Retention
Review notes soon after (within 24 hours). Study Schedule – rotate between easier and more difficult subjects. 15-20 min. subject presentations with a few cue cards (helps assimilate info)

12 Study Skills - Retention
Study groups Using different senses, i.e., audio (say it out loud), visual (draw).

13 Study Skills -Retention
Focus on understanding materials, not just memorization of details. Conceptualize the material, organizing it on cards. Watch for themes/objectives provided by instructor.

14 Study Skills -Retention
Take solid notes and get notes from others students if you missed content or are confused about certain points. Touch base with your instructor to clarify themes of exam and answer any questions you might have. “Review” materials a few days prior to test, and again the day prior to the exam.

15 Study Skills -Retention
Review or Quiz?

16 Study Skills -Retention
QUIZ, QUIZ, QUIZ…. 6 weeks out: every 3-5 days 3-4 weeks out: every 3 days 2 weeks out: every 1-2 days Remember…even wrong answers count!

17 Day of Test a. Eat a decent meal - avoid low blood sugar interfering with your concentration and memory. b. Organize items you might need ahead of time so you aren’t rushing around. c. Engage in some brief physical activity-i.e., walk around campus, noticing things you can see, hear; chat with others.

18 Day of Test d. Get to exam site at least 5 minutes early. e. LISTEN to all directives from instructor. f. Read each question carefully and REREAD-many errors are from not paying attention to questions

19 Day of Test f. Make room for any signs of stress and/or anxiety. i. It’s normal to not be relaxed before/during a test, and to be noticing some anxiety showing up. ii. It’s temporary – anxiety, stress and relaxation may come/go throughout the exam. iii. Acknowledge (“ah…there’s worry”) anxious, stressful sensations/thoughts and gently refocus back to your exam.

20 Day of Test If feeling stuck, frozen or confused with a certain question(s), 1. STOP – BREATHE – notice the next 2-3 breaths you take. Helps us to get out of our head. 2. NOTICE – any loose thoughts, feelings, and/or sensations. 3. GENTLY REFOCUS your attention to the question/problem at hand, or mark it and go back to it later. (These steps only take a few seconds!)

21 Situational Awareness = Improved Concentration

Focus in Present Moment Without judgment Notice what’s going on right now Notice thoughts, feelings, sensations Cope better with stress, anxiety Make fewer mistakes


24 Research on Mindfulness and Test Taking (Association of Psychological Science, 2013)
Mindful Practice Class Exercises: Informal Mindfulness Practice awareness while eating an apple Formal Mindfulness 10 minute daily practice noticing distracting thoughts/feelings and returning attention to task (breath)

25 Research on Mindfulness and Test Taking (Association of Psychological Science, 2013)
RESULTS- Mindful Group did significantly better: Performed higher in working memory tasks Had higher accuracy on GRE – 16 percentile points higher than nutrition group Reduced “mind-wandering” overall

26 Research on Mindfulness and Test Taking (Association of Psychological Science, 2013)
Conclusion: Mindfulness appears to contribute to improvement in test performance and may boost test results.

27 Julie Hamilton, ACSW, CAADC Personal Coaching/Wellness Room 425
For assistance with study skills, stress, anxiety, concentration, and more! Contact Julie Hamilton, ACSW, CAADC Personal Coaching/Wellness Room 425

28 Bibliography Hayes, S. Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life, New Harbinger (2005). Harris, R. The Happiness Trap, Trumpeter Press, (2008). Hayes, S., Wilson, K., Strosahl, K., Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Springer Publishing, (1999). Wood, Gary, Top Study Skills, (2012).

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