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Software for Spectrometer T0 jumps correction

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1 Software for Spectrometer T0 jumps correction
Straw WG Software for Spectrometer T0 jumps correction D. Madigozhin JINR Dubna

2 Outline Jumps correction technique reminder
Minimum Correction Strategy data flow Full Correction Strategy data flow Implementation status Conclusion

3 Reminder of the Spectrometer T0 jumps correction technique
For each period of complete runs a job (analyser in “histo” mode) is submitted, that: Extracts from each burst only the Raw Digi leading time (wrt to trigger) 2D histogram. So reconstruction in fact does not matter at this stage, any reconstructed root file is good. Makes 480 cover-related time histograms rebinned with 25-ns bins. Accumulates these cover histograms burst by burst until the statistically very significant main peak is found (sometimes it may be reached in 1 burst, sometimes not). Finds the peak position and its error by parabola inerpolation between 3 points around the maximum. Accumulated histogram is then reset (and also at the begin of the next run). Writes the graph [peak time (ns) vs burst timestamp (epoch seconds)] for each cover. Automatic jumps detection: “Corrected sliding average” - a ring memory for the last 50 values and errors. The next value enters into the sliding average evaluation with an automatically detected jump correction. If the discrepance between the next point of the graph and the current sliding average is larger than 70% of expected jump (D= ns), and it is larger than 5 errors of difference 5 sqrt(dt2 + dSla2), the jump is detected and written into the correction text file. Some very rare jumps are not automatically detected at all (taken as a slow drift), and some ones are detected too late (if the first points after the jump have enlarged errors). Visual control of automatic jumps and a special visual Jumps Editor to correct the problematic cases that happen due to a poor statistics. Automatic correstions and Jumps Editor corrections are sorted together in order to produce the jumps data file. T0 Jumps corrections must be implemented prior to T0 extraction and reconstruction.

4 Analyzer for NA62Analysis SpectrometerJumpsCorrection
Minimum Correction Strategy (MCS) Na62Reco pass 1 Reconstructed file list for a complete run(s) Analyzer for NA62Analysis SpectrometerJumpsCorrection Text files *.dat : In-run jumps List of runs with in-run jumps In analyzer output.root, directory SpectrometerJumpsCorrection: Bad burst graph (flag vs timestamp) Run limits graph (run vs timestamps) Peak time vs timestamp graph per cover Selection of runs without in-run jumps Na62Reco pass 2 for the runs with in-run jumps Root files with corrected in-run jumps after Na62Reco pass 2 FCS Further NA62Analysis and NA62Reco passes For MCS everything is now included into na62fw

5 Analyzer for NA62Analysis SpectrometerJumpsCorrection
Na62Reco pass 1 Reconstructed file lists for 2016 Analyzer for NA62Analysis SpectrometerJumpsCorrection Full Correction Strategy (FCS) Text files *.dat : In-run jumps List of runs with in-run jumps In analyzer output.root, directory SpectrometerJumpsCorrection: Bad burst graph (flag vs timestamp) Run limits graph (run vs timestamps) Peak time vs timestamp graph per cover Organize a period root files by means of “runbyryn” and “uniteruns” codes MCS Na62Reco pass 2 for the full 2016 data set Initial time alignment Run<firstrun>_<lastrun>.root period files in separate directories First pass of “solve” code in each directory zero.dat Full jumps data file Visual jumps editor “correct” Merging of automatic and visual corrections from all periods root files with automatic jump corrections Text files corr_<cover>.dat with a manual extra corrections Text files with automatic jump corrections

6 For each runs period <from run>_<to run>, a second control pass of “solve” jumps correction program shows a visual result of all jumps found for this period up to now. One can visually detect all essential deviations from a constant T0 value. A resulting final control root file contains corrected graphs for each cover. Graphical pdf file is also produced. If the current final result is still not good enough, a visual jumps editor is used for the problematic cover, and more manual jumps are inserted for this cover. Then a control check of total jumps correction effect may be done again. When the given interval corrections looks satisfactory, we proceed to the next runs period in the another directory, where a link from the last period control root file is made to the local “Pre.root”, that is used for initialization of all the sliding average objects. So cover-related sliding average procedure is made without interruptions for the full year data. If additional correction is done for some runs period, a complete recalculation should be done for the rest of the year data in order to have a visual representation of the complete corrections result. Sometimes it helps to detect more jumps missed earlier in statistically poor covers.

7 More difficult case with a large errors
Automatic correction In-run jump Automatically corrected Initial automatic corrected More difficult case with a large errors All jumps visual final check and correction Visual correction with the jump editor Initial

8 Time alignment remainder
By means of special artificial D-jumps at the start of the 2016 run in the jumps database, the initial cover times are made close to each other within one SRB. It is absorbed by the standard T0 correction (no effect for physics), but it simplifies the visual control and software tests. Period of runs Chamber I Chamber II Chamber III Chamber IV Red: after the time alignment Electronics cover index

9 Implementation status
The NA62fw correction needed both for the MCS and FCS is merged (included into standard NA62 framework code) during the last week. MCS is ready to be implemented in the 2016 run-by-run reprocessing. FCS additional stand-alone software is developed. It is tested on the on-line processed 2016 data, the draft jumps databases is introduced into NA62fw and may be used for reconstruction tests. But on-line processing did not include all the data, so the complete FCS correction is not available now, it will be prepared only when the complete 2016 processing will be done at least once. A new GitLab project is created for the FCS software development and distribution (Michal suggestion).

10 NA62-Spectrometer CERN GitLab Group
Created for stand-alone Spectrometer codes Read-open for all CERN users If you want to start within this Group new project tell me or Michal The Group contains currently 2 projects, one of them is a software for FCS: NA62-Spectrometer/T0JumpsPreparation Project corrs : example directory with the usage scripts and Makefiles jumpcodes : Root+C++ codes for FCS (currently 11 utilities) ProSGCorr : interface developed in order to run SpectrometerJumpsCorrection without NA62Analysis (mainly for development). toolsroot : a simple general Root utilities for work with NA62 root files (currently only 1 utility). FCS complete documentation still to be written

11 Conclusion Jumps detection software needed both for Minimum Correction Strategy (MCS) and for the Full Correction Strategy (FCS) is developed and is working; Jumps correction software is published in GitLab; FCS detailed documentation preparation is in progress; FCS jumps database with 2016 online-processed data is ready, but it is not a complete data set even for pass 1; MCS has a better chances to be implemented first in the frameworks of the existing reprocessing strategy.

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