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EUSDR Strategic Projects & Seed Money Facility in DTP

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1 EUSDR Strategic Projects & Seed Money Facility in DTP 2014 - 2020
Joint meeting of PA 8 Working Groups Osijek, Co-financed by the European Union and Land Baden-Württemberg

2 Seed Money Facilty in DTP 2014 - 2020
Action for funding in Danube Transnational Programme : “Establish a seed money/project development fund facility (Financing fund). This instrument is providing support to strategic projects in the thematic fields of the Strategy. Small scale financial assistance is available for EUSDR-relevant project ideas – regardless the financial instrument to be addressed with the project developed, be it national, mainstream EU, transnational or cross border or by any other public or private investor (such as IFIs) or public-private partnership.” Programme output indicator envisaged in DTP for the SMF: Indicator No./ Type Indicator Final target (2023) Explanation of relevance of indicator P30/O Number of projects plans prepared through the SMF 50 One of the main expected results link to this output indicator refers to increasing the capacities for the development of complex strategic transnational projects in the Danube region, as such it is expected to provide a strong contribution to increasing the institutional capacities through learning interactions.

3 Seed Money Facilty in DTP 2014 – 2020 (II)
Project generation facility – finances project development phase Development of strategic, complex, transnational project Not the same as project development support for “regular” DTP projects Priorities (“investment fields”) defined by the EUSDR (PACs) First call to be published in 2017 estimated EUR per project (lump-sum principle)

4 Key question What is our strategic project?

5 How to finance your Strategic Projects?
Seed Money Facility EUSDR Strategic Projects Danube Transnational Programme PROJECT DEVELOPMENT

projects with high impact and visibility for the EUSDR contributing to stronger & clearer strategic focus of the PA co-relation an contribution to MR/EUSDR co-relation an contribution to targets of the PA or PAs contribution to Actions (Action Plan) MR/transnational effect and wide support from Danube Countries tool for PA stakeholders (you) to better define strategic focus not a-priori about money, however defining the way to funds

7 EUSDR STRATEGIC PROJECTS – labeling process
PAs identify suitable projects DSP screens proposals NCs approve the “EUSDR Strategic Project” label

8 What can be an EUSDR Strategic Project?
In terms of structure, a EUSDR strategic project can be: 1) Single project, contributing to a priority area 2) Group of projects, contributing to a priority area 3) Process, contributing to a priority area

9 What can be an EUSDR Strategic Project?
In terms of scope and readiness, a EUSDR strategic project can be: 1) Preparatory project 2) Investment project 3) Processes or other projects for developing and establishing key solutions cut off date: since January 2014 onwards

10 What can be an EUSDR Strategic Project?
LABEL criteria: 1) clearly contributes to a EUSDR target 2) clearly and substantially supports the implementation of an EUSDR Action 3) evident and high macro- regional dimension (cooperation between and impact on at least 3 states and/or regions from Danube region) 4) approved/supported widely by the countries from Danube region 5) realistic in terms of objectives, activities, timeframe & deliverables 6) has clear financing plan, linked to activities, timeframe and deliverables of the strategic project

11 Thank you for your attention!
Follow us on: Co-financed by the European Union and Land Baden-Württemberg

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