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Exploratory Testing By Alo Roots.

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1 Exploratory Testing By Alo Roots

2 Main Keywords Underestimated Also known as ad hoc testing
Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design and test execution Getting more popular cause cost effective Early 1990s test methodologists (now Context-Driven School) started using the term “exploratory” Microsoft uses it for 3rd party applications for Windows compatibility

3 Becomes interesting when viewed in the spectrum of SKILL (like chess)
When tester has skills to LISTEN, READ, THINK and REPORT, rigorously and effectively without pre-scripted instructions then exploratory testing can be many times as productive (revealing VITAL information) as scripted variety. When properly supervised and chartered then even testers without special skills can produce USEFUL results that WOULD NOT have been anticipated by SCRIPT.

4 Exploratory testing is NOT AGAINST the idea of scripted testing
In some contexts scripts are better than exploratory tesing and in some contexts You will benefit more from the ability to create and improve tests as You execute them Most situations benefit from mix of scripted and exploratory approaches Virtually ALL TESTING performed by human testers is exploratory to some degree “Are You doing exploratory testing?” becomes “In what ways and what degree is Your testing exploratory?”

5 Have you ever solved a jigsaw puzzle
Have you ever solved a jigsaw puzzle? If so then You have practiced exploratory testing. Can You imagine what it would be like to design and document ALL your jigsaw “test cases” before You began to assemble the puzzle or even before You knew anything about the picture formed by the puzzle? Exploratory testers change how they work as they learn. Documenting in advance or following explicit instructions would slow down Your work. The puzzle changes the puzzling

6 The specifics of the puzzle affects out tactics for solving it
Instead of asking what test are they instructed to run, exploratory testers ask what is the BEST test I can perform right now. Test factors change continiously throughout the course of the test project or even from the moment to moment during test session The power of exploratory tests can be optimized throughout the test process, whereas scripts (because they dont change!!!) tend to become less powerful over time.

7 Script tests fade for many reasons, but main reason is that once You’ve executed the script and didnt find a problem there is far less chance that You’ll find a problem on the second execution. Exploratory testing external structure: over a period of TIME, a TESTER interacts with a PRODUCT to fulfill a testing MISSION and REPORTING results. Conceiving questions about the product, designing tests to answer those questions and executing tests to get the answers

8 Exploratory test session often begins with charter, which states the mission and perhaps some of the tactics to be used. Charter may be chosen by the tester himself, or assigned by the test lead or test manager. In exploratory testing the main point is maximum use of skill rather than attempting to represent every action in written form In freestyle exploratory testing (no scripting at all) the only official result that comes from a session of exploratory testing is a set of bug reports.

9 Basic keywords for exploratory tester:
The outer trappings, inputs and outputs to exploratory testing are worth looking at, but it is the inner structure that matters the most – the part that accurs INSIDE THE MIND of a tester. Thats where exploratory testing SUCCEEDS or FAILS, where excellent explorer is distinguished from the amateur. Basic keywords for exploratory tester: Test design Careful observation Critical thinking Diverse ideas Rich resources

10 Freestyle exploratory testing can be managed in two ways:
Difference between test manager and test lead: test manager usually has hiring and firing authority and other administrative responsibilities, whereas the test lead is focused ONLY on the test stradegy and tactics. Although in some cases both roles can be fulfilled by the same person Freestyle exploratory testing can be managed in two ways: Delegation OR Participation

11 Delegation - in practice a particular tester is often PERMANENTLY assigned to one set of components so that the project benefits from an uninterrupted learning curve. It is suggested to discuss test progress once a week Participation – the lead tests are right alongside with the rest of the testers. Participation allows the lead to direct the test strategy in real time Many concerns about the potential for confusion or inefficent testing during exploratory testing tend to dissapear when test lead is intimately involved with the testing ;)

12 Team exploratory testing can be EXTREMELY powerful.
One way is to put two testers behind one computer Another way is that one tester “drives” the keyboard while many others watch and comment Where does exploratory testing fit in? in genereal exploratory testing is for any situation where its not obvious what the next test should be or when you want to go beyond the obvious tests It fits anywhere that testing is not completely dictated in advance

13 Exploratory testing is powerful because of how the information flows backward from executing testing to redesigning them. Whenever that feedback loop is weak, exploratory testing loses its power and You have to fall back to carefully pre-scripted tests. There are no reasonable numbers; no valid studies of testing productivity that compares ET with scripted testing. Productivity depends upon lot of factors.

14 Freestyle exploratory testing fits if:
You need to provide rapid feedback on a new product or feature. You need to learn the product quickly. You have already tested using scripts, and seek to diversify the testing. You want to find the single most important bug in the shortest time. You want to check the work of another tester by doing a brief independent investigation. You want to investigate and isolate a particular defect. You want to investigate the status of a particular risk, in order to evaluate the need for scripted tests in that area

15 Exploratory testing itself fits in all the above and in addition:
Improvising on scripted tests. Interpreting vague test instructions. Product analysis and test planning. Improving existing tests. Writing new test scripts. Regression testing based on old bug reports. Testing based on reading the user manual and checking each assertion

16 Conclusion Exploratory testing can be described as martial art of the mind. Its how You deal with a product that jumps out from the bushes and challenges you to duel of testing. Well, you dont become a black belt by reading books. You have to work at it Practice, Practice, Practice

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