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End of the Jeffersonian Era

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1 End of the Jeffersonian Era

2 Jefferson Makes way for Madison
After Jefferson’s second term was up, he decided not to run again He had a long, successful presidency and was ready for retirement His Secretary of State, James Madison became the next president of the United States

3 James Madison Madison was a founding father and the co-founder with Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party Madison is also considered the Father of the Constitution He wrote the first draft of the constitution and the full Bill of Rights He was also tiny. He was only 5’4” and 100 lbs.

4 James Madison Becomes President
Madison was elected president after Jefferson, winning against the federalist candidate Jefferson had left many problems for Madison to fix.

5 The War of 1812 Britain and France were at war and American ships were being attacked Jefferson had but an embargo on trade with Britain Britain would capture American sailors and force them to fight with them Madison finally declared war on Britain

6 Dolley Payne Todd Dolley married Madison and is one of the most loved first ladies She was a beautiful socialite and was loved by many During the war of 1812 as the capital was being attacked by the British, Dolley refused to leave until a portrait of Washington was saved The capital was destroyed in fire but Dolley returned a few days later

7 Dolley Madison

8 The Portrait saved by Dolley

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