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Wake County Public School System

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1 Wake County Public School System
Reading 3D Quintiles & Progress Planning February 23, 2017

2 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

3 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

4 How do we evaluate progress and set goals?
How many of you have seen (or set) goals like this? All students will be at grade level by end of the year All grades will increase at least 10% in proficiency this year Every school will end the year with 80% of students at proficient Are these goals equally appropriate for all schools or across all grades? For schools that start with 55% of schools at proficient? For those that start with 70% at proficient? And for the few that begin with 80% already at proficient? Presenter: Scott Miller

5 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Report Focus: TRC Performance What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

6 Reporting & Analysis Suite: Key MOY Reports

7 TRC Performance 2016-17; by Grade

8 TRC Performance 2015-16; by Grade

9 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

10 A Different Approach Our approach to evaluating growth and setting goals relies on the following principles: Goals should be attainable, measurable, and meaningful (as Dr. Good often says), and driven by a sense of urgency. Expectations should be relative to where a school begins. As a result, our approach does the following: Sets expectations according to the percent of students at Benchmark at the Beginning of the Year. Divides growth seen by schools into different bands of performance.

11 What are Quintiles? Bands of performance categorize progress from BOY to MOY (or EOY) for schools beginning at the same starting point. District or School Uses: Helps teachers help students reach grade level goals and exit high risk levels Planning/goal setting purposes for schools and/or teachers Progress Quintiles Measure: Prior year data across entire mCLASS user base If schools are making progress, relative to their peers Peers = schools starting with similar percentages of students at performance levels Progress Qunitiles Available: DIBELS Reaching Benchmark DIBELS Exiting Well Below Benchmark TRC Reaching Proficient/Above TRC Exiting Well Below Proficient

12 Understanding Bands of Performance
Cut-points for the bands of performance are determined by the range of progress made by schools in each quintile (or 20% of schools). For example, Well Below Average is reflective of the 20% of schools making the least amount of progress. Progress Categories Range of Distribution Well Below Average Bottom Quintile (20%) Below Average 2nd Quintile (20%) Average 3rd Quintile (20%) Above Average 4th Quintile (20%) Well Above Average Top Quintile (20%)

13 DIBELS: All Grades (K-3) for % of Students at/above Proficient
National mCLASS® Performance Ranges DIBELS: All Grades (K-3) for % of Students at/above Proficient Beginning of Year Well -below Average Progress Below Average Progress Average Progress Above Average Progress Well-above Average Progress 0 - 30% 0 - 32% % % % % % 0 - 37% % % % % % 0 - 44% % % % % % 0 - 48% % % % % 0 - 53% % % % % % 0 - 59% % % % % % 0 - 65% % % % % % 0 - 74% % % % % % 0 - 83% % % % % % 0 - 90% % % % % To find starting point: First, find the row in the first column corresponding to the percent of students scoring at proficient on the composite score at the beginning of year To analyze progress: Find column corresponding to the percent of students scoring at proficient on the composite score at the middle of year

14 Getting Oriented with Progress Quintiles: Progress Comparison for Proficient

15 North Central Schools 2016-17 BOY-MOY mCLASS:TRC % Reaching Proficient/Above

16 Example Quintile Table; NC K-3 Aggregate

17 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

18 Wake County 2016-17 BOY-MOY mCLASS:TRC % Reaching Proficient/Above

19 Wake County TRC Quintile Table; K-3
Consider 21 Wake schools that began BOY in the same peer group: What changed at MOY for each school? What if the goal for EOY was 80% at benchmark? What can schools learn by collaborating together?

20 School Progress YTD 2016-17 BOY-MOY (# of Schools)
Wake County BOY-MOY mCLASS:TRC Progress YTD Summary Progress Category School Progress YTD BOY-MOY (# of Schools) % Reaching Proficient % Far Below Proficient Well Above Average 37 24 Above Average 31 Average 26 25 Below Average 10 20 Well Below Average 1 11

21 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

22 Progress Planning Tool: Evaluating Progress
Step 1 establishes the progress level your district achieved by grade and aggregately for the prior school year. Drop-down to select grade band Use Comparing Populations report (for prior year, by grade) to complete the chart

23 Progress Planning Tool: Setting Goals
Step 2 allows districts (or schools) to set a goal for each grade and aggregate. Based on prior year data and district’s current year BOY start MOY % and EOY % needed to meet goal will populate based on level selected Uses Comparing Populations report (for current year, by grade)

24 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

25 Administrator Session: Using the Progress Planning Tool
Log into and click on Reporting: Run the Comparing Populations Report with the following criteria Segmented: by grade Population: K-3 Time: BOY&EOY; BOY&MOY Students Enrolled: On Test Day Measure: TRC Proficiency

26 Administrator Session: Completed Progress Planning Tool*
* Results shown are for all Wake County Schools

27 Progress Planning Tool: Things to Consider
Now that we have reviewed how to determine progress… Who on my team do I need involve? What are my next steps? What obstacles facing my staff may impact this? Is there a shift in my schedule or resources that may need to happen?

28 Parting Thoughts… We want your feedback!
For Additional Information Contact: Debbie Owens National Vice President Scott Miller Senior Account Manager

29 Agenda Introductions & Today’s Purpose Wake County MOY Data Story
Important Post-MOY reports Comparing Populations, Measure Breakdown & Effectiveness Current State: School Year What are Quintiles? Wake County Quintile Data Scatter plot and charts Progress Planning Tool – Introduction Goal Setting Activity Parting Thoughts Appendix

30 DIBELS Next Performance 2016-17; by Grade

31 DIBELS Next Performance 2015-16; by Grade

32 DIBELS Next Effectiveness; BOY-MOY 16-17
Presenter: Claudia Lanier

33 TRC Effectiveness; BOY-MOY 16-17
Presenter: Claudia Lanier

34 PM Fidelity (K-3) by week; post-BOY

35 School Progress YTD 2016-17 BOY-MOY (# of Schools)
North Central Schools BOY-MOY mCLASS:DIBELS Progress YTD Summary Progress Category School Progress YTD BOY-MOY (# of Schools) % Reaching Benchmark % Well Below Benchmark Well Above Average 50 44 Above Average 40 49 Average 52 51 Below Average 60 Well Below Average 55 61 Presenter:

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