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Welcome to O’Neill High School’s Open House

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to O’Neill High School’s Open House"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to O’Neill High School’s Open House

2 Regents Living Environment
Class: Regents Living Environment Teachers: Mr. Pitt Mr. Smith [Mrs. Susskind; ESL]

3 Class: Regents Earth Science Teachers: Ms. Viano Mr. Smith

4 How We Teach (in a “Co-Teaching” Environment) One teacher is a “content-area specialist”, the other is a “learning strategies specialist” (however, each teacher can assume both roles at any time during the course of a class period) Modeling using manipulatives (and other forms of technology) Cooperative Learning Groups/Pairs Lab Activities based on an experiential and inquiry approach Study skills / strategies

5 How We Teach (in a “Co-Teaching” Environment) One teacher is a “content-area specialist”, the other is a “learning strategies specialist” (however, each teacher can assume both roles at any time during the course of a class period) Modeling using manipulatives (and other forms of technology) Cooperative Learning Groups/Pairs Lab Activities based on an experiential and inquiry approach Study skills / strategies

6 Living Environment Topics
Scientific Method of Inquiry Ecology Cell Biology including Cell Division Genetics Evolution Homeostasis Nutrition and Biochemistry including Photosynsnthesis Respiration and Energy Transport and Circulation Excretion and Water Balance Regulation and Response Reproduction and Development Interdisciplinary Approaches Regents Review

7 Earth Science Topics Scientific Method of Inquiry
The Structure and Properties of the Planet Earth Earth in Space Changes Over Time Weather Environmental Awareness Interdisciplinary Approaches Regents Review

8 Class Procedures Enter Quietly Q&A on Homework Copy Your Homework
Begin Lesson Guided and / or independent practice Review and summary Clipart from

9 Exams and Assessments Chapter Quizzes, Pre-tests, and Tests
Midterm Exam Notebook Checks Lab Practicals Regents Exam Clipart from

10 Let’s Communicate School phone: 845 – 446 - 4914 Email: Send a note
Send a note School website:

11 THANK YOU Parents, we ask that we all serve as partners in an extremely crucial, exciting, and challenging endeavor – your child’s education. We would like to thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. We look forward to continue working together with you throughout the school year. Only together, can we better the chances that (you and) your child will have a truly enjoyable and successful school year.

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