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Pre-application advice

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1 Pre-application advice
encourage early engagement


3 It’s about the project not ‘simply’ saving the building

4 Heritage: added value

5 Sustainable futures for historic buildings and communities

6 Development funding Architectural Heritage Fund

7 AHF Project Viability Grant Up to £5,000 AHF Project Development Grant Up to £25,000

8 HES - Grants

9 £14.5m per year invested by HES externally of our organisation in the Historic Environment

10 Historic Environment Repair Grant

11 Owners of historic buildings can apply for financial help to meet the cost of high quality repairs or conservation made by specialist craftspeople using traditional skills and materials. The aim of the Historic Environment Repair Grant is to conserve original features of buildings.

12 To qualify for consideration for a Historic Environment Repair Grant: •the building or ancient monument must be of significant architectural or historic importance •the repairs or conservation proposed must be urgently needed •you must be able to demonstrate the need for grant support to enable the repairs or conservation to go ahead

13 Assessment of applications is a competitive process that also takes account of any wider benefits that the repair or conservation project may provide. Benefits include: •enhanced public access •benefits for communities •social and economic regeneration •promotion of quality •development of knowledge and skills

14 The HES corporate and grant programme outcomes must align: 1
The HES corporate and grant programme outcomes must align: 1. Lead - Lead and Enable - Scotland’s historic environment makes a strong contribution to the cultural, social, environmental and economic well being of the nation and its people 2. Understand - Investigate and Record - Scotland’s historic environment is better known and understood 3. Protect – Protect and Care - Scotland’s historic environment is protected and cared for 4. Value – Share and Celebrate - People value, celebrate and enjoy the historic environment 5. Perform – HES is a high performing organisation

15 Further information: https://www. historicenvironment

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