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Welcome to Year 3 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3

2 Staff Teachers Miss Arthurs (Antelopes) Mrs Dodds and Mrs Evans (Giraffes) Mrs Waller and Mrs Silvester (Zebras) TAs: Mrs J Ward Mrs Johnston Mrs Whiteside Mrs Thompson Mrs S Ward Mrs Trainor

3 Structure of the day 8:55 Registration 9:00 Maths 10:10 Assembly 10:30 Break time 10:50 English Phonics/Spellings 12:15 Lunch 1:15 Register 1:20 Foundation subjects 3:00 Home time

4 Expectations Attendance
Ensure your child is at school on time each day and attends every day unless unwell. Uniform Ensure all school uniform is smart, named and correct as things do go missing. Please be reminded that earrings and other jewellery must not be worn in school. PE kit Please ensure that your child brings in their PE kit and a water bottle every day.

5 Curriculum English (Reading, writing, SPAG) RE Maths Computing Science
D and T PE French PSHE (& Values) Art Geography History

6 Vision OUR VISION: ‘To be an outstanding first choice Primary School where children achieve the very best they can in a happy, safe and inclusive environment’ OUR MISSION: ‘Making a difference, achieving excellence’ Enjoy, Achieve, Aspire!

7 Values

8 Homework When is homework given & due in?
Homework is sent home every Wednesday and must be in by the following Monday. A differentiated English, Maths or topic homework will be set, based on what is being learnt in class. We are no longer doing weekly spellings tests, but children will be given a spelling/phonics task to complete. This will go out with homework on a Wednesday, be followed up in class on a Monday, and will be based on the phonemes or spelling rules your child has been learning. How you can help… Do homework in manageable chunks over the week. This is an opportunity: to talk to your child about what they have been learning that week. to encourage and share in your child’s learning. Daily Reading Children are expected to read every night at home and to have a comment in their reading record books. This will go towards a class award.

9 Sainsbury’s London Zoo Hobgobblin Theatre Group
Educational Visits Sainsbury’s London Zoo Hobgobblin Theatre Group

10 Our behaviour system

11 If your child has concerns
If a child is unhappy we encourage them to speak out about it by: Talking to a friend Raising an issue in circle time Talking to any member of staff Talking to a parent/ carer who can relay worries to us Talking to any class teacher Writing a note to any trusted adult who can then investigate. Speaking to a middle or senior leader

12 Addressing parent concerns
Firstly, please speak to the class teacher or any member of the Year team – we are here to help! If it has not been resolved the next step is the Phase Leader – Mrs Kendall Then, if it still hasn’t been resolved the next step is one of the Senior Leadership Team

13 Safeguarding Grovelands Primary School recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children under Section 175 of the 2002 Education Act and under the Children Act 2004, the DfE guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 and the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2016 document. Share your concern & seek advice from: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mrs Coleman, Mrs Chadda Safeguarding Team Mr Kempton, Mr Singleton, Mrs Nicholls Contact Centre/ Safeguarding Hub: Emergency Duty team: Surrey Police: 101 (or 999 in an emergency)

14 Additional information & support
School Website - Parents section: payments, parent partnership information to support home and school, term dates, uniform and meals. Information section: school calendar, SEN, PP, policies and data. Children section: class information/ galleries, links to websites. The website also contains newsletters, the school prospectus and the school handbook. Office Staff – Available to support any further family needs. Any Questions?

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