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Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy

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1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy
East Sicily Paolo Favali Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy

2 Western Ionian Scientific Relevance
Geo-hazards Oceanography Marine Biology

3 Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Geo-hazard Earthquakes and Tsunamis 1454-XVI XVI

4 INGV Seismological Instrumental Catalogue
1169 1693 1908 1990 1818 M= 7.0 M= 5.0 M= 3.0 Magnitude Geo-hazard INGV Seismological Instrumental Catalogue Strong earthquakes 1000 – 1992

5 Earthquake max intensity map
Geo-hazard Earthquake max intensity map

6 22 events (33% of the total italian tsunamis)
8 Aeolian Islands 2 Sicily Channel 4 Northern Sicily 1908 2 Messina Strait 6 Eastern Sicily Tsunamis in Sicily 22 events (33% of the total italian tsunamis)

7 Geo-hazards Sharp topographic gradient: The Malta Escarpment
landslides Sharp topographic gradient: The Malta Escarpment ETNA volcano

8 Oceanography Western Ionian involved in water mass exchange with Tyrrhenian basin Relevant site for the exchange of water masses between Eastern and Western Mediterranean

9 Marine Biology Key area for studying the seasonal movements of whales and sperm whales within the Mediterranean basin. (along with the Sicily channel and the Strait of Gibraltar) It can be considered a "whale gate" where to count animals moving among the western and eastern Mediterranean Sea. The area is characterized by deep waters with a steep continental shelf, potential habitat for Cuvier's beaked whales, deep divers very sensitive to anthropogenic noise.

10 SN-1: a GEOSTAR-class observatory
Pilot experiment: October ’02 - May ‘03 (>130 days; >12 Gbyte data) Coordinates: 37° 26,533’ N, 15° 23,587’ E Depth: 2105 m

11 SN-1 Background seismic noise During and after Etna eruption
Infra-gravity waves noise notch Micro- seismic band Short period Pressure Waves (wind) SN-1 Background seismic noise Z SN1 (black) VAE (grey) Before Etna eruption During and after Etna eruption Monna et al., GRL, 2005 Noise in high and low sea current velocity (N-S component)

12 Contribution to the seismicity knowledge
earthquakes recorded only by SN-1 Tyrrhenian Sea Deep Ionian Basin Etna Calabria Malta Escarpement Ionian Sea SN-1 Sgroi et al., Geophys. J. Int. 2007

13 NEMO-SN1 Observatory layout
Agreement between INFN (owner of the underwater cable) and INGV

14 Deployment of OƲDE and SN1
25 January 2005 Deployment of OƲDE and SN1 2060 m w.d. Hydrophones Electronics Cable-ship Pertinacia, Elettra Tlc.

15 Ocean noise Detection Experiment
ODE Ocean noise Detection Experiment OnDE was deployed on Jan 23, 2005 Cable Layer Vessel Pertinacia

16 NEMO-SN1 sensors Sensor Sampling rate
Three-component broad-band seismometer 100Hz Hydrophone (geophysics) 100 Hz Hydrophones (bio-acoustics) 96 KHz Gravity meter 1 Hz Scalar magnetometer 1 sample every 10 min. Three-axes single-point current meter 2Hz CTD 1 sample every 12 min.

17 SN1 geophysical and oceanographic station
Seismological data Map of epicentres of regional and local earthquakes localised by the land seismological network and SN1 data jointly. blue circles ≤ M 2, 2 < green circles ≤ M 3, 3 < yellow circles ≤ M 4, 4< red circles

18 Java M = 7.4 Greece, M = 4.3

19 The OnDE station (2005-2006) (INFN-Univ. Pavia)
Study of the underwater acoustic environment to develop the strategies required for the detection of acoustic pulses generated by high energy neutrinos interacting with nuclei in seawater. % of slots with sperm whale sounds per day Daily acoustic contacts with sperm whales in the period September-December NEMO Project shows a unexpected high passage of sperm whales.

20 European Seafloor Observatory NETwork
Artic GOALS: Geohazards Global change Biodiversity Norwegian Margin Nordic Sea ESONET EC Concerted Action ( ) EC Network of Excellence ( ) Porcupine Ligurian Sea Black Sea Azorre Hellenic Eastern Sicily Hyberian Margin 10 Key-sites

21 NEMO-SN1 Observatory layout
Dec. 2006

22 Funded by “REGIONE SICILIANA” (2006 -2008)
PROSPECTIVES PEGASO Project INGV and INFN partners Funded by “REGIONE SICILIANA” ( ) OBJECTIVES: To develop seafloor modules for environmental and geo-hazard monitoring B) To build an hybrid underwater system for the deployment, recovery and connection of complex mechanical deep-sea structures

Develop a set of small-size seafloor ‘portable’ modules for specific environmental and geo-hazard monitoring equipped with various communication systems

24 Deep-sea Shuttle operations
PEGASO Project Deep-sea Shuttle main characteristics Cable length: 4000 m Max. operating depth: 3500 m Max. payload: 30 kN Deep-sea Shuttle operations Deployment and recovery of underwater modules (e.g., SN-1 type, junction boxes, NEMO towers) Tender on-going

25 PEGASO Project ROV main characteristics
Umbilical Cable length (> 150 m) Max. operating depth: 4000 m ROV operations Inspection, carrying payload and connection/disconnection of underwater connectors Tender assigned

26 Thanks to the PEGASO system development, the NEMO-SN1 site will increase its capabilities to be an “open laboratory”, cabled node of ESONET-EMSO INFN has undertaken the preparatory phase for the realisation of an infrastructure at the Capo Passero site dedicated to the installation of the km-cube-telescope: 100 km cable down to 3500 m w.d., (deployed July 2007) a shore station

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