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Welcome to 2L.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2L

2 Welcome INTRODUCTIONS: Mr Andrew Duncan – Principal
Mr Gerard Donovan - Deputy Principal Mrs Helen Butler – Deputy Principal Mrs Leanne Smith - Head of Special Ed. Ms Tamara Wells - Support teacher Ms Jane Carroll – Support teacher

3 All About Mr Lin Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Science
Clinical psychologist for seven years in Taiwan

4 All About Mr Lin Relief teaching (Term One 2015)
Graduate Diploma in Primary Education (2014) Relief teaching (Term One 2015) Robertson State School Sunnybank Hills State School MacGregor State School

5 All About Mr Lin Full time teaching (2015 - )
Aspley East State School (Year 2)

6 School Values At Aspley East State School we focus on
teaching the following values: Respect Safety Self-Responsibility Effort Co-operation

7 Daily Routines Doors open each morning at 8:30am.
Lessons commence at 8:45am. If you are late or departing early please get a slip from office. School concludes at 2:55pm. Children will be dismissed from the classroom.

8 Morning Routines Each morning children are asked to change their
home readers. A different task will need to be completed each day. For example Maths Mental and English skills practice etc. Upon completion, students may read a book or finish off work from the day before. Every Fridays homework is due for marking.

9 Weekly Routines Monday – Library, Music and Religious Education
Tuesday (odd weeks) History with Ms Carroll Thursday - HPE Swimming begins in term 1 Assembly is now on Monday mornings and commences at 8.45am

10 Classroom Rules

11 Behaviour Management

12 Expectations 2L Classroom Rules on display and visited regularly.
School Values High 5 modelled regularly. We do not tolerate bullying at Aspley East. Consequences of breaking class and school rules. Anti-bulling and social skills are discussed frequently.

13 Homework

14 Written Homework Taken home on Monday Returned to school on Friday
Included Spelling, Language and Maths Please check the spelling is spelt correctly Encourage your child to write neatly

15 Reading Homework Read aloud for 10 minutes 4 times a week.
Sign the reading record each time. Each child reads books appropriate to their reading level.

16 Read Read Read Aim of reading is to develop word recognition, fluency, expression, comprehension and of course a love of books. It is important that your child reads their home reader to you each night. In addition to the home reader parents are encouraged to read a variety of books to their child and for your child to see you reading for information and enjoyment as well. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

17 Oral Presentations Listen to them practise their talk at home.
Begin with “Good afternoon 2A.” Encourage them to speak for two minutes and not just say two sentences.

18 English Term 1 – Poetry and Letter Writing Term 2 – Information report
Term 3 – Narratives Term 4 – Persuasive writing

19 Writing One to two genres each term. Individual and in small groups.
Moderated with other Year Two teachers.

20 Handwriting Using beginners print now.
Begin to learn entries and exits in term 2 Joints are taught in Year Three.

21 Class reading In ability groups Quiet reading daily
CAFE – Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary

22 Maths Number Explore numbers to 999 – place value Counting beyond 100
Operations Begin with regrouping in addition and subtraction Calculator activities

23 Maths Chance and Data Look at the certainty of events occurring or not occurring Number facts Addition and subtraction to 20 Toward end of year - concepts of multiplication and division

24 Maths Money Coins from 5c to $2
Give children small amounts to count – pay, tuckshop, trips etc Time Days of week Months of year, seasons O’clock and half past

25 Maths Measurement Litre, metre, kilogram 2D Shapes 3D Shapes

26 Science Term 1 – Push and pull Term 2 – Life cycles
Term 3 – The property of materials Term 4 – Water cycle and recycling

27 History and Geography History – Explore the impact of changing technology on people’s lives. Geography – What is the story of my place – location, maps, Australia

28 Reporting and Absences
Written report cards are issued at the end of Term 2 and 4. Formal interviews will be offered twice a year to discuss your child’s progress. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress outside these interviews we are happy to arrange an interview at a mutually convenient time. It is an Education Queensland requirement that all absences from school be recorded on the school database. Please phone the school or advise us with a letter if your child is going to be or has been absent.

29 Parent contact So wonderful to see parents in the morning!
Our mornings are very busy. If your issue is extremely important I am able to have quick chats with you in the period from am. Any other more serious matters can you please make an appointment either in the morning or afternoon.

30 General Information Correct school uniform is to be worn each day except Thursday when sports uniform should be worn. No Hat No Play No jewellery apart from plain stud earrings or sleepers should be worn. Green jumpers only in winter. Healthy Food is encouraged. Brain break offered each day. Please NAME all clothing and belongings.

31 Final Matters Peanut allergies. Birthdays – patty cakes preferred.
Free Dress – One a term : Gold coin donation Please advise if you are able to help in the classroom or if you have any special skills

32 Thank you for taking the time to come tonight
Thank you for taking the time to come tonight. I look forward to a great year with you and your child.

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