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School Community Council

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1 School Community Council
September 28, 2017

2 Welcome and Introductions





7 CSD Middle Schools – School Grades 2016-2017
Albion B Butler Draper Park A Eastmont Indian Hills Midvale D Mt. Jordan C Union

8 CSD Feeder Elementary– School Grades 2016-2017
Draper Elem B Lone Peak A Oak Hollow Willow Springs

9 Elections Chair Vice Chair Secretary

10 Principal Mary Anderson
Review New District Policy Review new CSD policy “Secondary School Schedule Changes” What is its impact on School Community Councils? Principal Mary Anderson

11 Policy 700.10 Secondary School Schedule Changes

12 Step 1 – Proposed Secondary Schedule
A secondary school schedule proposal may be submitted to the local SCC Submission must include: A proposed bell schedule A list of pros and cons of the proposed schedule A comparison of the proposed schedule and the current schedule Charts, tables, etc.

13 Step 2 – Fiscal Report The SCC votes to either move the proposal forward or not to move it forward. If the SCC believes the proposed schedule is a better fit than the current schedule for DPMS, they vote to move it forward. If the SCC believes the current schedule is a better fit than the proposed schedule for DPMS, they vote and the proposed schedule does not move forward. If the proposal moves forward, the school principal will work with the District’s Business Administrator to create a fiscal impact report of the proposed schedule change The fiscal report will include, but is not limited to: Employee (FTE) changes Transition costs Facility utilization

14 Step 3 – Community Input If the fiscal impact report indicates a reasonable fiscal impact as determined by the Business Administrator, and upon a recommendation of the SCC to seek input on the proposed schedule, the following will take place Prepare communication materials for soliciting community input regarding the proposed schedule The proposed schedule A comparison of the proposed schedule & the current schedule The fiscal impact report A plan for facilitating community input The communication materials will be submitted to the Superintendent for review & approval

15 Step 4 – Community Input via SCC
Upon approval of the communication materials, the SCC will collect input & feedback from parents The SCC will distribute materials One public meeting A survey of the school’s parents & staff The school website Skylert School Social Media The SCC will collect input, feedback and survey results and prepare a report for the Superintendent Any situation or disputes that arise, the Superintendent will review the issues amd make a decision.

16 Step 5 – Submission for Board Action
The SCC may request the Superintendent submit the proposed secondary school schedule change to the BOE for consideration. It must be submitted to the BOE prior to November 1st Nothing in this policy should be construed as limiting the authority of the BOE to approve or deny proposed schedule change requests.

17 SCC Training SCC 101 is for new members SCC is for all members

18 Class Schedule Discussion
Vanessa Croshaw

19 Class Sizes Mary Anderson

20 Class Size as of September 1st
Average students per section ART Art 26.8 Art 31.83 Art 2 27 Adv Art 2 25 Ceramics 30.43 Comm Art 33 CTE CCA 35.9 Exploring Tech 25.4 Manuf Tech 29.2 FACS A 31.8 FACS B 31.62 Class Average students per section DLI French SS 15.67 French 2 23.5 French 3 22 French 4 20.5 French Culture 22.5 Chinese SS 34.5 Chinese 2 23 Chinese 3 30.5 Chinese 4 27 Chinese Culture *** Anticipated class size 32-35

21 Class Size, continued Class Average students per section ENGLISH
ELA 6 29.92 ELA 6 H 35 ELA 7 31.67 ELA 7 H 36.33 ELA 8 34.27 ELA 8 H 32.25 Debate 26 Journalism - Video 22.6 Journalism - Public 22.8 Eng Lang Dev 1 8 Reading Comp 12.2 Class Average students per section FOREIGN LANGUAGE Spanish 1A 32 Spanish 1A 29.5 Spanish 1B 30 Spanish 1A & 1B 25 Spanish 2 26

22 Class Size, continued Class Average students per section
HEALTHY LIFESTYLES PE 6 38.88 PE 7 34.5 PE 8 44.5 PE AB 38.375 Dance 29 Dance 30 Dance 2 30.5 Dance 3 26 Social Dance 18 Class Average students per section MATH Math 6 30.40 Math 7 31.42 Math 7 H 37.00 Math 8 32.45 Math 8 H 32.75 Math 6 Lab 1.00 Math 7 Lab 10.00 Math 8 Lab 6.33

23 Class Size, continued Class Average students per section MUSIC SCIENCE
Orch 1 13.00 Orch 2 39.00 Orch 3 44.00 Band 15.00 Band 28.00 Band 2 51.00 Percussion 11.00 Mixed Choir 15.50 Concert Choir 41.00 Class Average students per section SCIENCE Science 6 32.40 Science 7 33.73 Science 8 34.40

24 Class Size, continued Class Average students per section
SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 6 26.14 Utah Studies 7 30.77 Utah St - DLI 26.25 US History 8 34.40 Class Average students per section THEATRE Beg Theatre 28.50 Beg Theatre 35.67 Int Theatre 28.00 Adv Theatre 48.00 Stage Tech 27.00

25 Class Size, continued Class Average students per section
SPECIAL EDUCATION ELA 6 15.00 ELA 7 12.00 ELA 8 10.00 DS ELA 6 1.00 DS ELA 7 2.00 DS ELA 8 8.00 Math 6 11.00 Math 7 Math 8 DS Math 6 DS Math 7 4.00 DS Math 8

Average students per section CCA 35.9 ELA 7 H 36.33 PE 6 * 38.88 PE 8 * 44.5 PE AB 38.375 Math 7 H 37.00 Orch 2 * 39.00 Orch 3 * 44.00 Band 2 * 51.00 Concert Choir 41.00 Beg Theatre 35.67 Adv Theatre * 48.00 * Teacher was offered a way to reduce these class sizes but chose to keep the large size.

27 Clubs Allyson Dunbar

28 CSD Bond Melinda Colton

29 Next SCC Meeting October 26, 3:00 p.m. Agenda items due October 17
Agenda posted October 18 (due to Fall Recess)

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