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Nottingham School & Academy Leaders’ - Spring Conference

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1 Nottingham School & Academy Leaders’ - Spring Conference
WELCOME! Nottingham School & Academy Leaders’ - Spring Conference Friday 18 March 2016 The Learning and Conference Centre #nsalc316

2 https://nmscio-my. sharepoint

3 Agenda and housekeeping
8.30 am Welcome and setting the context – Pat Fielding 8.45 am Keynote speaker – Nick Bowen, Principal, Horizon Community College, Barnsley 9.30 am Refreshment break 9.50 am Workshops Building resilience to manage change – Karen Smith and Claire Trott Safeguarding in Transition – Mel Ennis and Steph Gray-Blest Academic Transfer – Lesley Lyon Big School, Big Deal – Catherine Kirk 11.30 am 11.50 am Introducing actions from the Transition plan – Liz Anderson 12.10 pm Cross phase groups – 10 things that can be done in Nottingham 12.45 pm Jennifer Fearon - Assistant Principal for Academic & Progression Management New College Nottingham What Next - Closing session lead by Pat and Sarah Fielding 1.15 pm Lunch in the restaurant

4 Nottingham School & Academy Leaders’ - Spring Conference
Setting the Context: Pat Fielding, Director of Education

5 tran|si¦tion [tranˈzɪʃ(ə)n, trɑːn-, -ˈsɪʃ-]

6 Trying to create a better society is not a discipline, it’s a moral commitment. ‘Professor Mona Siddiqui’ in learning that is key to future pupil success…I will watch this with a keen eye.l

7 Schools National Funding Formula consultation School and High Needs Funding Reform

8 Nottingham School & Academy Leaders’
Spring Conference Follow us on Twitter #nsalc316

9 Nick Bowen Principal at Horizon Community College in Barnsley

10 Nottingham School & Academy Leaders’
Spring Conference Follow us on Twitter #nsalc316

11 Workshops 1.Building resilience to manage change - Main room
Facilitated by PSHE team consultants Karen Smith and Claire Trott 2. Effective Safeguarding  Practice at KS2-3 Transition – Room 7 Facilitated by Advanced Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mel Ennis and Steph Gray-Blest 3. Academic Transfer - Room 5 Facilitated by Lesley Lyon, Secondary Advisory team with Primary team colleagues 4.Big School, Big Deal – Room 1 Facilitated by Catherine Kirk, PSHE team

12 Transition in Nottingham
Liz Anderson Introducing the developments within the EIB Action plan Pat Fielding 10 things that can be done in Nottingham

13 Jennifer Fearon Jennifer Fearon Assistant Principal for Academic & Progression Management New College Nottingham

14 Useful links Horizon Community College:
SOLAR website: NCN: Music Hub: Progress 8: Documents from last conference: DfE paper:

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