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Multiprocessor Systems

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1 Multiprocessor Systems
A presentation by Chris Hargreaves

2 Flynn’s Classification
SISD: Single instruction single data SIMD: Single instruction multiple data MISD: Multiple instruction single data MIMD: Multiple instruction multiple data

3 Bisection Bandwidth Split the system into a half (or next to half) and find the bottleneck.

4 System Topologies The pattern of connections between the processors

5 Shared Bus Processors communicate over a shared bus
Most cases the processors communicate directly with their locally memory More processors cause delays as traffic increases

6 Ring Direct connections between processors
Allows simultaneous links to be active Data may have to travel through multiple processors before reaching its final destination

7 Shared Bus & Ring

8 Tree Topology Each processor has three connections Lowers the diameter
Only one unique path between any pair of processors

9 Mesh Topology Each processor connects to the it’s left and right, top and bottom Without wraparound connections has a diameter of 2 n^(1/2). With it has n^(1/2)

10 Tree & Mesh

11 Hypercube Topology Each processor connects to all other processors whose binary value differs by only one bit Ex: Processor 0 connects to 1, 2, 4 and 8 Low Diameter (lg n). Good.

12 Completely Connected Each processor has (n-1) connections
Diameter is a constant 1

13 Hypercube & Completely Connected

14 MIMD Architecture Refers to connections with respect to system memory

15 SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessor)
UMA – Uniform Memory Access NUMA - Nonuniform Memory Access CC-NUMA – Cache Coherent NUMA COMA – Cache Only Memory Access NOW & COW - Multicomputer

16 UMA Equal access to all locations in shared memory
Each processor may also have its own cache memory Interact with memory over a communication mechanism such as a shared bus

17 UMA

18 NUMA Can access the memory closest Non Uniform access times to memory


20 CC-NUMA Same as NUMA except each processor includes cache memory
Problem occurs when two caches hold the same piece of data Must have coherence to make sure caches contain the same information

21 COMA Solution to CC-NUMA Local Memory treated as cache
If data is loaded multiple times, one is marked as the “Master Copy” which is kept current Few of these machines have every been built

22 Multicomputing NOW – Network of workstations
COW – Cluster of workstations United Devices (

23 MMP Massively Parallel Processor
Process massive ammounts of data in parallel Typically at the level of the ALU Communicate using shared memory Example: IBM Blue Gene Computer

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