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Active Beam Spectroscopy in Hot Fusion Plasmas

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1 Active Beam Spectroscopy in Hot Fusion Plasmas
(Beam Emission Spectroscopy and MSE) Manfred von Hellermann FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, NL Seminar-III Institute for Plasma Physics Academy of Sciences Hefei, China May, 7, 2007 Acknowledgement: CXRS groups at JET, TEXTOR, Tore Supra , ASDEX-UG and members of the ITPA expert group on Active Beam Spectroscopy

2 Beam Emission Spectroscopy as tool for absolute calibration
Combination of CXRS and BES: common line of sight and beam geometry Beam Emission Spectroscopy as tool for absolute calibration of CXRS signals M. von Hellermann

3 First observation of a CXRS D-alpha spectrum on JET 1986
Alain Boileau, PhD Thesis, University of Montreal 1988 M. von Hellermann

4 W.Mandl 1991, first fully modelled Balmer-alpha-CX and beam spectrum
M. von Hellermann

5 Beam Emission Rate vs. collision energy and electron density
c.f. ADAS file ADF312 M. von Hellermann

6 Beam Emission Rate versus collision energy and ion temperature
ADAS file ADF312 M. von Hellermann

7 Beam Emission rate versus collision energy and C+6 concentration
M. von Hellermann

8 deduction of ion densities without absolute calibration
Combination of CXRS and BES enables deduction of ion densities without absolute calibration and measurement of optical transmission local concentration measurements reduced to a line ratio measurement Note: Atomic rates Q depend on energy, electron and ion densities and temperatures M. von Hellermann

9 Comparison of beam line-densities derived from beam stopping and
beam emission respectively M. von Hellermann

10 TEXTOR comparison of beam line-densities from beam stopping
and beam emission respectively M. von Hellermann

11 Is the deviation between beam-stopping beam
Questions: Is the deviation between beam-stopping beam densities and beam-emission deduced beam densities due to: Geometry factors, alignment, beam dimensions ? Errors in beam stopping cross-sections ? Errors in beam emission rates ? Do we need to establish further experiments ? Do we need to review atomic physics ? M. von Hellermann

12 D-alpha-BES and D-alpha-CXRS Robert Wolf 1993
M. von Hellermann

13 Ratio of Pi-over-Sigma Group in JET MSE spectrum
M. von Hellermann

14 M. von Hellermann

15 M.von Hellermann et al., ITER report December 2003

16 s- s0 s+ p+2 p+3 p+4 p-2 D-alpha-edge D-alpha-CX p-3

17 M. von Hellermann

18 MSE ratio p/s for U-ports 2 &3
M. von Hellermann

19 The most accurate data extracted from the beam spectrum
is the Lorentz split representing the total magnetic field as local measurement. This offers a promising back-up to pick-up coils and magnetic field measurements making use of electronic integrators. Expected accuracies are better than 0.5% M. von Hellermann

20 R.C.Wolf, L-G Eriksson, M von Hellermann, R.König, W.Mandl, F.Porcelli
Nuclear Fusion, 33, 1835(1993), JET-P(93)24 M. von Hellermann

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