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Presentation on theme: "TVET FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:

Evangeline A. Nidea M.E.

2 Coverage Meaning of Sustainable development

Sustainable Development (SD) * is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

4 Three Dimension of Sustainability:
1. Social Sustainability involves ensuring that the basic needs of all people are satisfied and all, regardless of gender, ethnicity or geography, have an opportunity to develop and utilize their talents in ways that enable them to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives

5 2. Environmental Sustainability
It requires a change from “business as usual approach” to Sustainable Development approach of using natural resources wisely, minimizing waste and limit damage to atmosphere and check harmful climate change. This involves the responsible use of raw materials; energy, water etc. and awareness of the impacts of production processes and environmental auditing system.

6 3. Economic Sustainability
It requires a different and wider, set of economically related knowledge, skill and attitude regarding economic literacy, sustainable production and consumption and management of small enterprise.

7 . . . since education is considered the key to effective development strategies, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) must be the master key that can alleviate poverty, promote peace, conserve the environment, improve the quality of life for all and help achieve sustainable development. (an International Experts Meeting on Technical and Vocational Education and Training, entitled ‘Learning for Work, Citizenship and Sustainability’)

8 Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) …is an important educational sector that through its graduates – directly influences the sustainability of society, economy and environment, and therefore is a critical contributor to sustainable development

Aims at developing values, work ethics, lifelong learning skills, occupational knowledge and skills to conduct sustainable practices in the workplace. exerts a strong influence in increasing sustainability of communities by increasing employability and by developing interprenurial skills that lead to self-employment and job creation.

10 TVET CLIENTS in the Philippines
Employed workers who want skills upgrading Returning Overseas Filipino Workers -High school graduates -Secondary School Leavers -college undergraduates and graduates Unemployed Persons who are Looking for Work

11 Four Types of Skills Formation Systems (based on location of training)

12 The school-based programs refer to the direct delivery or provision of TVET programs by the TESDA-administered schools. Totaling to 57, 19 are agricultural schools. 7 are fishery schools and 31 are trade schools. These school based programs include post-secondary offerings of varying duration not exceeding three years.

13 The center-based programs refer to training provisions being undertaken in the TESDA Regional (15) and Provincial (45) Training Centers totaling 60 in selected trade areas in the different regions and provinces in the country.

14 Community-based Training for Enterprise development Program is primarily provided to the poor and marginal groups, particularly those who do not have access to formal training provisions. Most of the beneficiaries of this program have low levels of skills and have very limited access to capital as most of them are not qualified to access formal credit programs. The program goes further than just mere skills training provision. It is purposively designed to create livelihood enterprises that are meant to be implemented by the trainees, immediately after the training. It is likewise designed to attract partner agencies such as LGUs, NGOs, people organizations and other organizations with mission to provide poor but deserving beneficiaries to engage in productive undertakings that would enable them to contribute to the economic activities in their communities.

15 Enterprise-Based Programs are training program being implemented within companies/firms. These programs can be any of the following:

Apprenticeship Program is a training and employment program involving a contract between an apprentice and an employer on an approved apprenticeable occupation. Generally, it aims to provide a mechanism that will ensure availability of qualified skilled workers based on industry requirements. The period of apprenticeship covers a minimum of four months and a maximum of six months. Only companies with approved and registered apprenticeship programs under TESDA can hire apprentices. Learnership Program is a practical training on-the-job for approved learnable occupations, for a period not exceeding three months. Only companies with TESDA approved and registered learnership programs can hire learners. Dual Training System is an instructional mode of delivery for technology-based education and training in which learning takes place alternately in two venues: the school or training center and the company.

17 Basic Policy Item 6, Article 15 of the Philippine Labor Code institutionalizes the vocational guidance and testing system in aid of proper human resources allocation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) as the focal agency (RA No. 7796)

18 Overview of Public and Private Providers
1,714 (38%) Private 2, 796 (62%) Public TVET Providers LGUs 844 (49%) Others 344(20%) DepEd 259 (15%) TESDA 121 (7%)

19 TVET Enrolment and Graduates by Delivery Mode: 2005 - 2007
: * Enrollment ,683, ,736, ,142,41 School , , ,839 Center , ,179 - Enterprise , , ,574 Community , , ,209 Others , , ,263 Graduates ,154, ,340,620 1,702,30 School , , ,136 Center , ,133 - Enterprise , ,725 96,536 Community , , ,488 Others , , ,583 TVET enrolment has improved in 2007, reaching a training capacity of million with a 23% growth rate from 2006.

20 FUTURE CHALLENGES Pursue the comparability of
Extend the pool of experts/TVET trainers, particularly in priority trade areas Ensure the quality and qualifications of training providers Conduct a massive National TVET Trainers or Assessors Qualification Program that aims to improve the competency level of trainers in appropriate technology and training methodology Pursue the comparability of competencies and mutual recognition of skills qualifications

21 (OECD Education Ministers)
“Sustainable development depends critically on the competencies of all of our population --- with competencies understood to cover knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.” (OECD Education Ministers)

22 Thank you !


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