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Causes and Impacts of Climate Change

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Presentation on theme: "Causes and Impacts of Climate Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes and Impacts of Climate Change

2 Greenhouse Gases

3 Anthropogenic Sources of Greenhouse Gases
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases: human-produced greenhouse gases

4 Carbon Dioxide Most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas Sources:
Burning fossil fuels Deforestation (10% of CO2 emissions)

5 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Sources: Refrigeration agents Declining because of international treaties

6 Methane Sources: Agriculture
Decay of organic materials in landfills and sewage plants Coal Mining Natural gas extraction Deforestation


8 The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect
The increase in the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere as a result of higher levels of human made greenhouse gases This is leading to an increase in the Earth’s average global temperature Humans are enhancing the natural greenhouse effect

9 Feedback Loop Increase in greenhouse gases  increase in temperature
Increase in temperature  increase in greenhouse gases (from carbon sinks) If this continues, Earth’s average global temperature will likely increase by 2°C to 6°C

10 Greenhouse Gases in Canada
We are one of the highest producers world wide! Some sources: Producing and using energy Transportation Fossil fuel extraction Agriculture Industry Waste management Land use and forestry

11 Consequences (Bill Nye debate)

12 Global Impacts of Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) formed in 1988 to evaluate risks Rising Sea Level  floods Impacts on Agriculture  draughts or floods Impacts on Ecosystems  migration, loss of biodiversity Impacts on Human, Plant and Animal Health  pests and diseases

13 Special Concerns for Canadian Arctic
Happening more rapidly due to albedo effect Ex: Melting Sea ice Harder for polar bears Change people’s way of life

14 Homework Read pg. 384-385, 390-392, 412-416 Questions: pg.389 #1, 3

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