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TOK Integration – Counselling

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Presentation on theme: "TOK Integration – Counselling"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOK Integration – Counselling

2 Nametag Please take out your nametag for introduction

3 TASK What was meant by personal knowledge?

4 Personal knowledge (1) Experimental knowledge
Knowledge by acquaintance Practical knowledge (2) Second hand knowledge Academic knowledge Informal knowledge

5 Personal and shared knowledge

6 Why integrate with counselling?
To make plans for the future you need personal knowledge!

7 Quality swap Take 3 cards Purpose: Find 3 qualities which describe you
Walk around and swap the cards with the others Remember the qualities that you give away There is a quality bank in the side – you can use it AFTER you have asked qualities from everyone When you have found 3 qualities that you are happy with – take a seat

8 TASK Watch the following video and make notes about the factors that increase human happiness according to positive psychology

9 TASK Share your knowledge with your neighbour and form three things that increase human happiness according to professor Seligman

10 TASK (1) Do a warrant of yourself (2) Do a warrant of your friend
what kind of features of yourself should your warrant include? (2) Do a warrant of your friend (3) Compare how are these two warrants different?

11 TASK Johari windows: (1) Firstly, let your friend complete the top right corner (2) Then complete the other boxes

12 Motivation What kind of things motivate you?
make a concrete list of things

13 Motivation External motivation – intrinsic motivation

14 Motivation External motivation Intrinsic motivation

15 Intrinsic motivation We all have own kind of motivation profile
It´s like a fingerprint For the future planning Reflect your own motives Which activities would give you satisfaction and joy?

16 Exercise: Drive Think about your life in the past years: What kind of activities you find enjoyable? What kind of things you like to do? Make a concept map of all things you like to do (hobbies, routines, school works, arts, etc…) Give a number (1-3) for every activity: 1 = You can´t do this almost at all 2 = You can do this sometimes, but you would like to do more 3 = You can do this a lot

17 Goal setting

18 TASK Set yourselves three personal goals

19 The good goal is: Exact (what you want exactly?)
Measurable (when you have reached the goal?) Realistic (is it possible with the realistic effort) Meaningful (is it worth for the effort?) Scheduled (when you will reach the goal? What steps you will take and when?)

20 How I can strengthen my motivation to work for my goals
Use your creativity Use photos Share your goals

21 For my career goals: What can I do during my time in IB?
What can I do in the next month? What can I do today? What can I do in this lesson?

22 How strong motivation you would feel
if you form the goal like:

23 ”a trip to Indonesia”

24 OR

25 Two weeks here

26 Picture sources van de Lagemaat, Richard: Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma, Second edition, Cambridge University Press 2015, page 44

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