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Marketing Presentation

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1 Marketing Presentation
Introductions: Introduce yourself & session How many of you have competed in a BEST robotics competition? How many of you are new to the BEST robotics competition? (Yay!) The purpose of this presentation is to provide you with some insight as to what you are going to be evaluated on in this category of the competition, to walk through the score sheet, and to be able to ask any questions that you might have. All of the information that we are going to be talking about can be found in your teacher’s Kick-Off packet or on the BEST robotics website in the Awards & Judging Documents (part 1 & 2) and in the score sheet. If you have any questions, you may contact our Awards & Judging Coordinator, Nancy Rossland. Bison BEST Robotics Kick-Off Session 2017

2 BEST Program The competition is comprised of two segments
Robotics Competition The BEST Award (optional) Note: The Project Engineering Notebook is required along with the robot for the robot competition

3 BEST Award All teams are eligible for the BEST Award
Judging is based on five criteria (100 points possible) Project Engineering Notebook (30 points) Marketing Presentation (25 points) Team Exhibit and Interviews (20 points) Spirit and Sportsmanship (10 points) Robot Performance (15 points)

4 Presentation of Brand & Product
Your team is a start-up and you’re pitching your latest invention/product to a group of decision makers at National Big Company’s headquarters. Your presentation should include information about your company that will help to build trust between you and your potential client. Storytelling will be an important tool that can add personality to your brand, demonstrate how BEST is a positive experience, and create a stronger connection with your client.

5 Presentation of Brand & Product
Your company’s Brand Promise will establish a shared understanding of the client’s problem and how your product delivers the solution. The details about the engineering team and the manufacturing process that you incorporate will highlight the unique characteristics of your product compared to your competitor’s. Your team’s presentation must close with a call to action for your client and mutually agreed upon next steps.

6 Guidelines Minimum of 4 and maximum of 8 students actively participating in presentation Adults are not allowed to participate, including in setting up or taking down of equipment for presentation Teams may provide the judges with a one-page, two-sided handout. The size cannot exceed 8.5” x 11”. No other giveaways or product samples may be distributed.

7 Guidelines Other materials / models may be used during the presentation / discussion for demonstration purposes. Teams should represent diversity in grades, gender, race, ethnicity, and abilities. Teams are encouraged to share and demonstrate how their efforts are inclusive. The presentation format is the prerogative of the team

8 Guidelines Videotaping / photographing by team representatives will be allowed during the presentation, however, the person(s) handling the videotaping / photographing will be counted in the 8 maximum students allowed. Media Equipment available is included in the 2017 Awards & Judging Logistics document. The team must provide any additional equipment that it wishes to use.

9 Time Restrictions Teams should check-in 10 minutes prior to scheduled presentation time at the table outside of the presentation room Order and breakdown of presentation time period: 2 minutes: Set-up 16 minutes: Presentation 5 minutes: Q & A with judges 2 minutes: Break-down and clear room There will be a check-In table outside of the Marketing Presentation area – please check-in 10 minutes prior to your scheduled presentation time. You will be given a 5, 3, and 1 minute remaining warning during your presentation.

10 Time Restrictions Teams not requiring set-up or take down may utilize that time for their presentations (total presentation time up to 20 minutes) Scenario 1 Scenario 2 2 minutes – Set-up 16 minutes – Presentation 5 minutes – Q & A with Judges 2 minutes – Break down 20 minutes – Presentation 5 minutes – Q & A with Judges

11 Important Information
Each team will be assigned a presentation time slot on Friday, October 27nd between 1:00 – 5:00PM. You will be given your specific judging time and judging room assignment prior to the competition.

12 Evaluation Company Structure and Quality of Presentation
Team introductions with names and roles; company overview of number of employees across departments; team demographics; brief budget overview Professionalism, Preparedness, Quality of Visual Presentation

13 Introduction to the Company and Quality of Presentation
Score Sheet Introduction to the Company and Quality of Presentation Team introductions with names and roles; company overview of number of employees across departments; team demographics; brief budget overview. 8 Storytelling was used and was effective. 10 All members of the team were professional and prepared. 5 Quality of visual presentation. 7 Introduction / Quality Total 30

14 Evaluation Brand Promise
Define the tangible benefit that makes a product or service desirable Explains how design, manufacturing process, and use of technology relate to the brand and the benefit Identifies factors that differentiate your brand and product from the competition

15 Score Sheet Brand Promise
Defines the tangible benefit that makes a product or service desirable. 40 Explains how design, manufacturing process, and use of technology relate to the brand and the benefit. 30 Identifies factors that differentiate your brand and product from competition. 20 Discussion of how the team used the factors above their marketing. 10 Brand Promise Total 100

16 Evaluation Positioning
Share outreach strategy, publicity efforts, tactics, materials and audience metrics (how many people you reached, it can include social media views)

17 Score Sheet Positioning
The outreach strategy is well-defined and includes diverse audiences. 15 The team gathered data about their audiences. 8 The team articulated the impact of their outreach. 5 The team used storytelling or testimonials. 12 The materials are professional and in brand. Original infographics were used (vs. only charts). 2 Positioning Total 50

18 Evaluation Closing the Sale
The team must ask for the sale and be prepared to define specific steps to move the sale forward even if the client is undecided about the purchase. Teams should have a clear process for taking the conversation further. Teams must reach a mutual agreement on next steps with the client (judges). These next steps must be well-defined, include a time-frame, and a person who will be accountable for making them happen.

19 Score Sheet Closing the Sale
The team clearly asked to make the purchase / investment. 25 The team effectively negotiated and confirmed the next steps. 20 The team has a clear process and designated a point person for follow-up. 5 The team engaged in discussion. 10 The tone of the presentation is conversational Closing the Sale Total 70

20 Tips for Public Speaking
1. Know your material 2. Practice! Practice! Practice! 3. Know the audience 4. Relax 5. Visualize yourself giving the speech 6. Realize that people want you to succeed 7. Don’t apologize 8. Look sharp (but don’t wear distracting clothing) 9. Don’t chew gum 10. Have a back-up plan in case technology fails

21 Tips for Using PowerPoint
Don’t read the slides to your audience! Don’t talk to the screen – face the judges Make your text large Choose colors that make the text easier to read Use bullet points instead of full sentences Minimize movement of text and graphics Avoid charts and diagrams that are hard to see

22 Handling Q&A Plan for them… Anticipate questions
Clarify/repeat the question Don’t be defensive It’s OK to pause and think Divide complex questions

23 Gestures & Movement Eye contact Smile! Facial expressions
Motivated movements Hand gestures Avoid distracting mannerisms

24 Questions? Questions? If there are any that you can’t answer – they can always ask Awards & Judging Coordinator, Nancy Rossland Best of luck this season!!  See you in 6 weeks!

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