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Monday, October 24th In your notebook, answer the following

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 24th In your notebook, answer the following"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 24th In your notebook, answer the following
What do you think “ethics” means? What do you think “bioethics” means? If you can, try to think of a specific example of each.

2 Topic: Bioethics! EQ: What is Bioethics and why is learning about Bioethics important? Ethics seeks to determine what a person should do, or the best course of action, and provide reasons why. It also helps people decide how to behave and treat one another, and what kinds of communities would be good to live in. citation

3 Examples of Ethical Questions:
Should there be limits on how much people modify the natural world using technology? Should all students be required to have vaccinations? If you take a genetic test, who should know the results?

4 Now it’s your turn Talk with an elbow partner/group and come up with an example of an ethical question. You can think back to our Hippocratic Oath discussion, anything you’ve heard in the news, sports, etc.

5 What does Bioethics do? It gives us a way to think about, analyze, and make decisions about difficult ethical questions related to biology and its applications. Bioethics is the application of Ethics to the field of Biology. Ethics addresses questions like: Which actions should be permitted? And which action is best? By providing arguments and reasons Bioethics addresses ethical questions that arise with respect to biological advances, such as, Should running with an artificial limb be allowed in the Olympics? If there are more people who need an organ transplant than there are organs available, who should get the organs?

6 Case Study: Lisa A group of college students is staying up late together to study for exams. Several of them have been drinking coffee all day and are wide awake, although feeling jittery. One of the students, Lisa, mentions that she has recently started taking a prescription medication that helps her stay awake because of a medical condition. Lisa had previously been a heavy coffee drinker, consuming four or more cups of coffee a day in her struggle to stay awake. Since starting on the new medication, she is able to stay awake easily for more than 24 hours and is not experiencing any serious negative side effects. "It's better than coffee," she tells her friends, "but it is a lot more expensive.” Ethical question: should Lisa give her friends her medication? Discuss for two minutes

7 Reasons Any time we discuss the answer to an ethical question, it’s important to focus on reasons

8 What questions do you have about Lisa’s case?
What do you still need to know? Such as – Is this medicine addictive? This is a scientific question. There are different types of questions that need to be considered in order to thoughtfully answer ethical questions

9 Types of Questions Ethical Scientific Legal
What we should or ought to do There is a choice or controversy about what is best Scientific What is true Scientists seek to understand and describe the world, whereas bioethicists seek to understand what people should do Legal What does federal, state, and local law say? Something can be ethical and illegal, or something can be unethical and legal Person preferences, habits, and customs What do you want? What do people in your community normally do?

10 With your partner, discuss which category of question – ethical, legal, personal preference, or scientific – each of the following falls under 1. Which sport is the most exciting? 2. Should you credit the person who gave you an idea that you ended up becoming famous for? 3. Whom should you marry? 4. What breakfast cereal is the most flavorful? 5. Is it illegal to use someone else’s prescription drugs? 6. May students refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance? 7. If a student tells a counselor confidentially that s/he is suicidal, does the counselor have an obligation to tell anyone else? 8. How are embryonic stem cells different from adult stem cells? 9. Should embryonic stem cells be used in biomedical research? 10. How are plants that are resistant to pesticides created? 11. Should people create plants that are resistant to pesticides by combining genes from different species? 12. May scientists currently patent genes? 13. Should people allow genes to be patented? 14. Should you lie to protect the safety of your family? 15. A man is only alive because he is on life support. His wife wants the doctor to take him off life support. His children want the doctor to continue to keep him on it. The man left no instructions about his preferences. What should the doctor do?

11 Oscar Pistorius Read the case study
Write five questions in your notebook Do not move on!

12 Homework Finish the rest of the case study
Tomorrow, we will work on answering: “what should the committee decide?”

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