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Quarter 2 Journals.

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1 Quarter 2 Journals

2 Journal #1 What did you do over the fall break?
Reflect on last quarter: What went well? What improvements need to be made? How are you going to be successful this quarter?

3 Journal #2 Idioms -to go back to square one
Definition: back to the beginning; If you have to go back to square one, you have to stop and start again, usually because something isn't working as well as expected.

4 Journal #3 Song Journal Close your eyes and what do you imagine?
Close your eyes and what do you imagine? 1.Describe the scene that would accompany this piece of music. What is the tone? What emotions does this song make you feel(mood)?

5 Journal #4 What are 3 things you would like someone to notice about you? Explain your reasons.

6 Journal #5 What do you remember most about your first day in the United States?

7 Journal #6 If you could meet any rock or movie star, who would it be and why? Write at least three questions you would ask them .

8 Journal #7 Idioms Dressed to the nines
Definition: wearing very fashionable or expensive clothes

9 What is something or someone that inspires you, and why?
Journal #8 What is something or someone that inspires you, and why?

10 Journal #9 Everyone has a hard time doing some things. Describe something that is difficult for you to do, and explain what helps make the task easier.

11 Journal #10 Imagine that once a week at school you could choose anything you wanted to learn. What would you choose? Why?

12 How would you describe your worst day at school? What about your best?
Journal #11 How would you describe your worst day at school? What about your best?

13 Journal #12 Idioms to kill two birds with one stone
Definition:to manage to do two things at the same time instead of just one, because it is convenient to do both

14 Journal #13 Song Journal Close your eyes and what do you imagine?
Close your eyes and what do you imagine? 1.Describe the scene that would accompany this piece of music. What is the tone? What emotions does this song make you feel(mood)?

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