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MSDS VOL 6 Indicator 27 DHQ Hospital Mandi Bahauddin

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Presentation on theme: "MSDS VOL 6 Indicator 27 DHQ Hospital Mandi Bahauddin"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSDS VOL 6 Indicator 27 DHQ Hospital Mandi Bahauddin

2 Lab: indicator 1: Annual requirement of vial be calculated and procured along with 10 pc cushion

3 Lab/ MS office/ radiology: Indicator 1&8: A notification duly signed by MS that all essentially required tests concerning to field are supported by hospital/outsourced (PHC accredited if outsourced)

4 Lab and Radiology : Indicator 2&9: Human resource against each designation should be filled up from districts as per to your requirement and if resource not available then assure required trainings to staff And authorization to perform specific task

5 LAB: Indicator 3: Material safety data sheets

6 Lab: indicator 3: head cover, apron, tied shoes, goggles, PPE

7 Lab: Indicator 4: Record register + 1 month compliance report of lab tests being reported timely

8 Lab : indicator 6: External QA assessment to be carried out every three months
Note: printing of relevant register is in process. Shall be available within 24 hours. Practice of external QA assessment and maintenance of such data shall be ensured in future.

9 Radiology: Indicator 11: record register + 1 month compliance report
Not applicable Note: ultrasound and X-Rays are delivered on spot to all patients.

10 Emergency: Indicator 15: SOPs From consultants

11 Gynae: indicator 27: Gynae Qualification criteria and verification
Dr. Humeira Farukh Gynecologist posted at DHQ Hospital mandi Bahauddin has required qualification (MBBS, FCPS)

12 Gynae: Indicator 27 :Give a documented plan for trainings , their scheduling and conducting record with specialists involvement (CME program)

13 Gynae: indicator 27: policies to address high risk pregnancies

14 NICU: indicator 29: temperature and humidity control

15 CSSD/ NICU: Indicator 29 & 90: Air curtain availability on entrances of CSSD/NICU

16 Anesthesia: Indicator 39 : Patient transfer from recovery form

17 Anaesthesia: Indicator 39:Discharge from recovery/PACU: criteria for pt transfer, pt. transfer form, responsibility of qualified person, sop display who will transfer patient.

18 Surgery: indicator 50: SSIS committee

19 IMS: Indicator 144: MR# linking with lab and radiology

20 IMS: Indicator 144: new born infant finger print and foot print to confirm identification

21 IMS: Indicator 145: policy identifying authorization to make entries in medical record

22 IC: Washrooms: Indicator 88: Washroom cleaning checklist
Male ward Female ward

23 Coordinators for all manuals

24 Racks for manual

25 Ortho registers

26 Ortho Lab registers, Ortho Prosthesis, Registers

27 Ortho: History/ examination form

28 Orthopedic Patient History

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